Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2237: .The so-called unforgettable love

"What? Is it because you still have a love for me until now? So you are upset to see me dressed like this?"

Her tone was full of sarcasm.

But Luo Ye suddenly, as if burnt to the point, immediately let go of her and took two steps back.

Li Yunxiao almost looked at the timing and rushed out of the elevator.

The people waiting at the elevator door were startled by Li Yunxiao who suddenly rushed out.

After Li Yunxiao walked out of the elevator, Jiang Jing saw her at a glance, and then waved at her: "Smile, here."

However, when Jiang Jing saw that she didn't look at herself, but walked quickly towards the door of the hotel, he immediately chased him up.

He followed her footsteps and asked: "What are you doing? Walk so fast? Can't someone chase you after you?"

Li Yun smiled and shook his head in response: "No, I want to get in the car quickly, it's too cold outside."

She was afraid that Luo Ye would catch up, so she casually found an excuse, but she did not expect Jiang Jing to say nothing to herself

She took off her coat, then put it on her, took her hand towards the garage, and said as she walked, "How

Why do you wear so little, why are your hands so cold? "

Behind him, Gao Yuan looked at his boss standing aside, his face was cold, and he didn't dare to say a word, he was afraid of himself.

If I make a mistake, I guess my life will be gone.

But why is it so coincidental? Why did the girl I met in the morning happen to live in the same hotel with them?

Is there such a coincidence in this world?

Smoke color club.

Li Yunxiao was led by Jiang Jing. As soon as he entered, he found that the room was full of familiar people, those faces in his memory.

Kong, suddenly came alive.

The memories of five years ago flooded in instantly.

Someone noticed that Li Yunxiao was coming with Jiang Jing, and immediately stood up and said hello: "Yo! Jiang Jing, you are here.

Now, why did you bring a beautiful woman around? "

"You kid take a good look at who this beauty is, and then play around, be careful that you sew your mouth on." Jiang Jing Jiang Li

Yun Xiao pulled it forward.

Suddenly, there was a surprised voice in the box: "Is this Li Yunxiao?"

"Oh my God! Is she really coming back?"

"My God, I thought she would never come back in this life."

Listening to these words, Li Yun laughed, in fact, there was something uncomfortable in his heart. When he left by himself, there was no brilliance.


It's just that none of these people know the truth.

Just like the past between her and that person, it seems that no one except the two of them will know it, just like the wind has passed without a trace.

Zhang Yulin brought the wine glass to Li Yunxiao and joked in a low voice: "It looks like you are a big Buddha, I won't move.

Let those who have weight come. "

Only then did Li Yunxiao understand, and forgive Zhang Yulin for deliberately telling Jiang Jing that he was back because of this.

"You will talk nonsense, do you know that you almost hurt me?" Li Yun smiled at Zhang Yulin.

The latter poured a glass of wine for her, handed it to her and said, “Don’t say it, don’t you know that in the past five years, I’ve been

How many times has this kid been annoying, I have to tell him your whereabouts, you said I don’t know at all, where can I tell

Tell him? "

Li Yunxiao took the wine glass, then raised an eyebrow and asked, "So you told him my whereabouts when I came back?"

Zhang Yulin raised his glass to Li Yunxiao: "Everyone is a friend. We haven't seen you in five years. We miss you very much."

Li Yun laughed and clinked glasses with her, and then said, "Me too."

After drinking, Zhang Yulin discovered that Li Yun smiled with gauze tied to her hand. She asked slightly curiously: "Your

What happened to the hand? "

Li Yunxiao explained it lightly: "I just fell on it accidentally, it's not a big problem."

"I thought it was Jiang Jing what happened to you, just about to say that he is inhumane."

"What are you talking about? You are saying bad things about me behind your back, right?" Jiang Jing walked over, with an energetic smile in his eyes.

But when those eyes touched Li Yunxiao, they were a little different.

Zhang Yulin on the side saw clearly.

"No! Then who would dare to say bad things about Young Shao Jiang, do you want to die?" Zhang Yulin said with a smile.

Jiang Jing glanced at her, then sneered: "You are poor, I think you are the most courageous, but you are not behind

Later, you said bad things about me and was caught by me?"

Zhang Yulin immediately hid beside Li Yunxiao and took her hand to be fair: "Smile, you have to testify for me, I

Didn’t you say anything just now? Young Master Jiang is here? "

Li Yunxiao looked at a group of friends, the smile in her eyes became more obvious. After five years, she could finally be truly happy again.

It’s really good to have friends playing around.

While she was sitting there, chatting and drinking with Jiang Jing and Zhang Yulin, someone came over with a glass and walked to Li Yunxiao.

