Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2039: .Don't you do something?

Still sleeping so hard!

Is it too tired?

Ye Zhixia was uncomfortable being stared at by his eyes.

"You can't let me go!" She got up and went down first.

Feng Liting then came down.

The two entered the hotel.

The hotel manager who greeted them enthusiastically came up and took them to the room.

They lived in the hotel with the best view, the most romantic scene, and of course the most expensive room.

It has been carefully arranged inside.

Whether it is a bed full of roses or candles everywhere, it is not difficult to see that this is the handwriting of the mother-in-law.

The first thing Feng Liting did after entering was to turn on the lights and then call someone to come in and clean.

Ye Zhixia strolled around the room.

There is also an indoor private swimming pool in this room. Why, I want her to play with Feng Li Ting Yuanyang!

When I came to the dressing room, there were a lot of women's clothing and men's clothing hanging in it. At first glance, they were all her size... Her mother-in-law thought

It's so thoughtful!

Then he opened another drawer with underwear in it.

But it's all... thongs! ! !

She was dizzy suddenly, and the only relief was that her mother-in-law was not partial and only bought it for her and also for her son.

She picked up a pair of men's colored pants and imagined Feng Liting wearing this scene.


The picture is so beautiful that she dare not look at it!

"What are you doing here?" When Feng Liting saw her disappeared, he looked around for her. After looking around, she found that this girl was there.

In the dressing room.

Ye Zhixia covered her eyes, took the thong in her hand and handed it over, jokingly: "Feng Liting, this is you for you.

Bought panties, put them on after the shower! "


When Feng Liting saw the red, green and yellow thing, his face was comparable to the cold wind blowing from Siberia.

He took off the thong in her hand, threw it back in the drawer, and put an arm around her waist and pressed it to himself.

He whispered fiercely in his ear: "I think you still like it better if you don't wear it!"

Ye Zhixia stopped smiling, took her hand, and pushed him hard, "You stinks shameless!"

"You are a girl who is so bold and unrestrained, how can I be so restrained, don't you think?"

"Who is bold, this is what your mother prepared, not me!"

"Who is so excited watching here and smiling like an idiot?"

"Who is excited, I am...that is..."

"What is it, say ah—" He pressed her against the cabinet, pressing her waist and abdomen continuously.

Ye Zhixia felt a certain plump shape, her face rose to a tomato color, and she was a little nervous, "I will not follow

You play, you let go, I... I want to go outside! "

"Scared?" Feng Liting knew what she was thinking about, and squeezed her face, forcing her to look at him.

Ye Zhixia twisted, "I'm not afraid, I don't want to, I don't want to, if you mess with me, I will fight you hard!"

"Heh, it seems like you can beat me desperately!" Feng Liting sneered disdainfully.

Ye Zhixia pursed her lips, perhaps also realizing that she had no chance of winning, so she had no confidence to scream with him.

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Feng Liting saw that she was softened, and then let her go, "Give me peace of mind these few days, as long as I don’t cause trouble or mischief.

Chaos, don't do unnecessary things, you can go back to school in a few days. "

The last sentence made Ye Zhixia's heart bright, thinking about it, don't go to war with him these days.

"I'm going to take a bath and sleep, don't run around." Feng Liting dropped a sentence and walked out.

Ye Zhixia made a face at his background.

After Feng Liting came out, he opened the quilt and went to sleep. Ye Zhixia nestled in the autumn basket by the French window.

The sky slowly spit out.

She also fell asleep in a daze.

In the morning light, the two slept peacefully.


For the next three days, Feng Liting didn't take her out of the room at all, and even ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the room.

I don't know, I thought they were breaking down the difficult movements of "yoga" in the room day and night.

But what about the facts?

He doesn't hold a conference call, he reads documents and doesn't even play on his mobile phone.

Since her mobile phone was lost on the day of escape, she has not been equipped with a new mobile phone.

