Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 506: .Calculate new and old accounts together

"Who?" Mu Qianli asked while standing in the living room.

Ji Xiao smiled back, "Your girlfriend is here, boss, I won't be a light bulb anymore."

Opened the door and took his bag from the cabinet beside the door. Without giving Mu Qianli time to refuse, Ji Xiao ran straight away


"Tang Xin, you come back to me!"

Che Xue walked in and closed the door, "She runs so fast, is she going to go on a date?

This doctor seems to have a good relationship. "

Mu Qianli did not answer her question, but asked another question, "Why are you here?"

"Your grandfather called me to say that you are sick, and that I am so close to you, let me take care of you. Uncomfortable

Do not eat anything outside, it is not clean. I will cook for you tonight! "

"No, the doctor told me not to eat randomly, and I don't want to eat either."

When Ji Xiao heard the door closed, the corner of her mouth made a sarcasm. She was joking, how could she forget that there is

A genuine girlfriend.

Clutching the bag, she left the apartment angrily and took a taxi back home. She was in a bad mood and didn't even pay for the taxi.


Just as she was about to enter the door, someone behind her called her, "Little girl!"

Looking back, I just saw the landlord’s wife, "Landlord’s wife, hello."

"Are you getting off work so early today?"

"Well, the boss took a long vacation today." She smiled politely and continued to open the door, only to find the landlord’s wife standing

There was no plan to leave at the door, and he looked embarrassed.

"Mrs. Landlord, has something happened?"

She just lived there not long, will she not tell her to increase the price? Don't say it, or she will go crazy,

Now she, who dares to take advantage of her, she can tear off the other side's skin!

The poorest people hate being exploited!

Seeing Ji Xiao's eyes sharpened, the landlord’s wife was embarrassed, "That my son wants to get married...

Bei bought this house and collected a down payment for him, so you see... Let's change the rent, since it hasn't been rented for long anyway, change the land

Fang is also convenient. "

Ji Xiaopi smiled and said without a smile: "The landlady, I haven't lived in for a month."

"You paid the rent for three months. I will refund you for two months. If you can move the things you bought in the room,

If you leave, you will move away. If you can't move, you will get a discount. Auntie bought it. "

"Auntie, we signed a formal contract. You suddenly refused to let me rent it. You have to go through legal procedures. You want to compensate

I, I haven't lived for a full month, you have to collect my rent on a daily basis. "

As soon as the landlord heard this, his face fell off immediately, "How can you child care so much? I can cheat you

The money is not made? Fortunately, I want to accept your furniture at a discount, but I don’t want it. I give you a week, you rush

Move tight! "

The landlord left after speaking, and murmured as he walked: "Who is this little girl now!"

Ji Xiao opened the door blankly, looked at the familiar and friendly environment, and suddenly became irritable.

In order to create this dream, she went around looking for things almost every day after get off work, and now she said she would not rent it!

"Who are you!"

Sitting on the sofa irritably, Ji Xiao growled irritably: "Ah!"

Depressed for a while, there is no other way to continue looking for a house.

After searching for hours, she couldn’t find a suitable house. She bit her pen and leaned on the sofa in a daze.

It rang suddenly.

After taking a look, he lazily turned on the hands-free, "Boss, I am not very happy now, you better not mess with me."

"I'm hungry, buy me dinner and bring it here."

Ji Xiao said blankly: "Does your girlfriend not take care of you? Then you are so pitiful, please dump her quickly.

Change to the next one. "

"Well, if I want to buy Baiji glutinous rice porridge near the company and their secret pickled mustard tuber, I will buy some yogurt."

She was silent, "How much will you pay me for traveling?"

"How much do you want?"

Ji Xiao thought of a number casually, "Five hundred yuan."


Ji Xiao sat up straight, "Yes? I'm talking about traveling expenses 500 yuan?"

She urgently needs to do something to divert her attention. She can still make money by running errands, so why not do it!

Mu Qianli let out an "um" over the phone.

"Okay, come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Xiao grabbed the phone and bag and went out.

I rushed to the store where Mu Qianli said and bought what he wanted to eat. Ji Xiao bought the food for himself by the way, and rushed to buy everything.

Home, a total of useless one hour, spent less than fifty in total, equal to a net profit of four hundred and five, perfect!

As soon as he entered the house, Mu Qianli kept swallowing saliva.

"Are you hungry?"

"If you have diarrhea for a long time and don't eat anything, aren't you hungry?"

After thinking about it, Ji Xiao reached out and brought the rice to the dinner table, took them out and opened them all, then looked at Mu Qianli.

"Master, have dinner!"

Mu Qianli finally did not give her a cold face, although there was no smiling face either, he walked to the table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and opened it.

Start eating.

Seeing that although Mu Qianli was extremely hungry, he was still eating slowly and elegantly. Ji Xiao discovered for the first time

It turns out that the elegant noble son is not only Shangguanhao, but also Mu Qianli, because his mouth is too poisonous!

"Aren't you going to eat? See if I can see you full?" Mu Qian asked without looking up.

"Of course I eat." Withdrawing his gaze, Ji Xiao lowered his head, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

The two ate completely different things, and they were surprisingly harmonious.

After eating, Ji Xiao stretched out his hand and Mu Qianli raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, you said that the road trip cost five hundred, don't say you have to be shameless, you are the president of the dignified Mu Group, this is honest

No way? "

To be honest, Ji Xiao was really afraid that he would fall back on the bill in the end, and he had no evidence.

It is recorded, but there is also evidence of reason.

Mu Qianli wiped his mouth with a paper towel, "Of course I won't go wrong. I cleaned up the table and poured me a glass of water.

I'll drink medicine later. "

She frowned unwillingly and dared not to do it, lowered her voice and said, "There is an additional charge for this service, boss!"

Mu Qianli smiled slightly, revealing a row of white teeth, Ji Xiaobai gave him a glance, let alone a smile

Money, she will desperately!

When Ji Xiao was packing her things, Mu Qianli took a stack of money from her wallet and was about to close the wallet when she heard

Ji Xiao’s cell phone rang, and a text message jumped to the interface: Miss Tang, call us 186 in advance when moving.

Invisible to the text behind, Mu Qianli put down her mobile phone, and the expression on her face slowly hardened.

She is moving? Where to move?

Suddenly remembered the conversation he had heard between her and Shangguanhao at the door of Tang Xin's house. She was going to live with him?

Tang Xin's temperament to love money, he could see it through, maybe he would really live with Shang Guan Hao just because he lived for free.

At the thought that she was going to live with another man, Mu Qiancci felt unspeakable resentment, showing no expression.

Emotionally put the money back in the wallet, he sat on the sofa, tapping his fingers.

After Ji Xiao packed his things, he walked out and looked at him excitedly, "Boss, give me money."

"Since you have to settle the accounts, we will do a good job of doing business. Don't lose anybody, no! Sit down!

under! "Mu Qianli was suddenly severe.

Ji Xiao was stunned for a moment before sitting down, "What do you want to calculate?"

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