Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2177: .The fetus is very stable

Ye Zhixia almost bit her tongue before she could say it completely, she remembered it, she agreed before

Then, sleeping on the same bed with Feng Liting, he was pulling resources for warmth.

Perhaps seeing Ye Zhixia standing there with water dripping in her hair, she stared at her face in a daze, and Feng Liting turned towards

She beckoned: "Come here."

Although Ye Zhixia was reluctant, she still walked over.

Feng Liting stood up from the sofa, then brought a hair dryer over and dropped Ye Zhixia's hair.

Upon seeing this, Ye Zhixia had to reach out and take the hair dryer in his hand, and then said: "I'll do it myself, no trouble..."

"No trouble." Before Ye Zhixia finished speaking, Feng Liting responded faintly, and then he blew her hair with a look

With a serious and focused look, Ye Zhixia looked away from her eyes.

After the hair was completely dry, Feng Liting stood up and said to her: "You go to bed first, I'll take a shower."

Ye Zhixia blushed immediately when she heard the word "go to bed".

She didn't even dare to look at Feng Liting, turned around and walked towards the bed, then wrapped herself tightly in the quilt.

When Feng Liting came out again, Ye Zhixia wrapped herself like a zongzi, praying in her heart, Feng Liting

It's best to come here later, she has to go to bed as soon as possible, she will know nothing after sleeping.

But she usually falls asleep easily, and today I don’t know if it’s because of the nervousness that she has been mentally stressed, the more she wants to sleep

I just can’t sleep.

She could even hear Feng Liting opening the door and coming out, and then walking back and forth in the room a few times. Finally, he

Turn on the bedside lamp, turn off the light in the house, and go to bed.

When Feng Liting went to bed, he saw Ye Zhixia curl up on the edge of the bed, separated from him by a large distance.

It’s okay to leave, or even squeeze two people.

A smile filled his eyes, and then he didn't fall asleep, but sat there and started reading.

Ye Zhixia’s nervous face started to sweat, but after waiting for a long time, Feng Liting didn’t seem to move.

It was quiet, and the bedside lamp had not been turned off. From time to time, the sound of paper turning came from my ear.

She was slightly relieved. Fortunately, he wanted to read a book, but he gave himself a buffer of time.

However, before she knew it, Ye Zhixia fell asleep completely.

When Feng Liting put down the book, he found that Ye Zhixia did not know when, she was already asleep and breathing evenly.

He then put the book down, then turned off the lamp and lay down.

Not long after lying down, Ye Zhixia slowly moved over, seeming to be looking for a source of warmth.

Head, then retracted in his arms and fell asleep quietly.

Feng Liting looked at Ye Zhixia, who was shrinking in his arms, with a lovely and loving look. He pressed a kiss on her forehead, and his eyes

Full of pampering: "Zhixia, I love you."

Only he knows how much he loves her.

Carefully guarding her in his arms, Feng Li Ting closed his eyes contentedly.

The next morning, when Ye Zhixia woke up, she sat up all of a sudden, and then she found that she was lying beside her

Feng Liting, looking at her, asked with a smile in his eyes: "Morning."

Ye Zhixia looked at him, and then at the distance between herself and him suddenly shortened, she suddenly screamed,

After moving back quickly.

Upon seeing this, Feng Liting's face became more and more obvious and asked: "What's your name? Early in the morning, I wanted to get all the servants

Call here? "

And Ye Zhixia wrapped herself in a quilt, stared at Feng Liting with two big round eyes, staring at Feng Liting and asked anxiously, “I’m

What will sleep in your arms? "

Feng Liting raised his eyebrows, touched his chin, and said, "This question is very good. Last night, as soon as I lay down,

Here, I would also like to ask you, why did you drill into my arms? "

Immediately, Ye Zhixia denied immediately: "You are talking nonsense!"

She wouldn't drill into Feng Liting's arms. She still knew that she slept very well!

Seeing that Ye Zhixia was killed and refused to admit it, Feng Liting shook his head, and then said, "Since you don't admit it, then I can't help it.

I can't bring you here, right? "

Ye Zhixia flushed immediately, and he didn't know how to respond.

After all, if he really did it, he would definitely wake up. Now that he is not awake, he is sleeping in his arms instead.

One point, how can I explain it?

Seeing that Feng Liting kept looking at her smiling face, Ye Zhixia immediately lifted the quilt and walked out of the bed.

Later, as soon as she got out of bed, a sudden rush of nausea surged to her throat, and she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

When she finished vomiting, she saw Feng Liting look at herself with a worried look and ask: "How is it, I just called

The doctor came to see, do you often do this? "

Seeing Feng Liting making a fuss, Ye Zhixia called the family doctor, and immediately said to him: "I'm fine, it's just normal.

It’s only morning sickness, the problem is not big, really don’t bother the family doctor. "

Feng Liting walked up to her, reached out and touched her flat belly, frowning at her pale to bloodless face.

Ask: "Does this usually happen every morning?"

Ye Zhixia explained it lightly: "No, just occasionally, but it’s okay, it’s not

Uncomfortable. "

Feng Liting's brows became deeper and deeper, and finally, he said to her, "Every morning from now on, if it is

Therefore, let the kitchen prepare some sour plum soup to relieve nausea. "

Ye Zhixia didn't think it was so troublesome. Before she could speak, there was a knock on the door: "Sir, Doctor Zhou

Was born. "

"Let him in."

Soon, the door was opened, and then a young doctor walked in. When Ye Zhixia saw him, he looked more.

After a few glances, she had never seen this family doctor in Feng's house before.

I don't know when Feng Li Ting invited it.

The doctor walked in and greeted Feng Liting, and then Feng Liting asked her to show Ye Zhixia.

Doctor Zhou came over, checked Ye Zhixia with a stethoscope, and finally said to Feng Liting: "The fetus is currently

The heart is stable, there shouldn't be much problem, but monthly check-ups are still necessary. "

Feng Liting nodded, and then asked Doctor Zhou: "Sometimes she gets up in the morning and vomits. Is it normal?"

Doctor Zhou glanced at Ye Zhixia, and then responded: "This is a normal phenomenon. Pregnant women are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Will vomit, and the feeling of vomiting will gradually decrease. "

Ye Zhixia saw that Doctor Zhou said so, and then complained to Feng Liting: "Look, I said it is normal, why bother?

Doctor Zhou made a trip. "

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