Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 205: Are you leaving the father to keep the son?

  Chapter 205 Are you leaving your father to keep your son?

  She smiled, walked up to her face, squatted halfway in front of Yu Dabao, and her voice was somewhat surprised: "Zhan Yan, why are you here? How do you know that Mommy is here?"

   "Daddy brought me here." Yu Dabao was also acting.

   But in private, Yu Dabao said to Yu Anwan in a very low voice: "Mum, it's not bad, your acting skills are very good."

   "Hehe, each other." Yu Anwan was not polite at all.

   Looking up again, the mother and son seemed a little joyful to reunite after a long absence.

  Wen Jin happened to push the door open, and saw this scene, Wen Jin didn't speak, just stood quietly.

  Yu Dabao naturally stood beside Yu Anwan, and Yu Anwan's hand was on Yu Dabao's shoulder.

   "Boss Wen, what kind of wind brought you here?" Yu Anwan looked at Wen Jin with a smile on her face, "You even sent me the words of war yourself, do you understand?"

  Wen Jin just watched without speaking.

  It seems that no matter when and where, Yu Anwan can always fight against you. If she doesn't sarcasm you, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

  But Wen Jin felt that he was cheap.

  The more Yu Anwan was like this, the more he wanted to post it to actively provoke Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan saw that Wen Jin didn't talk, and didn't talk nonsense with Wen Jin. He lowered his head and held Yu Dabao's hand, and said without changing his face: "Mummy will take you in to see Grandma, okay?"

   "Okay." Yu Dabao nodded with a smile, and was very cooperative.

The mother and son just wanted to go back when they saw Cai Shufang coming out of the small kitchen, as if she hadn't noticed what was going on outside, she opened her mouth to tell Yu Anwan, "Wanwan, go to the small supermarket at the street corner, give me When you buy a bottle of dark soy, you want dark soy and not soy, do you hear me?"

   "Understood, grandma." Yu Anwan responded.

  Yu Dabao tilted his head and said with a smile: "Grandma, I will accompany you in."

  Cai Shufang didn't expect what happened outside at all, and when she saw "Wen Zhanyan", she was cheerful: "Okay, okay, Grandma will take you in. It's just right, Xiaobao is looking for you too."

   "Okay." Yu Dabao nodded obediently.

   When Cai Shufang turned around and led Yu Dabao in, she noticed Wen Jin who had been standing at the door.

  Cai Shufang was stunned now, because she didn't expect Wen Jin to come in person.

  Cai Shufang naturally met Wen Jin. Wen Jin and Wen Zhanming also came to the Yu family to propose marriage in person. Although the two did not have a wedding, they were still married by Ming media.

  No one in Jiangcheng knows that the daughter-in-law of the Wen family is the second young lady of the Yu family.

   It's just that Yu Anwan kept a low profile, never exposed it in front of the media, and stayed peacefully at Wen's house.

  At that time, Cai Shufang came to Wenjin for the first time, and knew that Wenjin was by no means an ordinary person.

  But Cai Shufang still directly believes that Wenjin is very suitable for Yu Anwan. Yu Anwan may not have said many things, but Cai Shufang can feel Yu Anwan's resilience.

   I just didn't expect that they parted ways in the end, and it was so ugly.

  And now, as if God was playing a joke, they were pulled together.

  Thinking of this, Cai Shufang sighed silently, then nodded to Wen Jin: "Wen Jin, long time no see."

   "Grandma, long time no see." Wen Jin responded calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

  Yu Anwan couldn't help but frown.

  What nonsense is this man talking about? Grandma is also screaming at him.

  Besides, when they got married, they never saw such a respectful and respectful grandma Cai Shufang as Wen Jin.

   What kind of relative are you going to climb now?

  Yu Anwan was still complaining, but Cai Shufang's voice came with a smile: "It's good to be here, let's go buy old soy sauce with Wanwan, otherwise she will always buy the wrong one."

   Saying that, Cai Shufang took Yu Dabao's hand, turned around and walked slowly into the house.

   Soon, the small kitchen was filled with the happy voice of Xiaobao.

  In the small courtyard, only Wen Jin and Yu Anwan were left standing face to face.

   "Wen Jin, what are you doing here!" Yu Anwan was not so easy to fool, and looked at Wen Jin vigilantly.

  Wen Jin didn't change his face: "My son wanted to find you, so I brought him here."

  Yu Anwan cursed silently in her heart.

  Want to say that Wen Zhanyan looked for him, but Yu Anwan still believed that Yu Dabao had no choice but to look for him.

  But it was naturally impossible for Yu Anwan to speak out what was in her heart.

  She smiled on the skin: "Thank you, Mr. Wen, your son is here, so you can go now. Walk slowly and don't send it off!"

   Later, Yu Anwan's emphasis was the same as that of an opera singer, pulling the old elders.

  Wen Jin laughed angrily: "Are you leaving your father to keep your son?"

   "Oh, as I told you, didn't you go to the mother to keep the child?" Yu Anwan pushed back with sharp teeth.

Wen Jin looked at Yu Anwan, but was quiet for a while, Yu Anwan felt uncomfortable being watched by Wen Jin, waved his hand, and immediately said: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going out to buy soy sauce for grandma. "

   After finishing speaking, Yu Anwan crossed Wenjin and was about to walk outside.

   As a result, when Yu Anwan approached Wen Jin, suddenly, Wen Jin firmly grasped Yu Anwan's wrist.

  Yu Anwan frowned, before she could speak, Wen Jin's calm voice came: "Didn't grandma ask us to buy light soy sauce together?"

   "What grandma, that's my grandma!" Yu Anwan emphasized.

  Wen Jin smiled but didn't speak, and didn't argue with Yu Anwan, so he calmly led Yu Anwan and walked towards the gate of the small courtyard.

  Yu Anwan was a little awkward being led, but she couldn't get out even if she wanted to struggle.

  Besides, this small town is originally a place with few people, and the neighbors all know each other. If there is any social news later, everyone will poke Cai Shufang's spine and ask questions.

  Thinking in this way, Yu Anwan found a reasonable reason for herself, but she generously let Wen Jin lead her.

  Wen Jin saw that Yu Anwan was not struggling anymore, now, Wen Jin looked down at Yu Anwan: "No more struggling?"

   "I don't want to make social news and embarrass grandma." Yu Anwan responded calmly.

Wen Jin hummed, but Yu Anwan was very blunt: "Wen Jin, what are you doing here? Why don't you stay with your Bai Yueguang, what do you come to me for if you have nothing to do, I'm not afraid that Lu Nanxin will make trouble for you again What kind of moth?"

   "No more." Wen Jin said lightly.

   "Why not?" Yu Anwan was at a loss.

  The previous call was made in the early morning, and it was very quiet in the early morning. In fact, Yu Anwan could hear the contents of the phone clearly, because Wen Jin did not avoid it.

  Lu Nanxin committed suicide.

  Yu Anwan sneered, she knew very well that Lu Nanxin cherished his life and would not commit suicide, but this person is a psychopath and would use such things to kidnap others.

   Coincidentally, it was Wen Jin who was kidnapped.

   "She won't mess around anymore." Wen Jin explained calmly.

   "It's not like that! Could it be that you are still allowed to sleep with her ex-wife behind her back?" When Yu Anwan said this, he was typically shameless and impatient.

  (end of this chapter)

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