Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 872: .Why are you drunk?

Opened the door, threw Jin Nanfeng on the sofa, and Li Yunxiu clapped his hands, "Okay, I will send you back, you

Go take a bath and wake up, I'll go back first. "

She ran out in the middle of the night, and she didn't know if she was seen by her family.

"You stay with me."

Jin Nanfeng sat up from the sofa, stretching his long legs lazily.

"Do you still need to accompany you when you are this old? Are you a kid?"

"I am drunk."

Jin Nanfeng's face was dizzy and flushed after being drunk.

"Who doesn't know that you are drunk." Li Yunxiu was helpless, if he were not drunk, he wouldn't make trouble to see her Li Yunxiu had done.


Jin Nanfeng ordered very hard.

Li Yunxiu was completely convinced and walked back again, "Okay, I won't go, I will stay with you, is this all right?"

"Hmm..." Jin Nanfeng finally smiled with satisfaction. He rarely smiles like this on weekdays. If you look closely, there is a

A small pear vortex makes him look gentler.

"Jin Nanfeng, you have pears."

Li Yunxiu was a little surprised, and couldn't help but poked.

"I haven't seen the world, doesn't your son also have it."

Jin Nanfeng hummed, his drunken eyes were full of blur and haziness, and he didn't know what he was talking about when he sat on the sofa.

Well, "When you said that, I suddenly remembered that your son and I... really look like me... like to eat

It’s the same thing as your food, and it’s the same thing you hate to eat. Hey, Li Yunxiu, honestly, I won’t be me.

Right? "

Li Yunxiu's expression was stiff for a moment, but he laughed quickly, "You will die of this heart, Jin Nanfeng, you

It looks nothing like Chenchen. "

Jin Nanfeng squinted his eyes, "You are right, if that kid is a little bit like me, I would have held him long ago.

I did a dna test... and it’s impossible for me to be so clean..."

"Okay, don't think you can talk nonsense after drinking, go take a shower."

Jin Nanfeng stood up with a "um".

"What are you doing?"

"Help me undress."

"Can't you take it off yourself?"

"I am drunk."

Jin Nanfeng took it for granted.

Li Yunxiu completely convinced him, "Can I play a rogue when I am drunk? Then I will be drunk next time."

"Yes." Jin Nanfeng took two steps forward and put Li Yun embroidery on the edge of the sofa. "If you are drunk, I will

You are bound to undress and take a shower. "

Li Yunxiu's face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, Jin Nanfeng is now unconscious, otherwise he will definitely be suspicious when he sees it, Li

Yun Xiu took a deep breath, then reached out and gently helped Jin Nanfeng undress.

Jackets, shirts, one by one...

"You can take off the clothes underneath by yourself? Don't think you can be a gangster if you are drunk."

Jin Nanfeng nodded, turned around and went to the bathroom.

Li Yunxiu realized that he was already sweating a layer of sweat all over his body when he heard the sound of water coming.

This man... looks so decisive and powerful on weekdays, but he didn't expect to be so childish when he was drunk.

Li Yunxiu sat on the sofa, pondered for a moment, wondering if he should stay tonight, or take advantage of this opportunity

I hurried to leave. I was hesitating. I only heard a loud bang from the bathroom, as if there was something.

Like a heavy object falling to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Jin Nanfeng's hoarse voice came, "It hurts..."

Jin Nanfeng fell.

Li Yunxiu instantly understood what was going on, and immediately ran to the bathroom, pushing the door open with his hands before turning back.

What should I come over, stopped and called "Jin Nanfeng?"

"Come in."

"Then you get dressed first, I'll come in again."

After a few seconds-

"I'm ready."

Only then did Li Yunxiu push the door in, and saw that Jin Nanfeng was wearing a white bath towel all over his body, sitting in the bath.

Next to the tank, he looked at himself with wet hair.

Li Yunxiu's face burned red in an instant, and he turned around and covered his eyes subconsciously, "Jin Nanfeng, I didn't let you dress well.

Clothes? "

Only one bath towel was approved. What kind of dressing is this?

"hand pain."

Jin Nanfeng's words are concise and concise.

Li Yunxiu was simply convinced, but she couldn't just leave Jin Nanfeng, who was drunk and injured, just like that.

Gu, he can fall down even after taking a shower. He doesn't know what more weird things he will do.

Forget it, he is a big star, she is shy, anyway, it is not her Li Yunxiu who suffers.

Li Yunxiu took a few deep breaths, turned around and walked over to mix Jin Nanfeng from the ground, trying not to look away.

Look at Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng put a hand on Li Yunxiu’s neck, his whole body pressed over, his eyes caught the woman’s red ears

Gen, couldn't help but smile, leaned on her ear, and whispered, "It's okay, I'm wearing underwear."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

After finally getting Jin Nanfeng out of the bathroom and throwing it on the bed, Li Yunxiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Your

Can the hand move? If it doesn't work, I will call the doctor. It may be broken or dislocated. "

"It's not that serious, but it hurts badly."

Jin Nanfeng moved his right wrist.

"That's good, you are too drunk, so go to bed early."

"I'm hungry."

Jin Nanfeng squinted his eyes, making Li Yunxiu jump out one by one, "I want to eat."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

"I want to eat steak."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

"I want it half-ripe."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

"Hurry up and do it."

Jin Nanfeng leaned against the head of the bed lazily, looking like an uncle.

Li Yunxiu clenched his fists tightly and forcibly suppressed the trace of anger in his heart. Li Yunxiu, calm down, he drank

If he is drunk, he doesn't know anything, just treat him as a kid.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry...huge!

Li Yunxiu angrily threw a pillow over and turned away.

I went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and quickly made a bowl of noodles for Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng frowned when he saw what was in the bowl, "Why not steak? My cow

Row? Are you playing me? "

"Where will I find steak for you in the middle of the night? Your refrigerator only has noodles, OK?" Li Yunxiu

Frown, very helpless, "Do you eat or not? If you don't, I will throw it away."

"Well, then you feed me."

"Why should I feed you?" Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng viciously, "Don't tell you that you are drunk, I think you haven't

Sometimes when I can’t eat anything. "

"Oh..." Jin Nanfeng blinked, "I hurt my hand."

Li Yunxiu: "..."

Li Yunxiu fed Jin Nanfeng the noodles bit by bit with an attitude of not being careless with the drunk drunkard.

A bowl of noodles was quickly eaten by Jin Nanfeng.

Helping Jin Nanfeng to sleep on the bed, Li Yunxiu asked in a low voice, "Why do you drink so much wine tonight?"

She knows Jin Nanfeng, she knows she has a job in the last two days, but she is still drunk like this. This is really incompatible with Jin Nan

The wind is a man.

Is something wrong?

What else can make Jin so drunk like this?

Is it an important person?

Li Yunxiu's heart couldn't help but tighten.

"Did you get drunk because of someone?"

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