Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2048: .Big Beauty Pear Flower with Rain


Today is Ye Zhixia's first time to seal the company.

Although she knows that Feng's family is big, but when she sees the magnificent office building, she still can't help but sigh with emotion.

It just didn't take long to sigh, and a slap slapped her on the head.

"At any rate, it is the wife of the president whom I am marrying. Can she behave like Grandma Liu's entry into the Grand View Garden? Shame."

After speaking, the whole person walked past Ye Zhixia lightly.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly followed up: "Don't talk nonsense about it, my company is no worse than yours."

"Yes, otherwise your family wouldn't just want you to marry me." Feng Liting said indifferently. Said this again

Question, Ye Zhixia narrowed her mouth and stopped continuing this topic. But when she came to Fengshi for the first time, she couldn’t help being curious.

Look at the probe. A slender figure quickly flashed past her and rushed in front of Feng Liting. "President Feng,

I have been waiting for you for a long time, but someone from your company said that you can't see you directly without an appointment. "A Chanel dressed up, face

The appearance was quite delicate, stepping on high heels to block Feng Liting's. Feng Liting raised his brows, a pair of ice

Han's eyes looked at her directly: "Who are you?" The other party was obviously taken aback, then chuckled lightly and moved his long hair: "I

It's the actor who is warm, Mr. Feng, meeting for the first time, hello. "Speaking, stretched out his hand. Feng Liting just looked down

She glanced at her hand: "I don't know, go away." Feng Liting didn't give any face, and walked away. Warm follow

Behind him, regardless of his posture, he eagerly said his request: "President Feng, I'm here to cooperate.

Knowing that Feng's subordinate has an excellent entertainment branch, I want to follow Feng's president..." Feng Liting stopped abruptly

Step, the warmth also stopped, and the corners of his mouth curled up. It seems that he is not as difficult as the outside world said. I saw Feng Li

Ting didn't even look at her, and walked straight to Ye Zhixia who was still in a daze, dragged her forward. Warmth is there

Standing in front, looking at Ye Zhixia in surprise: "President Feng, this is..." Ye Zhixia has been quietly since the beginning.

Look at the warmth. Although warmth is not a big star in the first and second lines, the third and fourth lines can still be regarded as beautiful and long.

Legs and waist. Ye Zhixia wandered to Feng Liting with a pair of smart eyes. I don’t know if such a female celebrity is compatible.

Is it to his taste? His head was knocked again, and when he looked up, he saw Feng Liting's gloomy face: "Your little brain

What unhealthy things are the bag melon thinking about? "I don't have any, I'm just... thinking about this warm and beautiful man

Quality, if it really belongs to Fengshi Entertainment, it will definitely be a big hit. "
"So? "Feng Liting see

With her serious nonsense, there are not a few popular celebrities in the first-line entertainment companies under her, no need

Waste resources and time for such a star. "So I think you see, Miss Warmth found it so sincerely

Door, should we help others? "Ye Zhixia continued to suggest lifelessly, with excitement in her eyes

Yu Yanbiao. Feng Liting finds her more and more interesting. Everyone is guarding her husband for fear of her husband being infected.

To what star. She's so good. The woman who gave away the casino to give away the female star is really not one or two.

point. "The words are right." Feng Liting's style changed, making the faces of both people present a joy. Feng Liting

Looking at Warmth, he said: "Miss Warmth, right? If you are interested in discussing cooperation, you should go to our entertainment company to find the relevant department.

Communicate with me instead of blocking in my company like a paparazzi. "

Warm and anxious, there is still something to say.

Feng Liting had already lifted his foot and walked past her.

He glanced at Feng Li Ting warmly and unwillingly, lowered his head, looking quite depressed.

Ye Zhixia has always had an indescribable affection for beautiful women. Seeing this little star's dejected appearance, she couldn't help but walk up to her.

By his side, he pressed his voice and said: "Don't worry about it, I'll help you to talk about it, in case he agrees."

