Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2070: .Show a love

Ye Zhixia only felt that Feng Liting was like a dangerous bomb now, which could explode at any time.

Staying with him for an extra second will put his life in danger.

So when Feng Liting had just left, Ye Zhixia also got up, locked the door, changed his clothes, and led Xiaopi.

The bag also slipped away.

After being a monk, she called Warmth.

Warmth happened to have no announcement today, and soon came out to meet Ye Zhixia.

Two people ate at the barbecue shop.

When Ye Zhixia thought of what Feng Li Ting did to her today, she was frustrated, relying on her being a man and her strength.

Big, just take advantage of her.

It was said at the beginning that the well water does not violate the river water, and once three years arrive, will they part ways?

Ye Zhixia angrily took the beef in the bowl as Li Ting, and poked fiercely with his chopsticks.

I poke holes one by one, and then I feel relieved.

Warmth snatched her bowl, helplessly: "Zhixia, are you in a bad mood?"

Ye Zhixia is not only in a bad mood, she is now frantically trying to kill.

His head hit the table heavily, and he sighed.


The warmth was startled, and he sat down from the opposite side busy, helpless, and cautiously asked: "Are you?

Have a fight with your husband? "

Ye Zhixia hurriedly raised her head, pressed her fingers on her lips, and said "Shhh", "Don't tell me outside

Already married..."

Warmth does not understand: "Huh?"

Ye Zhixia sighed: "Actually, he and I were only married by contract. After three years, we will get divorced. I am afraid that then

There is trouble, it's not clear, so you must not tell outside that I have a relationship with Feng Liting. "

Warmth widened his eyes, "It turns out that you rich and nobles really have a business marriage. I thought it was all in the novel.

It's written. "

"Of course it is true." Ye Zhixia grabbed the warmth and pours bitterness: "Don't look at Feng Li Ting who is like a dog outside.

So, well-dressed, in fact, behind the scenes is a selfish, bossy, domineering, unreasonable, and small pesky. "

Ye Zhixia hugged her head and sighed sadly, "Every time I stay with him for an extra second, I feel my brain

A hundred cells die, I really can't imagine, I will be with him for three years! "

Ye Zhixia suddenly grabbed her warm hand, "Do you think I will be tortured to death by him!"

Ye Zhixia and Feng Liting’s matter, warm as an outsider, I don’t know too much, so I can only comfort her: "Okay, no

It's just three years, and it's fast. And since you and him are married by contract, then you can also like others

Well, right? "

She laughed: "If he is really difficult to deal with, then you should try not to interact with him.

Can teach you a few tricks. "

Ye Zhixia came interested: "You teach me?"

"Yeah, how can I say I am also a professional actor."

Pat yourself on the chest warmly: "Don't worry, it's okay to leave it to me."

After eating, the two went to a nearby shopping mall.

Along the way, warmth is teaching Ye Zhixia the basic qualities of an actor, and Ye Zhixia nods frequently, all in mind

Inside, and then returned home with a stomach of ink.

Feng Liting came back after 7 o’clock in the evening, and heard the door opening, Ye Zhixia sprinted off the sofa quickly like a cheetah.

When he got up, he rushed to the door faster than the servant at home and opened the door.

"Husband, you are back! You worked hard! Give me the clothes!"

Ye Zhixia raised a smile, and enthusiastically carried Feng Liting's suit jacket on her arms.

Feng Liting endured it for a long time, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He glanced at Ye Zhixia coldly, raising his foot into the house without saying anything.

Pulling off his tie, and just sitting down on the sofa, Ye Zhixia "swish—" again, took a glass of water and handed it to Feng Liting's hand.

Side: "Husband, drink water!"

Feng Liting's eyes sank again, his shoulders stiffened, and then he slowly reached out to take the water glass.

Ye Zhixia opened her bright eyes and looked at him eagerly.

Feng Liting only felt that his back was cold, "Have you gotten arsenic in the water?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia was anxious, "husband, what are you kidding? How could I..."

"Heh." Feng Liting sneered: "Then what's your nerve?"

Ye Zhixia snatched the water cup, raised her head and took a big sip, and smiled: "Look, I really didn't poison it."

She tucked the quilt back, "Drink."

Feng Liting threw the water cup on the side table, and got up in disgust: "Dirty."

Ye Zhixia almost didn't scold him.


Where is she dirty?

Why is it not dirty when you kiss her?

What's wrong with it!

Ye Zhixia kept breathing deeply and forcibly suppressed the raging fire in her heart.

He forced a smile: "Husband, do you want to take a bath or eat first? I have already

Put it away for you, a very comfortable temperature..."

Feng Liting stretched out his hand, and his broad, cool fingers gently pressed Ye Zhixia's forehead.

Yunye Zhixia froze: "You...what are you doing?"

Feng Liting frowned, slowly withdrew his hand, and sneered coldly: "I don't have a fever, then why is my brain broken?"


Ye Zhixia is really going to jump up right now. Why should he be a virtuous wife, be kind and safe, go to his uncle.

"Feng Liting, I have learned to be a good wife, are you still not satisfied?"

The corner of Feng Liting's lips clicked: "You don't need to learn how to be a wife, anyway, we are fake, we will be separated after three years.

In the past three years, you just have to be your wife Feng honestly, don’t cause me trouble outside, I’ll thank you

Thank God. "

After speaking, Feng Li Ting turned upstairs.

Seeing his back disappear on the stairs, Ye Zhixia sat down angrily, "A good intention is not rewarded! I will marry me with you.

It's really **** mold for eight lifetimes. "

Ye Zhixia called Warmth on a computer and told her that the battle had failed.

Warm was very surprised on the phone: "This Feng Liting is really a big rock."

"He is not only a stone, but the kind in the pit, smelly and hard."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Ye Zhixia rolled around on the bed and sighed long, "Forget it, since he wants me to be a good wife, then I

Just chant, it's only three years anyway. "

After three years, she and Feng Liting separated, and she settled accounts with Feng Liting.

Now, bear it!

Early the next morning, Ye Zhixia carried her bag and planned to meet Warmth.

Feng Liting was reading the newspaper in the living room without raising his eyelids. "Where are you going?"

"Go to school." Ye Zhixia smiled, "Why, should you send someone to follow Feng Shao?"

Feng Liting sneered: "I won't waste time and energy on unimportant people and things."

"Yes, yes, then I, an unimportant person, will leave now, bye."

Ye Zhixia ran away without looking back.

Feng Liting looked up, but only saw a corner of the woman's dress, and the corner of his lips was hooked.

The housekeeper brought Feng Liting a cup of coffee: "Master looks very good today."

Feng Liting was taken aback: "What?"

The butler laughed: "You rarely see you smile so happily, Master."

Feng Liting's expression changed, and his expression became cold. "Nothing."


Ye Zhixia said that going to school was naturally false.

She left home and directly took a taxi to meet with Warmth.

Warmth has not signed any company yet, Ye Zhixia was cast a psychological shadow by her former agent, neither

I want to let Warmth sign another company.

She secretly contacted an office building and used her private money to rent an office space of 30 square meters.

Her studio was officially established.

The name used is her and warm, called "Zhi Nuan Studio".

Two people packed things in a small office room, added a sofa and coffee table, bought a new desk, one afternoon,

At last it looks a bit visible.

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