Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2056: .Love to go or not


Ye Zhixia took a taxi and went to Fengshi. After the previous lesson, she first called Feng Liting's cell phone, but no one answered.

I made the elevator and went up, only the secretary Jiang Yuan from the last time was there. She was a little surprised when she saw her, and then she was well cultivated.

He smiled and walked over: "Hello miss, can you find Mr. Feng?"

"Yes, I just called him and he didn't answer it." Ye Zhixia wanted to express that she actually wanted to make an appointment, but didn't make an appointment.

Jiang Yuan was secretly surprised that the girl even had Mr. Feng’s private number: "President Feng is in a meeting, open

The phone was silent during the meeting, so you might not hear him. If you want to see him, you may have to wait a bit. "

"How long do you have to wait?" Ye Zhixia asked.

Jiang Yuan shook her head: "It depends on the report of the meeting. Once the planning department was dissatisfied with the project case.

Just let the planning department revise it in the conference room, and when will the revision be completed? "

"Is he so fierce?" Ye Zhixia thought to herself, really abnormal.

"Why don't you come to the living room and wait, but there is a guest waiting, don't you mind having another guest

Shall we wait together? "Jiang Yuan asked cautiously, as if she was afraid of something.

Ye Zhixia shook her head: "Don't mind." Feng Liting is so busy, it's normal for someone to wait for him, but she just came over

Ask him if he is free to go home for a meal with himself.

Jiang Yuan nodded clearly and led her to the living room.

In the living room, an exquisite woman was sitting in it, looking through documents or something, and she was very alert when she saw someone coming in.

Close the file.

Looking at Ye Zhixia with a bad look, and after scanning Ye Zhixia from top to bottom, the spearhead was directed at Jiang Yuan:

"What's the matter? Didn't I say that I was waiting here? Why did you bring people in?"

"Miss Liu, I'm sorry, this young lady is also the one who has to wait for General Feng." Jiang Yuan was very polite to her.

Ye Zhixia looked at the woman sitting on the sofa, very intellectual and capable, wearing a tall suit with a sharp face.

"I'll just sit here and wait, and I won't delay you." Ye Zhixia politely said, and she picked one as the other party was sitting on the sofa.

Sitting on a bench, a well water does not look like a river.

But she wanted to calm down, but the other party didn't want to say, "I'm looking at an important document. You have to wait, please go out."

Ye Zhixia looked dumbfounded, is there still such a rule now: "Why do I go out and wait instead of you?"

The other party laughed mockingly: "Do you know who I am? Liu Fuya, the daughter of the Liu family, is me. Can you and

Do i compare? "

Liu's consortium? Somewhat familiar.

Huh? Isn't it the Liu consortium who wanted to marry Feng Clan but was rejected? So this woman is

Liu Fuya, who almost became Feng Liting's wife?

Is this world too small? She actually met the woman who almost became his wife in Feng Liting's company meeting room?

What is this? The current and predecessor's war?

"Why don't you speak anymore? I was scared? Now that I know who I am, I don't want to go out yet?" Liu Fuya stood tall.

The way it looks on, I almost use my nostrils to see people.

"No, you should be out."

Liu Fuya was obviously taken aback: "What did you say?"

"I said, it should be you going out." Ye Zhixia categorically.

Liu Fuya only found it funny: "I heard that Feng Liting fired a female secretary some time ago because of a woman.

Is it you? Little girl, don't forget who you are based on your own beauty. "

"Yes, Miss Liu, but you can't rely on your identity to forget that you have no beauty."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help laughing while listening to her.

This is tantamount to rubbing Liu Fuya's face on the ground. She suddenly stood up from the sofa and stared at Ye Zhixia.

Chai was so embarrassed and furious: "Get out quickly, or I will ask you to settle accounts if my top-secret document is leaked."

"If you know it is a top-secret document, put it away. The cubicle of the women's toilet is very safe. I suggest you go there to see it." Somehow

Well, obviously she and the Liu Fuya in front of her did not have any deep hatred, but when she learned that the other party was Feng Liting almost

The anger in the hearts of the wives of corporate marriages seems to have been soaring.

The two were at war, Jiang Yuan didn't know which side to stop, but fortunately Liu Chengyang came at this time.

Liu Chengyang first saw Liu Fuya and greeted him: "Miss Liu, I have already told Feng Zong. He finished the meeting.

See you right away. "

Finally, someone who knew how to measure came, Liu Fuya gave a nasal hmm, lifted her chin, and pointed to Ye Zhixia’s direction.

Xiang: "Assistant Liu just happened to be here. There is a little girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky. Please also ask you to please go out."

Liu Chengyang turned around to see Ye Zhixia, and said in surprise: "Madam? Why are you here? Why didn't you say anything before you came.

sound? I'll send a car to pick you up. "The look of his enthusiastic doglegs is many times more than not knowing the truth about Liu Fuya.

Ye Zhixia was flattered: "I called him and he didn't answer, so I wanted to come up to him."

"Then what's the matter with you? I will take you to see Mr. Feng now, right?"

"No need, no need, no big deal, my mother asked me to call him back to have a meal, business matters."

"Are you Feng Li Ting's wife?" Liu Fuya's face turned green at the moment. This woman turned out to be Feng Li Ting's wife.

The family refused to marry with the Liu consortium and chose such a woman to be the mistress of the family.

How can this woman compare to her?

Liu Chengyang glanced at Liu Fuya and said to Ye Zhixia: "I will take you to Feng's office and wait."

Ye Zhixia didn't want to stay here and sit with Liu Fuya, so he nodded, "Okay."

Liu Fuya watched Ye Zhixia being taken to Feng Liting's office by Liu Chengyang.

But she didn't even have the qualifications to go to the office to wait for Li Ting.


After Liu Chengyang sent Ye Zhixia to the office, he said that he was going to inform Mr. Feng and left.

Ye Zhixia took a closer look. Although it was not the first time to come to his office, she was under his nose.

He didn't even dare to move his eyeballs, no one had seen it so swaggeringly.

Behind Feng Liting's desk is a bookcase that occupies a whole wall, containing books and documents.

She picked a magazine, which was a financial magazine.

Sure enough, he was as boring as he was on the surface, only reading financial magazines, not looking at any male costumes.

Fashion magazine or something.

It was full of business lessons. After reading two pages, she started to have a headache and put it on the coffee table.

I also took a foreign original English masterpiece to read.

Before it was taken down, the door of the office heard the sound of being opened.

She was embarrassed for a moment not knowing whether to plug it back or take it in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Feng Liting came in and saw her standing in front of the bookcase, her back facing him, not knowing what she was doing.

Ye Zhixia stuffed the book back, turned her head, and shrugged: "It's nothing, just look at the books on your shelf."

Feng Liting saw which one she had just taken: "Do you understand?"

"Who do you despise?" Ye Zhixia was too lazy to talk to him.

Feng Liting took off his suit jacket. When he was on the sofa, he saw the financial magazine on the coffee table. He picked it up and flipped through it twice.

Down: "Do you understand this?"

"can not read it."

She clearly saw Feng Liting's mouth twitching.

She felt that staying any longer would be humiliating for herself, and asked straightforwardly: "My mother called and asked me to ask if you are free today

Go to my house for a meal. "

"So?" Feng Liting raised an eyebrow.

"Are you free?"

"Are you begging me?"

Feng Liting suddenly approached her, bringing the strong male aura of a man to her face, especially in the small space between her.

Because of the intensity, Ye Zhixia couldn't help blushing, and withdrew back and said: "If you don't have time, just forget it, why should I beg you,

Love to go or not. "

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