Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2091: . Call it out if it hurts

"Call it out when it hurts, and I won't laugh at you."

Ye Zhixia shook her head, not believing: "You are usually poisonous enough. You always like to suppress me. I can only say what you say.

I don't believe it. "

Feng Liting's hand movement was slightly startled, and he was silent for a long time before sighing slightly: "Really not."

Ye Zhixia gritted her teeth, but made no sound.

Feng Liting could only say: "Also, if you encounter this matter in the future, don't rush to it by yourself, you

If you really want to be kind, just call me. Husband is for use, don’t you know the truth? "

"We are fake." Ye Zhixia reminded him.

Feng Liting closed the potion bottle in his hand and raised his head coldly to correct: "The feelings are fake, but the relationship is true.

I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities that I should perform during the contractual marriage. You don't have to pick me so clean. "

Ye Zhixia was confused by what he said.

What does Feng Liting... mean?

"You don’t want to run around in the last few days, just because the crew is finished, you don’t have to go out, just rest at home

Right. Don't touch the wound. "

"Thank you." Ye Zhixia thanked him embarrassedly, then leaned on the bed to get up.

"What are you doing?" Feng Liting was dissatisfied, "Didn't you all tell you not to run around? The legs are like this, and you are not honest?"

Ye Zhixia was embarrassed, "I'm going to take a bath... the alcohol smells bad..."

Feng Liting was silent for a while, then said unnaturally: "In fact, it doesn't smell that bad. If you are not afraid of pain

If you die, just go and wash. "

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale.

Feng Liting put down the things in his hand, turned around and went to the bathroom. Ye Zhixia looked at him suspiciously and heard a sound in the bathroom.

There was a sound of water, and then soon Feng Liting walked out again.

He hugged Ye Zhixia again, walked around and walked into the bathroom, and then gently placed Ye Zhixia on the side of the bathtub.

On a small stool.

"I put water for you. This is a towel." Feng Li Tingsai gave her a bunch of things. "You can wash it yourself with a towel."

Ye Zhixia didn't expect this man to be so careful, and blushed and said "Thank you."

Feng Liting went out, and thoughtfully closed the door for Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia took off her clothes and cleaned her body with a towel little by little.

After taking a shower, Ye Zhixia realized that Feng Liting had not prepared clean clothes for herself.

The bath towels are placed on a shelf high above the head.

Ye Zhixia could only stand up hard by herself and reach out.

Who knows that a slippery foot, Ye Zhixia fell directly on the cold bathroom tile floor, the chair next to it was also

The belt turned over.

"Ye Zhixia? Are you okay?"

The loud voice shocked Feng Liting outside.

An anxious voice came through the door.

Ye Zhixia didn’t fall this time, but she had nothing on her body and said hurriedly: “Nothing! Nothing.

What! I just slipped, don't you go in..."

Before he could speak, Feng Liting opened the door and walked in.

"Ah!" Ye Zhixia's face flushed quickly, she hurriedly covered her chest with her hand, and squatted: "Feng Li

Ting, you go out! me……"

Seeing that her body was red like a cooked shrimp, Feng Liting smiled faintly under her eyes, and walked over.

Ye Zhixia picked it up from the ground.

Feng Liting was wearing a neatly ironed suit and shirt. The hard corners of the clothes rubbed the softness of Ye Zhixia's chest, making Ye

Zhixia is even more shy.

I couldn't help being hot.

"Feng Liting, you let me are not allowed to watch..."

Feng Liting chuckled, "Is it a bit late for you to say this kind of thing now?"

"You are ashamed to say...Who let you in?" Ye Zhixia was almost crying.

This man is even more rascal than the rascals she saw tonight!

"What are you shy?" Feng Liting smiled lowly: "It's not that I haven't seen it..."

He didn’t say it’s okay. When he said that Ye Zhixia remembered that he had done something like that with her.

There was a violent bump on her chest, as if to knock out.

"Feng Liting, if you talk about me, I will be angry."

"I'm angry now?"

Feng Liting only thought that this woman was getting more and more interesting.

As soon as he put Ye Zhixia on the bed, Ye Zhixia wrapped herself tightly in a quilt.

Feng Liting opened the closet, found out Ye Zhixia's clothes, and threw them to her.

"Replace it."

Ye Zhixia stared at him: "You are here, how do I change?"

"I'm afraid you will fall off the bed again."

"Feng Liting!"

Ye Zhixia's eyes were red.

Feng Liting scratched his hair and turned away.

Ye Zhixia quickly changed her clothes.

Her heart was beating too fast, Ye Zhixia vaguely felt that she was a little lack of oxygen, her palm pressed against her heart,

My heart is all depressed.

This...what is it called?

She and Feng Liting are really getting more and more confused.

That night, Feng Liting did not go to sleep in the master bedroom, perhaps to avoid embarrassment. After Ye Zhixia got up the next day,

Yi lingered for a long time, and then went to the living room after nine o'clock.

The butler grabbed the phone and said, "Madam, the old lady's phone."

Lu Yunshang's phone number?

Ye Zhixia hurried over and answered the phone: "Mom?"


"Mom, what do you want?"

"Hey, nothing happened." Lu Yunshang smiled: "Your father's friend gave some fresh wild fish and said yes

It's very nutritious. If you come over for lunch in the air to have a meal, Mom hasn't seen you for a long time. "

Ye Zhixia is embarrassed: "Mom, my foot hurts a little, it's not easy to go there..."

