Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 814: .Send her away


Although she just wanted to take a long look, Li Yunxiu's body still reacted most instinctively, she stood up

Here, I walked straight to Jin Nanfeng's place——

It's getting closer, getting closer and closer to Jin Nanfeng.

Li Yunxiu's heart was beating so fast that it almost came out of his throat.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, an assistant finally discovered the uninvited guest Li Yunxiu, who mistakenly thought it was another crazy fan

Silk frowned and rebuked.

Li Yunxiu was taken aback, and the bouquet in his hand dropped to the ground.

Was stomped severely.

"my flower……"

Li Yunxiu was a little anxious, but it was the bouquet that Aunt Ji Xiao gave him. How could this group of people step on it like this?

"Isn't it just a bouquet of flowers? What's so rare that it delayed Mr. Jin's itinerary. Can you afford it? How can you?

The little fan from here? "

The attitude of the staff is very bad.

Li Yunxiu had never been yelled like this before, his face was pale, standing still, at a loss, in his eyes

Full of panic.

Upon seeing this, the staff member was impatient and came to push Li Yunxiu.


A gentle voice came, and then Jin Nanfeng got out of the car. He glanced at Li Yunxiu, then left

In the past, calmly picked up the bouquet on the ground. Then he smiled at Li Yunxiu.

"This flower has been stepped on like this. Why don't you give it to me?"

Li Yunxiu couldn't believe that her idol, Jin Nanfeng, whom she had liked since childhood, actually spoke to herself!

This is not Jin Nanfeng who is cold on TV or in magazines, but a living, flesh and blood.

Yes, the real Jin Nanfeng!

""Yes..." Li Yunxiu nodded lightly, his cheeks were all red.

Anyway, this bouquet was originally intended for him.

"Well, I will go home and raise it well, what is your name?"

Looking over from Jin Nanfeng’s point of view, you can see the girl standing awkwardly, her delicate face full of red.

Halo, it looks... actually a little cute.

"My name is Li..."

Li Yunxiu suddenly remembered that his family had taught him since childhood, and could not disclose his name casually, so he quickly changed

Mouth, "My name is...little hydrangea."

"Little Hydrangea, the name is really special."

Jin Nanfeng smiled and glanced at the flower in his hand, "Who was this originally intended for?"

Li Yunxiu wanted to talk about you, but the word seemed to be magical. At the most critical moment, he said no.

Come out, just say in a low voice, "I want to give it to someone I like."

"Then I took your flowers, will anyone you like be jealous?"

Li Yunxiu shook his head quickly, how could she be jealous? The person she likes is Jin Nanfeng.

"Okay, I remember, your name is Little Hydrangea, and you gave me a bunch of flowers." Jin Nanfeng smiled, "It's just that I am now

Going back, you should go home early. Otherwise the parents will be worried. "

Li Yunxiu suddenly remembered the text message from Li Beixun, and glanced at his phone subconsciously, it was only one past five o'clock.

More than an hour.

"Ah, I have to go back, goodbye, Jin Nanfeng."

She bowed slightly at Jin Nanfeng, then turned and ran.

Jin Nanfeng looked at her from behind, muttered "It's funny" and then somehow he suddenly laughed.

"Mr. Jin, let me throw the flowers away for you."

When an assistant came over and reached out to pick Jin Nanfeng from his hand, he knew that Jin Nanfeng didn’t like flowers.

Even because he was allergic to pollen, he still felt a little disgusted. It was so stupid that the girl just came to send flowers. "This flower is pretty, take it back and get a bottle to plug it in."

Jin Nanfeng gently threw the bouquet in his hand to him, and then got into the car.

"Huh?" The assistant was taken aback and ran after him, "But Mr. Jin, you never like flowers...""

"I won't give you any money after you talk so much, so annoying?"

Jin Nanfeng glanced at the assistant blankly. Well, if the performance of the two of them had made the assistant a little bit afraid before, he didn't dare to say anything.

Jin Nanfeng retracted his dissatisfied gaze, and then reached out to call Mu Qianli.

Today is his cousin’s wedding, but because he wants to come here to film, he really can’t make it, just waiting

After the wedding, he and the sister-in-law will have dinner alone.


When Li Yunxiu returned home, it had already passed the five o'clock agreed with Li Beixun.

With her head down, she walked into the presidential palace anxiously, and at a glance she saw Li Beixun coldly reading a newspaper in the living room.

There was no way to hide, Li Yunxiu hesitated, and finally walked over with his scalp.

"Dad." "See Jin Nanfeng?"

Li Beixun didn't lift his head either.

Speaking of Jin Nanfeng, Li Yunxiu became excited in an instant, "I saw it, and I gave him my bouquet. He said he was very


Seeing Li Beixun's cold eyes, Li Yunxiu's head shrank, and he dared not speak for a moment.

Oops, she was so excited just now that she actually lost her mind.

"When did I ask you to come back?"

Li Beixun put down the magazine in his hand.

"Five o'clock..."

"what time is it now?"

"Five thirty."

Little Hydrangea was about to cry.

"Have I said, what is the end of sneaking out?"

Li Beixun looked at her with stern eyes.

"I know, I will be beaten."

Since when she was a child, she secretly ran out, and Li Beixun sent so many people to find herself, Li Beixun has been

I told myself.

The voice of the little hydrangea was shaking.

Li Beixun looked at his daughter, "Knowing that you are still running out, I don't know whether I should scold you or beat or praise you for being good."

Li Yunxiu dared not speak.

Li Beixun continued, "I won't beat you, because you are my daughter. If you were your brother, I would have beaten you.

I broke your leg. "

The two daughters grew up, no matter what mistakes he made, he never moved a finger.

Can hit her?

Li Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have discussed with your mother and sent you to study abroad. I originally planned to go there again in a while, but it depends on what you see.

In this way, I will send you over next week. "


Li Yunxiu understood that in order not to let himself continue to like Jin Nanfeng, they actually wanted to give themselves to Jin Nanfeng.

Going abroad?

"No, Dad, I don't want to study abroad, I want to stay here!"

"There is no room for discussion on this matter. I have contacted someone at the school. You can go if you want to.

If you go, I will let someone tie you. "Don't..." Li Yunxiu's eyes were red, and he looked at Shi Qing in a panic, "Mom, please help me beg Dad, I don't

If you want to study abroad, don't send me away. "

Shi Qing was helpless and motioned to her not to speak.

"In the past few days, you just stay at home and take care of yourself." Li Beixun got up and left.

Only then did Li Yunxiu understand that Li Beixun was not joking, he really wanted to send himself abroad.

"Mom, I don't want to go..."

"Little Hydrangea, my mother doesn't want you to go, but this time, you did too much, and my mother can't help you."

Li Yunxiu was a little frustrated, "Is my mother unable to persuade my father?"

"Little Hydrangea, in fact, there is nothing wrong with going abroad to study. You will know a lot of good friends and you will see

More things, is this bad? "

"not good……"

If she goes abroad, she probably won't see Jin Nanfeng.

"Daddy has already decided. You will stay at home obediently these few days, don't make him angry, you know?"

Little Hydrangea went back to the room in despair.

Li Yunjin walked downstairs, "Mom, is Dad really going to send Little Hydrangea to study abroad?"

"Well, there is no other way."

Otherwise, what else could they do to make her stop the thought.

"But Little Hydrangea has never been far away before. She is still so far away. She is there alone.

A place where people are not familiar..."


Author ps: Thank you for your support all the way, my dears. Next will be Xiao Xiuqiu and Jin Nanfeng's extravaganza, okay~

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