Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2041: .It makes me sore

Ye Zhixia felt desperate in her heart!

Thinking about it, I would just open the window and jump into the water, although she can't swim!

It's a death anyway.

Now I really stepped on the lion's tail.

There was footsteps.

Getting closer.......

In the middle of her hair, she dipped a bit of saliva and wiped it on her eyes, and then squeezed her already painful butt.

Try to squeeze out some tears.

The curtains opened with a sound of "crash—".

Her expression instantly changed to a bitter look, and she was sobbing.

"Do you need me to give you a chance to explain?" Feng Liting looked at the little drama in front of him, sneer overflowing from his lips and teeth.

"Need!" Ye Zhixia nodded at the opportunity, and then took a deep breath, "How do you say it, maybe you don't believe it,"

I think for your sake. I think you like the girl just now. It’s every woman’s duty to make her husband happy.

Well, I just... I just... tell her, can you satisfy my husband’s commotion, she immediately agreed and said yes

Happy you! You see, this man loves concubine, I have no reason to stop it, right? "

"Well, a wife like you is really rare in the world, but I don't have to be so troublesome next time," Feng Liting removed her from the corner.

Luo Li grabbed it and pushed it onto the bed.

"No, listen to me--"

Ye Zhixia was about to get up, her waist was pressed on the soft mattress with a big palm, and her hand went directly into her clothes to wrap her.

The softness of the chest, knead the power.

"Ah--" She was ashamed and tight, beating his arm, "Don't be like this, it hurts!"

"Isn't it the duty of every woman to make her husband happy, or to satisfy me," Feng Liting pressed down.

I kissed her on her collarbone, "This honeymoon, I will have a good time from now on!"

Ye Zhixia panicked, "But...but I'm not the type you like. You like to have a big chest. My body is shriveled and hard.

Nothing works, don't just do it! "

"Who told you that I like big breasts!" Feng Liting stroked the soft and slippery body under him, breathing heavily, eyes

God is fiery.

"Don't touch it, don't touch it, I'm uncomfortable with you!" Ye Zhixia struggled, panicking no less than cheating on an exam.

"But I am comfortable!" Feng Liting curled his lips evilly.

"Feng Liting, you rascal, I won't do it, I want to get up, I refuse!" Ye Zhixia looked at him as if he was really moving, twisting all over his body.

Moved, struggling desperately, trying to escape from bed.

Feng Liting was planning to let go of this brazen stinky girl.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips, his tongue drove straight in, sucking on her small tongue that panicked.

"Mmm—" Such a real and strong kiss was the first time she had experienced it. She couldn't tell if she liked it or hated it, but

Feeling that the sky is spinning, I can hardly breathe.

He tore off her clothes when she was so weak and unable to resist being kissed.

Her figure is an unusually slender girl, and the whole body is pink and tender, which makes a man feel strong


In the dimly lit room, he separated her legs like a wolf.

"Ah-, pain-" followed by a fierce scream.

Those who didn't know thought he broke again.

Feng Liting's face was sullen, because he hadn't done anything at all.

But she called so lifelike, he had to stop, "What are you calling?"

"My **** hurts!" Ye Zhixia said with a twisted face.

"How can the **** hurt?"

"Of course it's because of you. You are too rough to be lighter? You hurt me so much!"

"... Ye Zhixia, I haven't done anything to you yet, I overplayed it!" Feng Liting sneered.

"So hard, you actually said that you didn't do anything to me." Ye Zhixia was speechless, he broke her legs like corn.

The muscle that caused her fall was affected.

She almost shed tears in pain!

This man would not pity Xiangxiyu too!

Feng Liting believed that she was acting, and her strong waist pressed forward, "Have I tried hard? Then you can tell me, I

How do you use force, is it true?"

The heat slammed against her body.

So hot!

Ye Zhixia stiffened.

Although she has never had a boyfriend, except for that night, she has never experienced anything between men and women, but this does not mean that she has everything

I do not know!

At least, she has taken physiology class.

A picture of the man's body structure appeared in his mind, his small face suddenly turned white, and then a burst of redness!

"Yes... Have something to say!" The little hand pushed his waist, his momentum was obviously weakened.

"I'm waiting for you to say it!" Seeing that she was scared, Feng Liting smiled satisfied, but didn't mean to let her go.

The waist stretched forward again.

"Ah..." Ye Zhixia screamed in shock, twisting her waist, hitting him randomly with her hands, her legs desperately backward

Dang, "No, no, help, you rapist—"


The rapist!

These three words made Feng Liting's handsome face black.

Suppressing the **** that was rubbed by her, he told her to throw her aside, "Get out of here, you better stop tonight

Appear in front of me! "

The tone is low and solemn!

Ye Zhixia hurriedly ran out of bed, too late to think about it, and ran out the door while pulling her clothes.

Outside the door, is an empty corridor.

After she went out, the door behind her closed automatically.

Standing outside the door, she was gasping for breath, her heart beating very fast, and her legs trembling uncontrollably.

Stepping back towards the wall, bending over, she propped her thigh with her hands and sat down against the wall.

After sitting for a long time, my heart gradually calmed down, and finally realized one thing, that is-she was driven out!

Is she going to sleep in the corridor today?

Looking to the left and right, she felt distressed.

But even if he opened the door and let him in, she wouldn't dare to enter. God knows, will he have a beast in the middle of the night?


After sitting for a while, she got up and went to the lobby of the hotel to find a sofa to sleep in the lounge area.


in the morning.

Ye Zhixia woke up to the sound of people coming and going.

Seeing the two handsome foreign guys passing in front of her and laughing at her, she was wary of her extreme sleeping posture

It's... bold and unrestrained, it can be described as divergent.

What a shame!

Embarrassingly lifted her leg from the back of the sofa, she tidyed up the skirt on her body, got up and ran away quickly.

After going to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, she thought about it, but only went back to the room.

Her passport was also in his hand, she thought it would be impossible to leave.

When she came to the room, she rang the doorbell.

About five minutes later, the door opened, and Feng Liting was wearing a black nightgown, with a cold look like a king.

He glanced at her coldly, then turned around and went in.

What drag!

Ye Zhixia rolled her eyes unhappy.

She, the person who had been driven out all night, didn't even shake his face, but he was arrogant.

They entered the room one after another.

Feng Liting walked to the table to pour water, Ye Zhixia stood behind him and volleyed a few punches at his back.

Suddenly, he turned around.

The fist that was thrown out did not stop, and slammed into his chest.


Ye Zhixia took a breath.

He... why did he turn around

Feng Liting looked down at the small pink fist on his chest, his expression still as cold as a freezer.

The atmosphere is weird.

\"Hehe, chest muscle training is good," Ye Zhixia patted his chest with a smile, pretending to be natural and said:

Keep it up! "

Saying, take your hand, turn around and leave.

Feng Li Tingling held her collar and dragged her back.

Turn over her

Covering her chest with a big palm, she also patted, several times, "Your pectoral muscles-too flat!"

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