Lu Yunshang's voice suddenly rose a few degrees, and he was very anxious: "What? Is it hurt? Is it serious? Oh, Li Ting

That stinky boy, how did you take care of you? I only left for a few days..."

"It's none of his business." Ye Zhixia helped Feng Li Ting say something nice, "I was not careful."

"You call Li Ting to answer the phone."

Ye Zhixia looked around and said, "Mom, he has gone to the company."

Lu Yunshang became even more angry: "His daughter-in-law is injured. He still has the intention to go to the company?

Boy, is the company more important than you? I have to call and talk about him. "

Ye Zhixia panicked: "No, mom, I just scratched my skin a bit, don't be so boastful..."


Before Ye Zhixia finished speaking, Lu Yunshang hung up the phone.

Listening to her, she seemed to be going to Feng Li Ting to settle the account.

Ye Zhixia held the phone and wanted to cry without tears.

This is how to do?

This Li Ting didn't think she was suing Lu Yunshang, right?

After noon, Feng Liting came back.

Feng Liting hardly came back at noon. He went home at this point, and he knew what Lu Yunshang did behind his back without even thinking about it.

Ye Zhixia was afraid of Feng Liting's misunderstanding, so she stood up and hurriedly walked to him, making gestures and saying, "Feng Li

Ting, that, I didn’t complain with my mother. I didn’t want you to come back and stay with me. I don’t know..."

Feng Liting frowned and interrupted Ye Zhixia's words directly, "If your legs are not good, don't walk so fast."

Ye Zhixia was taken aback, dazed: "Are you caring about me?"

Shouldn't he be angry?

Feng Liting sneered: "Don't you understand Chinese?"

Ye Zhixia frowned: "Of course I understand, I'm just a little curious, why aren't you angry?"

"Am I a gas bun? I'm angry all day long..." Feng Liting entered the house, took the cup from the housekeeper, and gently

Take a sip.

Ye Zhixia walked back, "You don't have to go home to accompany me, I can raise it for a few days."

"I don't want to accompany you either, but my mother made the imperial decree, and I am afraid of trouble."

Ye Zhixia lowered her head and let out an "Oh".

Feng Liting sneered, "It looks like you don't want me to dangle in front of you."

Ye Zhixia was about to explain, and Feng Liting said again: "Just so, I don't want to face your face all the time."

He put down the water cup, "So, if you want to get rid of it sooner, just be honest these days and hurry up and get your legs

Raise well so that both of us can get free soon. "

Ye Zhixia was depressed.

She ignored Feng Liting and sat on the sofa to pass the time with her mobile phone.

I haven't posted on Weibo for several days, and many fans have left comments about why there is no photo.

Ye Zhixia patted her injured leg and posted it on Weibo.

[Ye Zhixia: I was injured recently. 】

Fans are naturally very distressed.

[Ah, Xia Xia must be careful. 】

[Don’t run around these days! 】

[It looks so serious! 】

The stranger's concern made Ye Zhixia feel a little more relaxed, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but a little smile.

Li Nan's response has always been very positive.

[Li Nan: The goddess must take care of herself! Blame me this time! 】

As soon as Feng Liting processed the documents at hand, he saw Ye Zhixia chuckle at the phone as soon as he looked up.

Suddenly he was shocked.

The way she looked pretty.

Seeing her staring fascinated, Feng Liting couldn't help calling her: "Ye Zhixia."

Ye Zhixia was completely addicted to her own world and ignored him.

Feng Liting yelled twice, but Ye Zhixia still didn't respond.

Feng Liting's eyes went dark, put down the working papers in his hand, got up and walked directly behind Ye Zhixia.

Then suddenly snatched the phone in Ye Zhixia's hand--

"Ah, my phone!"

Ye Zhixia's face turned green: "Feng Liting, return my phone to me."

"What are you looking at, you are so fascinated to watch. I told you that you can't hear?"

Feng Liting grabbed Ye Zhixia's hand and glanced at the phone at the same time.

This glance happened to give him a glimpse of Li Nan's comment.

Feng Liting's expression turned gloomy in an instant.

"Oh, you have a good relationship with this man." Feng Liting sneered, "What is it called, flirting?

Addicted? "

"What nonsense are you talking about. Who told you to look at my phone." Ye Zhixia angrily took her phone back.

Feng Liting looked unhappy: "You post on Weibo, a place where the public can see, so I'm not allowed to read it?"

Ye Zhixia's expression changed and she quickly closed Weibo.

Feng Liting sat back and said, "Of course, I have no opinion on who you like, as long as you don’t lose my name.

Face, take your place as the young lady, I will not interfere with other things. "

Feng Liting disdain, "But, Ye Zhixia, I have to say, your vision is really bad enough, that kind of ass

Boy, is it worth your liking? Weaned yet? "

Seeing him being so ironic about Li Nan, Ye Zhixia stood up from the sofa angrily, clenched his fists, "Feng Liting,

Don't look high above you! I think Li Nan is pretty good, what's wrong? People are younger than you, than you

Interesting, you can make people happy than you. You, an old man who can only make fun of others by attacking and insulting others, will not understand us.

What young people think! Frog at the bottom of the well, hum! "

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