Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2145: . Accompany my wife

Ye Zhixia was taken aback, "You let me go."

Feng Liting clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes were blood-red, the feeling was like a lion irritated by others.

Zi, wanted to jump on the enemy's throat and swallow the flesh and blood of the invader.

Feng Liting suddenly hugged Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia panicked and couldn't help but screamed, hitting Feng Li Ting on the shoulder with her hand, "Feng Li Ting, what are you doing?

What? Let me go quickly. "

What is he going to do?

In this large court, Feng Liting's move has already caused many people to look around.

Ye Zhixia's cheeks grew redder, and in the end, she could only cover her face.

Feng Liting hurried out of the mall, then opened the car door and let Ye Zhixia in.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly, short of breath: "Feng Liting, what on earth are you going to do?"

Feng Liting got into the cab and drove the car onto the highway: "You reminded me of what you just said, in order to prevent you from giving

What kind of messy new dad my child is looking for? Let's get the wedding photo now. "


Ye Zhixia was dumbfounded, "Feng Liting, are you kidding? I didn't mean to remarry you?"

"Not to remarry?"

Feng Liting snorted coldly, "How do you explain the identity of this child?"

Ye Zhixia was taken aback: "I..."

Feng Liting said word by word: "Ye Zhixia, you know very well that no matter how you conceal it, you also conceal this child.

It won’t be long. "

It is impossible for Su Yaxiang and Ye Renguo not to see their biological daughters for months.

Ye Zhixia also understood in her heart, but she had never dared to face this fact, so since she became pregnant, she has been

When it comes to this topic, the subconscious is always avoiding it subconsciously.

Feng Liting's voice became deeper and deeper: "Zhi Xia, I don't care what you think, I am the one who made you pregnant, and I will lose

In the end, this society is not friendly to single mothers. Maybe the Ye family is enough to raise this child.

Including this child, he will also receive various comments and pointers..."

"I will not let you suffer from that, nor will we let our children grow up in such a gossip environment."

Ye Zhixia was upset, she had faintly recognized that Feng Liting was heading for the Civil Affairs Bureau, and her heart was even more chaotic.

Is she going to get the certificate with Feng Liting again?

Should they become legal husbands and wives and shoulder each other's responsibilities and obligations to each other?

Ye Zhixia only felt that she was suffocated with a bunch of cotton in her heart.

After a long time, she took a deep breath: "Feng Liting, I am not... I don't want to give this child a healthy and normal

Family, but, I am scared..."

Feng Liting's hand holding the steering wheel became slightly stiff, then he turned the steering wheel slightly to the left and stopped the car on the side of the road.

He looked back at Ye Zhixia, "What are you afraid of?"

Ye Zhixia was breathing fast, and her nose was sour: "I have no confidence, what kind of future will we two have?"

"I do not understand."

Ye Zhixia's eyes turned red: "Feng Liting, you know, we had a marriage."

Feng Liting nodded, "So what?"

"What?" Ye Zhixia shook her head: "Last time we didn't like each other, you think this time..."

"I like you."

Feng Liting interrupted Ye Zhixia directly.

Ye Zhixia was startled.

The whole person froze.


The corners of Feng Liting's lips curled slightly.

"Ye Zhixia, I always call you a stupid sometimes, but I think about it, too."

Ye Zhixia's eyes enlarged little by little.

He... what is he talking about?

This kind of thing is actually said by Feng Liting, the **** all day?

Feng Liting laughed at himself again: "Actually, I fell in love with you last time, but I haven't understood yet.

What is Bai's relationship? I didn't want to divorce that much. "

Ye Zhixia's blood was shocked and seemed to be flowing back.

"Feng Liting, are you lying to me?"

"What do you think?" Feng Liting shook his head. "After the divorce, I was actually in a bad mood. I went to work desperately, but always

I can’t forget you, then I knew that I liked you, so I saw you and Qin Lang eating together, I

I will be very angry, and I will say things that seem naive to me. "

Feng Liting stretched out his hand, gently grabbed Ye Zhixia's wrist, and gently rubbed her with her cool thumb.

"If neither of us were ready for a marriage last time, then this time I can tell

You, I am completely ready. Zhixia, I like you, I am willing to form a family with you, have a child, a family

Three, grow up slowly and grow old together. "

Ye Zhixia was already staying at this moment.

She had never expected that Feng Liting, who would only be against herself in various ways, would say such nasty words.

No, it can’t be said to be numb...

Ye Zhixia's head seemed to be muddy.

Feng Liting looked at the expression on Ye Zhixia's face, frowning, "Don't you want it?"

"I'm not unwilling." Ye Zhixia shook her head repeatedly, short of breath: "It's just that I need to think about it, Feng

Li Ting, you are so sudden, I don't have any time to react. "

Feng Liting released his hand and nodded, "Okay, I will give you time to consider. In three days, I want to hear your answer."

Although this promise will not affect his next decision and heartbeat, he still wants to know whether this woman

I don't have a little bit of joy about what I think or whether it is really true.

Feng Liting leaned forward and gently kissed Ye Zhixia's forehead, his voice suddenly changed to gritted teeth.

"However, I will warn you in advance. If you dare to find a father for this child, I must make you look good."

Ye Zhixia pushed Feng Liting away, "I see."

She was just joking casually, OK?

Even if he can't get together with Feng Liting, he is the father of this child. This is an unchangeable fact.

Feng Liting restarted the car; "It's still early, don't you want to go shopping elsewhere?"

"Where to go?" Ye Zhixia shook her head: "I don't seem to have any particular place to go."

"What do you and Warmth usually do?"

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