He said: "Yun Xiao."

Li Yun smiled and raised his eyes. There was a beautiful woman in front of her, but she was not very impressed with this, but out of politeness, she

Still nodded: "Hello."

The beauty saw that Li Yunxiao saw that she had nothing to say, just looking at herself, she slightly curled her lips, a little lost.

And a little happily said: "It seems that you really don't remember me."

Li Yun laughed and froze when she heard the words. To be honest, she didn't really remember who this was, but she didn't wait for her to open.

Zhang Yulin, who was sitting next to her, whispered in her ear: "It's Lin Yan, the one who saddened you because of Jiang Jing."

After Zhang Yulin's reminder, Li Yunxiao remembered it.

The one in front of me, likes Jiang Jing, but regards himself as an imaginary enemy, tusk! She has suffered too much for Jiang Jing.

"But it's okay, meet again, my name is Lin Yan." She said, raising her glass to Li Yunxiao.

Li Yunxiao was not very interested and said to Lin Yan: "Miss Lin, do you see if I have three words written on my face?

Silly and sweet? "

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment.

And Li Yunxiao put down the wine glass now, and his tone became colder: "I, although I don't like to hold grudges,

But not everyone can be friends with me. Ms. Lin should find someone else to drink this glass of wine. "

Zhang Yulin secretly gave Li Yunxiao a thumbs up from the side, this person with identity said something different.

Who is Li Yunxiao, his identity is there, but he is really not a person who likes to be wronged.

The look on Lin Yan's face changed, but she was still able to handle it, and said to Li Yun with a smile: "I used to be young

Being sensible, it has added a lot of trouble to Yunxiao. This glass of wine is regarded as me apologizing for the ignorance of the past. "

After that, Lin Yan drank the wine in the glass clean.

Li Yunxiao looked at the empty cup in her hand, calmly, even too lazy to speak.

She Li Yun laughed at this person, everything is good, but some sacredness must be reported. Sometimes, she has a bad memory, such as

Lin Yan caused her to stumble in such a small mess, but she didn't cause any major incidents. Generally, she was

Can't remember.

However, after Zhang Yufei's reminder, she remembered it.

So, she didn't really want to take care of this.

Lin Yan saw that Li Yun smiled and did not speak. After thinking about it, he poured a second glass of wine, and then continued: "Yun Xiao, the previous

It's really that I am young, so I am ignorant. "

After speaking, she drank a second glass. Li Yun smiled and didn’t speak, so she continued to pour the third glass. Although this red wine was temporarily

He didn’t go up, but he had great stamina, so Li Yunxiao raised his hand unbearably, frowned and said, “Don’t drink

Yes, what I just said is very clear, I don’t make all kinds of friends, if you want to drink, please feel free. "

After speaking, she stood up and walked out.

Jiang Jing had just finished talking with someone, and when he turned around, he found that Li Yunxiao was walking out, and he immediately dropped the drink.

Cup, and then followed.

Li Yunxiao just felt that Lin Yan's appearance was somewhat unbearable for her. If she dared to admit it today,

She stumbled on herself five years ago, and now she is still challenging herself, maybe she feels that this person has

Some personalities.

As it is now, I have to admit my mistakes inexplicably and ask myself to forgive her.

Li Yun smiled and realized that Lin Yan might have heard rumors about his identity from somewhere.

This has been the case since I was a child, and while my identity has brought me convenience, it has also brought endless troubles.

She walked out and leaned against the wall before catching her breath, Jiang Jing's voice came from a smile, and she pressed her hand to herself

On the wall behind him, trapping himself in his arms, staring at him condescendingly and joking: "Laugh, come and give

Father kisses, today's smile is really bright and moving, so he can't help it. "

After speaking, he pouted his mouth and was about to come up.

But when Li Yunxiao reached out his hand and covered his mouth to stop him, he frowned and said to him: "Okay, stop playing, I'm a little tired, thinking

gone back. "

My original interest was gone.

The corners of Jiang Jing’s eyes are full of smiles, even if his mouth is covered by Li Yun’s smile, he still can’t help but smile and say, “I’m tired.

Up? Don’t you think there’s nothing fun, do you want Xiaoye to prepare some fun for you? "

People like them are always fun, especially under the leadership of Jiang Jing.

Li Yunxiao let go of the hand covering Jiang Jing's mouth, and wanted to push him away: "No interest, you get out of it."

But Jiang Jing pushed the person back, and pressed it tighter, and he deliberately whispered in her ear: "Put

Heart, this time I will definitely interest you, it's different from before. "

"Trouble, let me get in the way." A cold and eager voice came, making Li Yunxiao froze all over.

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