Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2175: .Who is comforting whom?

Warmth did not deny, she struggled to stand up with the armrest on the sofa, and then said: "If I keep him, I

His career was ruined. "

Seeing the warmth, Ye Zhixia was still thinking about career at this time, she really shook her head helplessly, but she seemed to think

What happened, immediately asked in a hurry: "Whose child is this child?"

Looking at Ye Zhixia with warm red eyes, she saw that Ye Zhixia's eyes had obvious disbelief. She curled her lips to confirm Ye Zhi

Xia's guess: "Who else can it be, don't you know, who am I with now?"

Ye Zhixia suddenly became anxious, and his emotions became agitated: "Are you crazy? Even if you are with him

Starting, shouldn't be so self-loving! "

Warm and swayingly let go of Ye Zhixia's hand, then walked to the water dispenser and poured herself a glass

Water, gurgling, drinking a large glass, and then as if to wake up, smiled and said, "Yes, I shouldn’t

Why don't you love yourself? I asked for all this. "

Such depressed warmth makes Ye Zhixia a little distressed. The previous warmth, like her name, is warm and warm.

It is full of sunshine, and it feels like the sun.

But now, her sun seemed to be covered with a thick black cloud, and it was bleak.

"Have you ever talked to him about the child's going or staying?" Ye Zhixia asked, although this may be nonsense.

Warmth did not evade this question, but said: "I don't need to ask, he and I are originally just an exchange of interests."

She didn't expect anything.

The emotions in Ye Zhixia's heart were surging, but in the end, she still suppressed it, and then said to Warmth: "Okay, now

While I respect your every decision, what do you plan to do with this child now?"

Warmly glanced at Ye Zhixia, then stared down at her abdomen and said blankly, "Hit."

Ye Zhixia did not persuade her, but said to her: "If you think it over, then I respect your decision and plan to

when to go? "

"In the afternoon, I have made an appointment in advance."

Ye Zhixia's breathing was stagnant. She thought that warmth should be because she was reluctant to bear this child, so she called her.

It seems that it is not the case now.

But before that, Ye Zhixia said to Warmth; “Since you plan to kill the child, then I suggest you follow

Director Xiao Zhao completely cut off, that scum, it's not worth your continued wasting time on him. "

Warmth did not speak, but was silent.

Seeing the warmth and silence, Ye Zhixia thought that warmth was unwilling and because of resources, she wanted to continue.

Staying with Director Xiao Zhao, she continued to persuade: "In the future, I will take care of your resources. You

Don't worry about these. "

Warmth suddenly said: "Zhixia, no need, I know what I should do, and you leave the rest to me.

Just deal with it. "

Ye Zhixia knew that Warmth still refused to agree, which probably meant rejection, so she nodded and said:

"Okay, it doesn't matter. Let's do the same first. I won't force you. What time do you schedule the operation in the afternoon?"

"Three o'clock."

Ye Zhixia glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and then continued to Warmth: "It's only twelve o'clock, we still have time

In between, you first go to wash up, then go to bed, when it's time, I will call you. "

Warmth did not refuse, but walked slowly into the room like a ghost.

When only Ye Zhixia was left in the living room, she sank down on the sofa a little, her legs all soft.

She didn't expect that the warm meeting had reached this point, and even the children would be there.

But that little director Zhao is really not a good person.

But for that child, isn't it innocent?

Ye Zhixia is still pregnant with a child, so she can probably understand the feeling of being a mother.

And now, warm anxiety and despair.

Those were all she had felt at the beginning, but Feng Liting was much better than the little Director Zhao.

Finally, she sighed deeply and started to clean up the messy house.

When Warmth woke up, she came out and found that Ye Zhixia had cleaned up the house and made porridge. See you

She woke up, smiled and said: "You woke up, just came over to have some porridge, I just made it, and I am worried that you have slept

Head, I am going to call you. "

Suddenly the tip of her nose felt slightly sour in the warmth. She walked slowly to Ye Zhixia, reached out and hugged her, in her ears.

Bian said softly; "Zhixia, thank you."

Ye Zhixia was taken aback for a while, but soon, she hugged the warmth and comforted her: "Don't worry, one

Don't be afraid of me. "

Warm wiped her eyes, then let go of her.

After eating, Ye Zhixia accompanied Warm to the hospital because she had made an appointment for surgery.

After waiting for the place, Ye Zhixia stood at the door of the operating room, and then said to the warmth who was about to enter; "Don't be afraid,

Everything will be fine when it comes out. "

Nodded warmly, still with a small smile on her face, as before, no matter what happens, she is like this

Smile: "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, Warmth was pushed into the operating room.

Ye Zhixia sat down on the bench in the corridor of the operating room. She looked at some people who were also waiting for the operation.

All faces are ashamed.

Some little girls may even cry lowly because of their young age.

Ye Zhixia’s heart was also sore by those who cried. For a while, she didn’t even know that she was

Supporting warmth to do so is wrong or right.

Taking a deep breath, she suppressed the confused thoughts in her heart and kept patiently admonishing herself, if even she herself was moving

Shake, then waiting for the warmth to come out, wouldn't it be more sad?

Therefore, she has been sitting there with no expression on her face, doing psychological construction, and admonishing herself not to receive any

External influence.

Killing the child is the best way for warmth.

She herself didn't know how long she had been waiting outside, and soon there was movement at the door of the operating room.

Ye Zhixia immediately got up from the chair, and then saw the warmth and pale face being held by the nurse slowly

Came out.

She hurriedly greeted her, and then asked worriedly: "Warm, how about it?"

Warmth looked at her, and responded with a smile as much as possible: "I'm fine."

She was comforting herself, but Ye Zhixia's eyes turned red all of a sudden. Who needs comfort now?

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