Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 359: . Molesting his wife and daughter? !

Shi Qing didn't understand what Jin Nanfeng said, so she said everything that should be said?

What did he say to Li Beixun when he was away?

Looking at Li Beixun nervously, she was wondering if she wanted to explain it. Although she and Jin Nanfeng had written

It seems very good, but they are absolutely innocent.

Jin Nanfeng got up and was about to go out, but as soon as he walked to the entrance of the capital, he saw Mu Qianli approaching, and he knotted.

Babadi stepped back, "Watch, cousin?"

Why come so fast?

Where did he know that when he came, Li Beixun called Mu Qianli.

"Since it's here, eat it before leaving. I'll take it to you in a while!" Mu Qianli smiled and hooked Jin Nan without a smile.

The wind's neck brought people back.

Shi Qing learned that Li Beixun and Jin Nanfeng were also nodding acquaintances and met.

What did he think when he saw the scandal on the news?

Cautiously to Li Beixun, the other party turned around and gave her a relieved smile.

Shi Qing didn't feel nervous anymore.

Also, what she was nervous about, the two of them had nothing to do. If she was nervous, she would be guessed by outsiders.

When the two children came back from school and saw a stranger at home, Li Yunjin spoke to Jin Nanfeng politely

Greetings, little Hydrangea blushed, hiding behind Shi Qing, peeking at Jin Nanfeng, with an idiot look on his face.

No way, the little hydrangea started chasing stars at such a young age? !

He always came back to give his father a big hug. At this moment, Li Beixun stared at Jin Nanfeng, his face getting darker and darker.

Dare to **** his daughter? It's almost dead!

"Little Hydrangea, do you know him?"

"Auntie, that's Brother Ziqi... so handsome!"

Shi Qing: "..."

Li Beixun's face became gloomy: "..."

Jin Nanfeng imposingly put on a look from the TV series: "Haha! I am Ziqi!"

During this period, there was a school idol drama starring Jin Nanfeng, handsome, elegant, and smart student president.

Captured many campus students.

Has it already reached elementary school students?

At dinner, the little hydrangea was better than usual, she was not picky about eating, and she didn’t need anyone to help her, just like a little big

People are the same, but the red on that little face makes people know that all this is unusual.

Before the child grew up, Shi Qing seemed to see a scene of outgoing girls in the future. Some dumbfounding, Xiaoxiu

How can the ball be resuscitated so early?

Feeling the displeasure of his elder brother, Mu Qianli turned his head to look at his cousin, and kept firing at the eight-year-old girl.

"Your name is Little Hydrangea?"

Li Yunxiu blushed and nodded, "Yes."

"What a pretty little girl, is there anyone in your class chasing you?"

"Jin Nanfeng, you can't stop your mouth even when you eat?" Mu Qianli gritted his teeth, his voice squeezed from between his teeth.

Did the kid get angry when he didn't see the big brother?

If he dares to molest his wife and daughter in another family's house, he is tired of life and wants to relax his muscles and bones?

Jin Nanfeng was about to laugh with his cousin when he saw the deep gaze cast by Li Beixun, his back kept chilling, he

Swallow your saliva, forget it, in any case it is the president, just give face!

After eating, Mu Qianli couldn't sit still for a minute. He was really afraid that in the end the eldest brother would count this incident on him!

"Brother, there is still something at home, I will take him away first, and send him back, someone can cure him!"

Hearing what Mu Qianli said at the door, Jin Nanfeng's expression changed, "Cousin, what do you want to do?"

The two pulled out the presidential palace.

Shi Qing looked at Li Beixun helplessly, "Your face has always been bad for dinner tonight. Mr. President's grace

How about demeanor? "

"I have paid attention to my daughter, can I still be elegant? Jin Nanfeng will not be allowed to step into the president from now on

Half a step! "Li Bei stared at the door, his brows wrung.

"Aren't you afraid of being called a daughter slave?" She patted Li Beixun's hand amusedly.

Not only now, when I think of the baby girl I put in my hand and beloved by other men’s words

He felt even more angry when he was cheated.

"Jin Nanfeng reminded me that I never went to the school of Little Hydrangea. Now the primary school students are precocious.

Time to take a good look..."

"You are too nervous! Jin Nanfeng is just playing with Xiao Xiuqiu. The difference between the two is so much, how could it be possible to beat her?

idea. "

Li Beixun suddenly looked at Shi Qing and asked nervously, "That's not necessarily the case. You said that the little hydrangea goes to school. The school will

Wouldn't there be any hairy guys playing tricks on her? "

Shi Qing: "..."

She held her forehead and turned to watch the two children do their homework.

Are men like this? Is it so unreasonable to have a daughter?

At night, I watched that the two children were asleep, and Shi Qing returned to the room, but did not see Li Beixun, so I found a circle in the study.

See him.

Li Beixun sat at his desk, staring at the computer seriously.

I wanted to persuade him to sleep quickly, but when he was about to open the door, a phone call inside made her stop.



The other side didn’t know what he said, Li Beixun stood up, put his hand on his mouth and coughed twice, "Never go back.

So, their export tariffs have been increased by 4%. In this way, economic sanctions on us are to see if we don’t

There are complete independent research and development technology..."

When Li Beixun spoke, his mood was completely different from what he used to be. He exudes a wave of unyielding.

Your domineering, serious tone, loud and loud.

With a hand in his pocket, Li Beixun faced the window and looked at the night scene outside, "We must increase our national independence.

The strength of support for research and development of chips, core technologies must not be monopolized abroad. A parliament will be held three days later, targeting foreign countries

We can’t just accept the increasing tariffs..."

Shi Qing did not open the door to disturb him, she turned and walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and poured him a glass of milk.

This was the first time she saw him in the office. Every phone call and no decision were related to the future of China.

Here, he is so serious, she has never seen him before.

Going upstairs with milk, walked to the entrance of the study, where the phone was hung up.

Gently opened the door and walked in.

Li Beixun was reading a parliamentary bill. He raised his head to see her, smiled slightly, and closed the bill. "Finally

One serving is available and will be used tomorrow. I will go to bed immediately after reading it. "

Shi Qing smiled and did not speak, and brought the milk to him, "Drink this."

Li Beixun obediently picked up the milk, finished a few mouthfuls, and was about to fight for another half an hour, when he saw Shi Qing turned and left.

When he walked to the door, he turned his head and said softly: "Don't be too late, I will wait for you in the room."

"Okay." Li Beixun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to let her down on him, but these documents will be tomorrow

To use it, he must finish reading.

Without urging him to go to sleep, Shi Qing knew what position a person was in.

Li Beixun is not only her husband, the father of the children, but also the pointing light of the whole China. She cannot

Selfishly asked him to forget all this for the body. She can only try to protect his body.

Lying on the bed, Shi Qing looked at the watch from time to time, until the pointer pointed to twelve o'clock, the bedroom door slowly opened.

"Not sleeping yet?" Li Beixun looked at her suspiciously.

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