Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2046: Coax husband

"Where are you now?" Feng Liting's voice was calm, even softer than usual.

This made Ye Zhixia even more scared and wanted to cry, "I...I'm in the library!\"

Ye Zhixia's voice was full of crying: "What to do?"

Feng Liting sneered, "You have the face to cry and do such embarrassing things, why don't you cry?"

Ye Zhixia's palm was full of sweat: "Are you sure you want to talk to me on the phone now that your fault is my fault?"

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Liting smiled suddenly: "That's right, I'm wrong."


"I was so wrong that as a husband, I didn't meet the needs of my wife, leaving you empty and lonely, and hooking up with men outside."

Ye Zhixia's face flushed red, and she was going crazy after such a crime was suppressed.

", you, you, don't talk nonsense! You know that between the two of us... is fake."

"Oh?" Feng Liting teased: "Then you talk, is our wedding fake, or the marriage certificate is fake?

Yes, or... is the truth of the husband and wife false? "

Ye Zhixia was completely convinced.

Yes, she had a bad brain to quarrel with such a man with a poisonous tongue and a black belly.

Isn't it just looking for qisheng?

Ye Zhixia suppressed her voice, holding back her anger, "Feng Liting, if you talk nonsense with me, the reporter will take me

Surrounded. "

Feng Liting threw two words coldly.


Then, the phone hung up.

Ye Zhixia's chest hurts.

What tugging, bastard.

After a while, Ye Zhixia heard the outside voice gradually decrease.

She secretly covered her face with a book, tiptoedly moved to the window, and secretly looked outside——

The reporters gathered one after another dispersed.

Although there were still a small number of people blocking the door, they didn't mean to come in either.

What's going on?

Ye Zhixia was wondering. He only felt that the footsteps behind him were approaching, and an arm directly encircled her waist from behind.


Ye Zhixia screamed subconsciously, but the person directly covered her mouth.

"Do you want to draw everyone here? Idiot woman."

Ye Zhixia looked at Feng Liting in shock.

He was dressed in a blue suit, tall and handsome, with sharp features and sharp features. He hooked her waist with one hand and paid back.

Covering her mouth.

Full of pressure, Ye Zhixia felt it was difficult to breathe.

Ye Zhixia doesn’t like this feeling of being mastered by others, especially the man’s aura is too strong

Now, she frowned and kicked Feng Li Ting with her foot uncomfortably.


Let go, bastard!

Feng Liting finally released his hand.

Ye Zhixia straightened her hair, then bowed her head to break the hand on her waist.


Feng Liting seemed to be throwing a gangster: "What if I don't let it go? Husband can't be in close contact with his wife? Which policy?"

Ye Zhixia would not admit defeat: "Then we have to divide the occasion and location? This is the library, the palace of knowledge.

Holy treasure! You hug and hug, so out of style, be careful of God. "

As soon as Feng Li Ting's arm was closed, Ye Zhixia's huge male power made Ye Zhixia completely unable to parry, and instantly rushed into Feng Li Ting’s.


The man chuckled slightly in her ear, weirdly, "I'm sorry, I am materialistic, feudal and superstitious.

West never scared me. "


Feng Liting raised his eyes and glanced at the bookshelves around the bookshelves and the stacks of books, his eyes were deep and he didn't play at all.

The meaning of laugh.

"Even if it's a library, if I see this is not pleasing to the eye, I can directly ask someone to tear it down. What a big deal."

Ye Zhixia got stuck in her throat in surprise.

It took a long time to breathe.

"Feng Shao is really amazing, admire and admire him, anyway, you don't like me, why don't you send me too?"

Feng Liting's eyebrows tucked away, and soon let go. His slender fingers pinched Ye Zhixia's beautiful chin, and the corners of his lips

Gou: "That's really embarrassing, I find now that you are actually so pleasing to the eye."

"What, what?"

Ye Zhixia's eyes rounded.

"Don't get excited, it's a lot less pleasing to the eye, you continue to cheer."

Ye Zhixia: "..."

Add your sister's oil!