I was bored and wanted to grab my hair. She jumped in front of him in her pajamas and took pictures of his computer, "Feng Liting, you can either

I go out to play, or give me your mobile phone to play, or I will strip your clothes when you have a conference call! "

Feng Liting raised his eyes and looked at the angry girl in front of him, "Tank my clothes? What then?"

"Then let all your subordinates see the **** of their president!"

"What then? The clothes are all stripped, so don't you do anything?"



Ye Zhixia muttered in her heart.

He pulled her arm and pulled her to his lap. "Don't say that I, a husband, don’t give his wife an opportunity to act.

Yes, come, where do you want to start? "


She just threatened him verbally, how dare she really go stripping his clothes.

"Don't tell me you won't." Feng Liting took her hand and put it on his waistband, "It's okay, I will teach you!"

"Don't, don't you—" Ye Zhixia retracted her hand, begging for forgiveness, "Big brother, I just want to go out for a while, I didn't

Anything else! "

When Feng Liting saw that she was about to cry, he let her go, "Okay, I will take you out after I have handled the matter at hand."

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhixia rushed to the market to pick up a skirt.

Waiting for her to change clothes and wait for him to finish on the sofa. This sitting is a few hours.

Depend on his grandpa!

When he finally stood up, it was five o'clock in the afternoon!

I went to see the woolen scenery and endured the dissatisfaction. She comforted herself, it was better than not getting out.

So she took another 120,000 patience to wait for him to change his clothes.


Open air restaurant.

The atmosphere is very good.

Next to the canal, you can still hear the sound of playing the piano.

The darkening sky also brought the night scene to its most beautiful moment.

Ye Zhixia is probably really bored. She is as excited as if she never came out to play. In fact, she also goes on vacation every year.

She will go to different countries to play, and she is not a girl who has never seen the world.

"Feng Liting, let's go to the small alley over there in a while!"


"I want to hear something else, can I order a tune?"


"I want to go to Burano Island tomorrow."


"Shall we get a divorce, okay?"

Feng Liting looked up at her, coldly pouring out two words, "Dreaming!"

Ye Zhixia wrinkled her nose, thinking that he was looking at the menu, but she was absent-minded in reply, thinking that she was not careful at all.

They all said yes, so she tried it, but he was not fooled!


Eating perfect dishes, listening to the melodious violin, and strolling through the alley, she insisted on going to the last purpose


If he loses tens of millions, will he drive her back to her family in a rage!

Ye Zhixia thought happily.

When he arrived at the casino, Feng Liting went to change the chips.

Ye Zhixia snatched it over, came to a table and put them all down.

Feng Liting stood behind her, frowning.

Lower your head and whisper in her ear, "If you lose everything, I will sell you here."

"You won’t, you sold me, how can you talk to your father-in-law, your father-in-law, the mass media and the people who eat melons?

Generation! "Such words scared her.

"I didn't say I won't take you back. I sold you here for a few days... That's enough! I heard that they like your fine

The tender chick! "His chest is against her back, and the dangerous tone and evil voice are very contagious.

Ye Zhixia trembled in her heart.

"... Stop playing, stop playing, hate it!"

She took out the chips that had been put down, turned and stuffed it back into Feng Junye's hand.

Why can't you beat this guy!

She stamped her feet so furiously!

Feng Liting scratched her nose, "It's not easy to make money. Can you not squander it or not."

"Sniff! You just don't want to give me flowers! If you have no meat to eat, I want to divorce!"

"I want to eat meat, come, let you bite!" Feng Liting gave her his arm.

Ye Zhixia really opened her mouth unceremoniously.

But how could Feng Liting really bit her hand, and lightly closed it, and slapped her on the mouth lightly, "Go back

Later, I will take care of your biting habit. "

"Okay, hit me!" Ye Zhixia used the question, "I want to tell my parents-in-law!"

She turned her head and walked, ramming, and with a bang, she bumped into the beauties who were walking towards her.

Both fell to the ground.

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