Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and seventy at the foot of Mount Tai

Monkey Sun is My Junior Brother Text Volume 01070 At the Foot of Mount Tai In Xiang Liang's eyes, Xiang Yu is no longer determined to have his own way, he is just a complete idiot.

He had had enough of Xiang Yu's nonsense.

If it weren't for the fact that the Xiang family is so sparsely populated now, they really wouldn't be able to find a decent one.

Xiang Liang plans to find someone else to support him.

And the only one who can take a fancy to it is Xiang Zhuang.

But Xiang Zhuang only wanted to assist Xiang Yu.

This made Xiang Liang even more distressed. In terms of martial prowess, Xiang Zhuang was slightly inferior to Xiang Yu.

But this is the only thing Xiang Yu can take advantage of.

Other than that, there's really nothing worth showing off.

And Xiang Yu also displayed his martial arts to the fullest.

It has even surpassed martial arts and reached a new realm, a realm of bravery and recklessness.

Jin Si has been watching all this in the shadows.

He is the best observer of history.

Most of the time, Jin Si will not actively interfere with the process.

Xiang Liang and Zhao Gao joined forces.

But Zhao Gao always hides behind the scenes.

Zhao Gao can be said to be the big boss of this era.

A eunuch, but he played with Ying Zheng in the palm of his hand.

Although Xiang Liang was also guarding against the opponent.

But when it comes to conspiracy and intrigue, he is really no match for Zhao Gao.

If Jin Si hadn't viewed it from God's perspective, Jin Si might have been tricked by him.

Zhao Gao is so arrogant. Even in modern times, he is just a cook. He needs knowledge but not knowledge, and looks but not looks.

After Zhao Gao came to this era, he also performed what it means to survive in the Qin Dynasty. After entering the palace, he also performed the ups and downs of the officialdom.

After gaining favor, he staged another official appearance, and now, he is about to stage a conspiracy to usurp the throne.

Many times, people are forced out.

At the beginning, he would not have thought that he would be able to achieve the status he has today.

And now he wants to take it a step further.

Everything he did was not his subjective decision.

More often than not, choices are made passively due to one's own position.

Just like this time, if Ying Zheng hadn't given up on him first.

He would not go into danger and plan to kill the lord and the emperor.

Zhao Gao has offended too many people in the past.

If he loses Ying Zheng's favor.

Then others will definitely be eager to kill him.

If Zhao Gao doesn't want to die, he can only regain his favor or choose a new master who can favor him.

Obviously, he couldn't change Ying Zheng's decision, so he could only kill Ying Zheng.

It is true that he has now regained Ying Zheng's favor.

But this kind of favor is based on Zhao Gao's lies.

Once the lie is exposed, he will be beyond redemption.

Now Zhao Gao is desperate.

If you lose, you will be doomed; if you win, you will enjoy the world.

For this reason, Zhao Gao has not yet prepared a big gift for Ying Zheng, a super big gift.

Zhao Gao is still very confident about this.

Of course, with the addition of Xiang Liang, he became more confident.

In Zhao Gao's words, this is a group of cannon fodder with high moral character.

Zhao Gao would never expect this rabble to kill Ying Zheng.

At least in Zhao Gao's eyes, they are cannon fodder.

Zhao Gao didn't know about the overlord of Western Chu who would emerge from the Xiang family in the future.

In fact, even if he knew, Zhao Gao wouldn't care too much.

Zhao Gao asked someone to send a message to Xiang Liang, and the two parties met at Mount Tai, and then waited until Ying Zheng climbed the mountain to start the ceremony of enshrining the Zen, and then jointly besieged Mount Tai.

Although Xiang Liang was also wary of Zhao Gao's side, he still approved the plan.

Mount Tai is undoubtedly the best place for an ambush.

Zhao Gao also made demands on Xiang Liang.

Before Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen, hide yourself well.

Don't encourage a group of rioters to deliver food to Ying Zheng like last time.

An attack of that level would always be a meal.

The troops that Ying Zheng traveled with this time were all the best among the best.

It can be said to be the most powerful army in the world at this time, bar none.

And they are the best generals in existence, Wang and his son.

Without ten times the strength, it would be almost impossible to defeat this force.

But even without Xiang Liang's action.

The journey is still uneven.

There are too many people in this world who want Ying Zheng's head.

The key is that Ying Zheng claimed too many people's heads in the past.

So now that Ying Zheng rarely leaves the palace, those people can't wait to come up one after another to deliver food.

But whether it's a one-on-one fight or a group fight, Ying Zheng is invincible.

Whether it was an assassin or an invading army, they were all manipulated by Ying Zhengjiao.

In this way, there was a lot of stumbling along the way, but there was no danger.

Fengchan's team has arrived at the foot of Mount Tai.

"Your Majesty, we have finally received a report that a group of people is gathering in nearby Xiang'an County."

The person who came to Ying Zheng was General Wang Jian.

The Wang family and the Meng family are old enemies.

However, the Wang family was not happy at all after the Meng family was destroyed.

The families of the two major generals have been loyal to the Qin Emperor for generations.

There has been open and covert fighting for decades.

In fact, the so-called struggle is actually an inevitable result of the political situation.

Those in power don’t want politicians to act in unison.

Nor do they want the army to advance and retreat together. This is the so-called emperor's mentality in ancient times.

Anyway, it's a ridiculous idea. It seems that only this kind of power can reflect the value of an emperor.

The Wang family and the Meng family have always maintained an antagonistic relationship, just to eliminate the emperor's suspicion.

Now Meng's rabbit is cooked by a dog, and the crime is treason.

Others may believe it, but the Wang family doesn't believe it, and neither does Wang Jian.

Leaving aside the issue of loyalty, just saying that rebellion requires at least military strength.

Sixty percent of Great Qin's military strength was in the hands of the Meng family and the Wang family.

Moreover, they are under cross control. If the Wang family is the chief general of an army, the Meng family must be the deputy general, and vice versa.

If one party makes any changes, the other party will definitely not notice it.

In Wang Jian's view, this is just a dead end.

This also made Wang Jian more cautious.

I am becoming more and more cautious in every aspect, not daring to overstep the mark.

Ying Zheng leaned on the dragon chair, holding his temple with one hand.

"Then go and destroy them. Do you still need my order for such a trivial matter? Or is the opponent's number already so large that even the general has a headache?"

"Your Majesty, now that Feng Chan is about to come, the general will not dare to mobilize the army to leave the foot of Mount Tai without permission."

"How many people are there on the other side?"

"According to the number reported by the spies, there are about fifty thousand people."

"Bring 3,000 black-armored cavalry and 10,000 black-armored soldiers and let Wang Ben go and destroy them." Ying Zheng said calmly.

"Your Majesty, the general is worried that this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"Don't you still have more than 20,000 people left? Does the general feel that he is not sure that he can use 20,000 people to protect my safety?"

"Your Majesty, whether the general is sure or not cannot be used as a reason for your majesty to take risks. The general feels that your majesty's safety is the most important. As long as our army remains intact, no matter how many troops the opponent gathers, it will be useless. As long as we wait and wait, the opponent will Nothing can be done."

"That makes sense, but I still want to destroy that group of thieves."

"General... I obey the order."

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