Warmly startled, he was suspicious: "Can you really help me?"

"Try it."

Staring at Ye Zhixia warmly and strangely: "Who are you really?"

Said it was a friend...

How could Feng Liting be friends with a little girl?

Ye Zhixia's mind turned around and said nonsense: "In fact, he is my eldest brother since I was a kid. The relationship between our two families is very good."

Warm believed her explanation: "Can you really help me?"

"Let me try, after all, you also know the temper of Feng Liting..."

Ye Zhixia took out her mobile phone, clicked on the QR code of WeChat, "In this way, you leave a contact information for

I. This matter is covered by me. "

Warmth quickly added Ye Zhixia's friend.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't rush to thank me, it's not done yet."

Warm and embarrassed smile, "I would like to thank you even if it didn’t happen... You don’t know, I didn’t remember

King, how difficult is it in the entertainment industry..."

Warmth said, eyes were red.

"My agent hinted that I would go to unspoken rules, go to bed with the directors and producers... I don't want to..." Warm sigh

Qi: "So I can't get good resources, but I'm so unwilling, I want to try my luck with Feng Liting."

Warming a big beauty, crying with pears and rain, Ye Zhixia only felt that her heart was about to melt with it.

"Don't cry, don't worry, I will help you succeed in this matter."

"Then how can I thank you..."

"Um..." Ye Zhixia thought about it: "Why don't you take me to join the entertainment industry. Actually, I have liked acting since I was a kid."

Warmly glanced at Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia was embarrassed and uneasy: "Why, am I not good-looking?"

Warmth widened his eyes, "God! You don't look good, then there is really no beauty in this world!"

Ye Zhixia blushed and smiled embarrassedly, "Then, let's just say that, you go back and wait for my news first."

Warm and thankful left.

Ye Zhixia then walked to the elevator.

Who knows, as soon as he arrived at the elevator door, he was stopped by a security guard.

"Miss. You can't take this elevator."

Ye Zhixia wondered, why can't she sit?

Didn't Feng Li Ting go up in this elevator just now? She saw it with her own eyes!

Is this elevator diamond-studded or gilded?

The security guard patiently explained: "This is the elevator for the president. If you want to go upstairs, miss, there are ordinary

The elevator can ride,"

Ye Zhixia knew it.

The president's elevator, it is really diamond-studded.

Ye Zhixia did not explain her identity to the security guard.

She married Feng Liting. Although it was public, Feng’s family did not disclose her appearance, plus the previous two days’

Feng Liting deleted all her photos from the Internet, and it is estimated that no one will recognize her.

That's okay, when the time comes to divorce Feng Liting, and the two will be separated, it will not affect her future life.

After Ye Zhixia figured it out, she turned her head around to the ordinary elevator on the other side.

The president's office is on the eighth floor.

There are no other people’s offices on this floor, and the secretary’s working area is once the elevator comes out.

The two secretaries with good figures and faces looked at Ye Zhixia one after another.

"Hello, lady, do you have anything to do?"

Ye Zhixia was not sure whether Feng Liting was here, and she smiled and walked over: "Excuse me, Feng Li...then

Yes, is Mr. Feng here? "

The big secretary Jiang Yuan asked politely: "Who are you? Do you have an appointment with the president?"

The lady boss comes from a company, why do you have to make an appointment... Ye Zhixia shook her head: "No."

Jiang Yuan looked a little embarrassed, "Then we can't let you go in and find the president."

"That won't work." Ye Zhixia retorted, thinking that Feng Liting brought her here. If she didn't go in, she would leave. He looked back.

If I don't get to myself, I will find myself again when I go home.

"Miss, I'm really sorry, if you must see our president, you have to make an appointment first." Jiang Yuan stood in front of her.

Before, she refused to let her take a step forward.

"Here is another one who doesn't know the sky is high and the earth is thick." A sarcasm voice, with a contemptuous tone, the other dressed

The woman in black professional attire came over.

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