Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 867: . Regret it?

Li Yunxiu held back the grievances and uncomfortable feelings in his heart, and took a deep breath, "You can also take me

What I just said was made into a video and posted on the Internet. It was said that Jin Nanfeng’s assistant was also grumpy and insulting others. I told

Tell you, you want to break Jin Nanfeng, no way! No matter how difficult it is, I will carry it through with him. "

After speaking, Li Yunxiu turned around, but in the next second, when Li Yunxiu saw the person behind him again, he couldn't help but froze.


Jin Nanfeng didn't know when she came, and stood quietly on the open space not far from her, staring at herself with a deep gaze.

A pair of beautiful brows were also slightly tufted, making Li Yunxiu always feel that he was saying something.

"Jin Nanfeng..."

My heart suddenly flustered.

Li Yunxiu's eyes were a little disturbed, would he blame himself for what he just said? Do you feel this kind of love

Under circumstances, it is unnecessary to do this kind of thing?

Lowering his head subconsciously, Li Yunxiu no longer dared to see Jin Nanfeng.

The real body was trembling slightly because of anger, uncomfortable, uneasy and nervous emotions.

Until a pair of clean shoes fell on Li Yunxiu’s eyes, she raised her head slightly and saw that Jin Nanfeng had already reached her.


"Jin Nanfeng, me, I just..."

"Let's go, go back."

Jin Nanfeng stretched out his hand and gently embraced Li Yunxiu's shoulders, and gently embraced her trembling body.

Li Yunxiu walked out very resolutely in the gaze of all these people.

Li Yunxiu's nose was sour, and tears couldn't help streaming down as soon as he got into the car.

"Why cry?"

Jin Nanfeng looked at her, "Didn't you be brave just now?"

Li Yunxiu thought he was angry, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I...I'm just too angry, they are too

Excessive, so... I'm sorry..."

"No need to apologize." Jin Nanfeng stretched out his hand and stroked her cold tears, but her voice was extremely warm, "I am very happy with you.

Can speak for me. "

With a twist of Li Yunxiu's heart, he heard Jin Nanfeng say again, "Finally, it looks a bit like my assistant Jin Nanfeng."

Li Yunxiu's tears couldn't help rolling out, even if Jin Nanfeng wiped her tears gently, she still couldn't help it.

She was crying. In the end, even Jin Nanfeng had no choice but to hold her head and hold her in his arms.

Here, I vented out the grievances and sadness held in my stomach.

I don't know how long it took until Li Yunxiu's mood stabilized before Jin Nanfeng took her back to the center of the imperial capital.

"Have you quarreled with Sister Wang Qing?"

Li Yunxiu felt a little uneasy thinking of the fierce quarrel.

"No, just some small differences."

Jin Nanfeng drove the car intently, but there was a hint of irritation between his eyebrows.

"Sister Wang Qing is always good, you..."

"You mean I'm ill?" Jin Nanfeng smiled.

"You just have a bad temper." She knows exactly what Jin Nanfeng is like.

"Don't worry about me and her."

"Then what are you going to do? Everyone is scolding you online now, or I will tell the truth about the matter?"

If she comes forward, someone will believe it, and then ask the police who searched and rescued her to come forward to testify.

I knew I didn't lie.

"Aren't you afraid of being known by your family?" Jin Nanfeng suddenly turned his head and glanced at Li Yunxiu, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.


Li Yunxiu frowned.

"That person was your twin brother yesterday, but Chenchen called his uncle."

Obviously they are twins, one is an uncle and the other is an aunt, which is not reasonable.

Li Yunxiu's face instantly turned pale.

"I thought you... didn't notice."

"I'm not stupid, and I'm so much older than you, what have you never seen?" Jin Nanfeng tapped his fingers lightly

Turning the steering wheel, "Who is Chenchen's father?"

Li Yunxiu lowered his head, was silent for a long time, then shook his head gently, "Don't ask me the father of my child again

Who is it? Chenchen shouldn't have come into this world. I was reluctant to bring him selfishly. "

"Everyone asks me, who is his father? Who is that important?" Li Yunxiu smiled gently, "anti

Yes, he would never know that he had a child, and would never know. "

"You may want to ask me whether I regret or not regret it, right?"

Li Yunxiu looked out the window faintly.

"Many people have asked me questions like this, you see, I'm so young, Chenchen is almost five years old.

Yes, even the doctor did not recommend me to keep him. "

Recalling the past a few years ago, Li Yunxiu's eyes turned red involuntarily, "But, I really can't bear it.

I’ve never regretted it. The same thing, I told my brother, I can tell you again, giving birth to Chenchen, yes

The least regrettable thing I have done in my life. "

The scarlet eyes suddenly became extremely determined.

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but stunned.

Accustomed to the gentleness and quietness of this woman, today’s Li Yunxiu, whether it’s re-exposing Chenchen or just being self-conscious

What he said in his early days gave him too much shock.

Perhaps he had never understood Li Yunxiu before, or he had thought her wrong from the beginning.

The atmosphere in the car is a bit solemn.

Li Yunxiu did not want to talk about his own affairs at this time, so he suppressed the emotion in his heart and changed the topic, "Waiting for you

I also have a child, maybe I will understand me. "

"If I want to understand you, I don't need a child."

Jin Nanfeng frowned, "Besides, that child Chenchen...very good."

Rao is someone who dislikes the trouble of children so much, and can't help but rejoice.

"Yes, Chen Chen is fine."

The father of that child... is such a good person. Chenchen is his child. How could it be bad?

"Yunxiu, you don’t need to check and intervene in my affairs, and don’t even think about clarifying things for me.

No matter how much things happen, they won't believe it. "Jin Nanfeng said suddenly.

"But, I killed you." If it weren't for her disappearance, Jin Nanfeng would not get angry and be videotaped.

"This matter is big or small, do you think I will not be able to solve it?" Jin Nanfeng "hum", "again

Having said that, it’s my own business to get angry, not all for you. If anyone has an accident on the crew, I will

Would do that. "

Back in the imperial capital, Jin Nanfeng gave Li Yun embroidery a few days off.

Li Yunxiu knew that he could not help much by staying with Jin Nanfeng. Secondly, it was because of Li Beixun’s birthday.

When it came time, she had been absent for several years. How could she help Li Beixun to celebrate his birthday this year, so she agreed.

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