Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 888: .How long have they been like this?

Like him... just say it.

Is this a shame?

"Sorry, really, sorry."

Tears were like broken beads, one by one, and Jin Nanfeng suddenly realized that it had been growing from his heart.

The feeling that came up was pain.

This is the scene of the dinner. There are so many people who have been back and forth. Someone can’t help but watch it, Jin Nan

Feng frowned slightly, and took Li Yunxiu's hand, "Let's go to the garden."

Jin Nanfeng said, "Li Yunxiu, don't cry."

How could Li Yunxiu stop, his shoulders twitched.

"Li Yunxiu, you like me, we can associate, you don't need to cry."

Li Yunxiu raised his head, looking at him dimly with tears, "I don't need your sympathy."

"Do you think I am sympathizing with you?" Jin Nanfeng gasped, "Li Yunxiu, what's your brain? I last night

I said that I want to associate with you. I only found out about you today. Why do I sympathize with you? "

"You are just used to me." Li Yunxiu looked at him, "You are just used to having me by your side, this is not real

like. "

"How do you know I don't like you?"

"Because I have liked you for more than ten years." Li Yunxiu answered him without thinking, eyes full of pain, "Jin Nanfeng,

I like you. I like you for so many years. I know better than anyone, what it’s like to like someone, don’t you

Like me, at least, you don't like me now. "

"I can try to like you. You can't give me a chance."

Jin Nanfeng looked at her very seriously, "I really don't know what my feelings for you are, but I

Know that you are special. "

In his heart, Li Yunxiu is different from any other woman.

"You don't know, Jin Nanfeng." Li Yunxiu shook his head, "I just want to know that you were not in that kind of warmth last night.

Under the illusion of the ambiguous atmosphere, I feel like me, so I want to associate with me. "

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu quietly. After a long silence, he said, "Even if it was an illusion last night, now

It’s neither warm nor ambiguous, so I’ll ask you the question last night again. Would you like to try to associate with me

see? "

Li Yunxiu was once again forced into a dead end. She did not want to agree to Jin Nanfeng in such a confused situation, but

Just as she and Li Yunjin said, he couldn't refuse Jin Nanfeng at all.

This man is like a bottomless deep pool and mud, knowing that once touched, he may never be able to escape.

No more, but she still jumped down desperately.

Li Yunxiu clenched his fist tightly, as if a century had passed, and finally nodded gently.

Jin Nanfeng was overjoyed and couldn't help holding her in his arms.

"I have considered what you asked me to consider yesterday, and I have some things for you to consider." Jin Nanfeng looked at

He said to her, "Since I am Jin Nanfeng's girlfriend, I have to say something in advance."


With tears still on his face, Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng puzzled.

"I really want face, so I dance with other men, don’t allow it, eat with other men, don’t allow it, don’t

My men called out to watch movies at night, and they were not allowed here by Jin Nanfeng. "

Li Yunxiu froze for a moment, knowing that Zhang Mocheng was mostly referred to by this other man, and wondered where Jin Nanfeng wanted

Face is obviously stingy.

However, he said it makes sense. Now that the relationship has been determined, she does have to keep a little distance from the other sex.

So nodded and agreed very simply.

"Then, move in to live with me."

With the next words, Li Yunxiu was shocked, "Move live with you?"

"Is it weird?" Jin Nanfeng frowned, "Yunxiu, we are all grown-ups, you don't think you are in love

Isn’t it like junior high school students? "

Li Yunxiu paused, embarrassed, "I am fine, but my family may not agree."

If Li Yunjin knew that he had moved to live with a man, he would be so angry that he would beat Jin Nanfeng, right?

Jin Nanfeng suddenly remembered the young man who didn't show his face last time, and felt a little headache faintly.

Li Yunjin...

It's really a trouble.

"Okay, that's different, but you should be able to move out of the house, right? Live opposite me, you have lived before,

You can't ask me to find you in the presidential palace in the future, right? "

Jin Nanfeng smiled.

Li Yunxiu pondered for a moment, then nodded, "This should be fine."

"Then move out tomorrow."


Li Yunxiu was shocked, "You are too impatient, you have to give me some time to pack things."

"You don't need to bring old things. I'll send them directly what you need." Jin Nanfeng said.

"I'm used to those things, but I'm not used to using new things."

"Okay, it's up to you."

Jin Nanfeng smiled softly.

"Are you going back now?" Li Yunxiu looked at the dinner, the atmosphere was strong here, even if it sneaked away, it shouldn't

Is it the problem?

"What are you going to do? I haven't given a gift to Mr. Mu yet." Jin Nanfeng took Li Yunxiu's hand, "Let's go to the dance floor."

"Huh?" Before Li Yunxiu could react, Jin Nanfeng had already led him to the dance floor.

"Jin Nanfeng, I can't dance..."

"I don't want to dance too. Who made you so happy just now with Zhang Mocheng? I am your boyfriend. Do you dare to refuse me?"

Jin Nanfeng couldn't help but break up, he had already held Li Yunxiu's waist, and seeing her blushing face, he gently blew into her ear.

Angrily, "No, it doesn't matter, just close your eyes and feel me slowly."

Li Yunxiu looked at Jin Nanfeng's dark eyes, then nodded shyly and closed his eyes.

She felt that everything tonight was like a dream long, long ago.

Everything was too unreal. She became Jin Nanfeng's girlfriend and danced with Jin Nanfeng on the dance floor.

She has been so overwhelmed by joy and emotion that she has forgotten that her family, Li Beixun and Shi Qing are all here


And I saw her dancing with Jin Nanfeng completely!

Standing on the stairs, Li Beixun looked at Jin Nanfeng coldly. The chill in his eyes almost permeated people’s bones.

Her teeth couldn't help but chill.

"Bei Xun, are you okay?"

Shi Qing stepped forward anxiously, "Little Hydrangea..."

Li Beixun called Li Yunjin, "How long have they been like this?"

He understands his daughter’s personality and allows her and Jin Nanfeng to dance in public. They must have known each other a long time ago.

And the relationship is not general.

Seeing that Li Yunjin couldn't keep it anymore, he could only sigh helplessly in his heart, "It seems that little Hydrangea has just returned home.

After a long time, they met. When Chenchen went to film..."

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