Ye Zhixia kept rolling her eyes.

Feng Liting sneered, and finally loosened her waist, took off her suit jacket, and put a cover on Ye Zhixia's head.

Ye Zhixia's eyes turned black, and angrily pulled her clothes off her head: "What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid you will have no face to go out to meet people and block you."

Ye Zhixia froze in an instant, like a balloon, putting her clothes on her head.

Feng Liting took her hand and led her into the car quickly through the back door of the library.

When going down the stairs, Feng Liting deliberately slowed down a lot.

Ye Zhixia heard him laugh very low and low.

"Why are you laughing?"

Feng Liting said, "Huh?" He explained to her happily, "It's nothing, just don't think we look like ancient

Marry me? The bride wears a red hijab..."

Ye Zhixia became excited and coughed violently.

Feng Liting stretched out his hand and patted her back, his mouth kept on saying, "What do you think you are shy?"

"You are shy!"

Ye Zhixia didn't care whether the reporter could photograph her, grabbed the clothes on his head and threw it on Feng Liting's face.

The wooden buttons of the suit were thrown on Feng Liting's face.

There was a bright red mark on the fair skin instantly.

Feng Liting's face turned cold, and he stared at Ye Zhixia in a chilly manner, his deep pupils covered with a thin layer of ice.

Ye Zhixia's shoulders trembled, knowing that something was wrong, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, it's not the reason..."

Feng Liting turned his head and left directly.

Ye Zhixia was left where she was alone, and her face was pale. Seeing that Feng Liting had gotten in the car, she drove all the way and left.


Neither of them spoke any more along the way.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit solemn, and the air seemed to freeze.

Ye Zhixia sat next to Feng Liting, awkward, neither loosening her hands nor clenching them tightly.

Not comfortable.

Soon, the car drove back to Feng's house.

Feng Liting didn't get out of the car, but turned his head and glanced at Ye Zhixia next to him, his eyes clearly a little ill-intentioned.

"Everyone knows what you did."


Ye Zhixia froze.

What do you mean by know?

"It's my dad, my mom, and your dad and your mom know what you did out there."

Ye Zhixia panicked, her face was sullen for an instant, "Huh? I just ate a meal with your nephew, so I don’t need to be so excited.

Move the crowd..."

Feng Liting snorted coldly.

Ye Zhixia was scared, and Lai refused to get out of the car. He wrinkled his brows, and his voice softened a bit. He gently grabbed Feng Liting.

Tucked twice on his sleeve: "That, husband..."

Feng Liting squeezed her soft face with a smile, and said in a kind tone, "It's useless to call Dad. Ask yourself for more blessings."

Ye Zhixia opened her teary eyes, just watching Feng Liting walk away step by step.

I'm going, is this person a bit human?

As the saying goes, it's a good thing for couples a day!

This is not a big problem, why did they fly separately?

Sure enough, he is an unreliable guy, this marriage will be separated sooner or later.

Ye Zhixia lingered and refused to enter the villa, but the housekeeper came out to ask.

"My grandma, the master and madam are calling you in."

Ye Zhixia's eyes turned black and her legs were soft. Under the eyes of the housekeeper, she couldn't run away, she could only be embarrassed and difficult.

Smiled, bit the bullet and went in.

There are quite a lot of people in the living room.

Feng Bonian sat in the seat of the Patriarch, with Lu Yunshang beside her, not only her father-in-law, Ye Zhixia's father

Mother is there.

Ye Renguo and Su Xiangya's expressions were not very good, especially Ye Renguo, the expression on Ye Zhixia's expression became even more gloomy.

Ye Zhixia's heart trembled after taking a step.

Looking at Feng Liting again, he sat down on the sofa faintly, picked up a magazine, and read it calmly.

Ye Zhixia swallowed: "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

"Do you still know to come back?"

Ye Renguo stood up immediately, and slapped Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia didn't expect to be so suddenly slapped, her face was numb at first, and then it was hot and painful.

A **** breath came up in his throat.

Ye Zhixia's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Feng Liting was also stunned, frowning.

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