Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Seventy Three I won’t allow you to belittle yourself

Monkey Sun is My Junior Brother Text Volume 01073 I won’t allow you to belittle yourself. The red-clothed warlock took out a book and smiled awkwardly.

"I suddenly remembered that I brought the book with me."

Jin Si took the book, looked through it a few times, and smiled: "Actually, I was joking with you just now. You don't believe it, right?"

"Haha... of course not. I see that your Excellency is kind and doesn't look like someone who kills indiscriminately."

"You have seen this. I have to go have a drink. It's your treat."

"Natural, this is natural." The red warlock didn't want to drink with Jin Si, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Jin Si's hand is still on the back of his neck. With a little effort, he will probably recall his youth.

The nearby towns had long been emptied by the Fengchan team, and the people were expelled from their homes.

Even those big players cannot control their own fate.

It has to be said that when the Zen conferment team reached the foot of Mount Tai, they were already complaining.

Jin Si and the red warlock found a restaurant to sit down.

The shopkeeper of this restaurant is not afraid of death either.

Or maybe it's because it's dozens of miles away from the foot of Mount Tai.

So I continued to open the store with a sense of luck.

Of course, even if he runs a restaurant.

However, there were no customers coming and going. There was only one shopkeeper and two waiters fishing in the two-story restaurant.

When they saw Jin Si and the red warlock, the people in the store almost treated them like grandfathers.

It's not easy for everyone these days. Even those who open a shop here are just trying to make ends meet.

Jin Si and the red-robed warlock sat down and ordered a few drinks and dishes.

The store serves the food very quickly and has two waiters waiting on it.

"What do you call fellow Taoist?" Jin Si asked.

"I am Zhang Zhengyi." The red-clothed warlock replied, "Then what do you call your Excellency?"

"The last name is Jin."

"Fellow Daoist Jin, I was offended before."

"Nowhere, we don't know each other without fighting."

The two sides were polite, and they didn't miss anything when eating and drinking.

Zhang Zhengyi's ugliness when eating and drinking is no worse than Jin Si's.

The steamed chicken goes straight to your mouth when you grab it.

"Is Fellow Daoist Zhang working for the Xiang family?"

"It's not about effectiveness, it's just a transaction. Fellow Daoist Jin, are you working as a lackey for Ying Zheng?"

"If I were Ying Zheng's lackey, would you still be alive today?"

Both Jin Si and Zhang Zhengyi found that the other party's character was similar to their own.

They are not good people, but they are not extremely evil people either.

At least they won't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

As for Zhang Zhengyi's previous attack on the Qin army in Xiang'an County.

To put it bluntly, it was a transaction with Xiang.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, can you really get the elixir of death by watching Ying Zheng consecrate himself to Mount Tai?"

"What are you thinking? This is a killing array aimed at Ying Zheng. Even if Ying Zheng can come down from Mount Tai alive this time, he will probably lose half his life." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

"I can't see it. I have been in contact with the Xiang family several times. Although the Xiang family has secretly acted disobediently, it was just a small fight after all. Take this time as an example, even if it was a plot against Ying Zhengshu, Thousands of elite soldiers, but this is basically the limit. If we want to hurt Ying Zheng’s muscles and bones, I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

"Of course I'm not talking about the Xiang family, but the people around Ying Zheng."

When Zhang Zheng heard this, his expression changed with shock.

"You mean, there are people around Ying Zheng who want to kill him?"

"What do you care about? You and I are both outsiders anyway."

"But if Ying Zheng dies, won't the world be in chaos?"

Jin Si rolled his eyes: "Zhang Daoyou, you personally killed thousands of Qin soldiers before and made outstanding contributions to the anti-Qin cause. Now you still care about Ying Zheng's life and death?"

"My killing of those Qin soldiers will not affect the overall situation, and the Qin Dynasty will not collapse because of these thousands of people. But Ying Zheng is different. No matter how cruel his methods were in the past, he is indeed the common master of the world now, and there is no one like him anymore in the world. The strife of nations.”

"Aren't you talking nonsense? In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. Have you ever heard of this saying?"

Zhang Zhengyi carefully tasted this sentence, which was indeed thought-provoking.

But the cliff is not what the person in front of me can say.

Although Zhang Zhengyi didn't have much contact with Jin Si, he already had a general understanding of Jin Si's character from his words and deeds.

"Having said that, if Ying Zheng dies, the world will definitely be in turmoil again. Although Ying Zheng is cruel and unkind, it will be better than when the Seven Kingdoms gathered together."

How chaotic was the Seven Kingdoms back then?

As someone who has been there, I know that history very well.

No matter how cruel Ying Zheng was, how many people could he have killed?

"How about you go and report the news." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

Zhang Zhengyi rolled his eyes: "I'm not stupid."

He had just finished killing the Qin army, and then turned around to inform Ying Zheng.

Do you think Ying Zheng should kill him?

Although Zhang Zhengyi had a worried expression on his face.

But if he really sacrifices his life to inform the tyrant Ying Zheng, then he is not that noble.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, when you say that Ying Zheng is in danger this time, are you saying that Ying Zheng will definitely die?"

"Poor luck and certain death are undoubtedly two different concepts, right? How did you get into Chinese class?"

"So according to Fellow Daoist Jin, Ying Zheng can't die?"

"I'm sorry, I don't want to talk to you anymore." Jin Si felt that Zhang Zhengyi's IQ was not enough, so he pointed at the waiter next to him: "Ask them and see if they understand."

At this moment, the two waiters in the shop felt that their heads were so big that they felt like they were going to explode.

What did you hear? What are they talking about?

At this moment they just want to die, okay?

If you want to discuss the life and death of Emperor Qin, please find a corner where no one is around.

What do you mean by discussing this in front of us?

"You two, I am deaf and can't hear what you say. I apologize."

"Don't look at me...I'm mute."

Two waiters said they were now openly pretending to be dead.

Jin Si and Zhang Zhengyi didn't care whether they reported or not.

These days, whistleblowers themselves must first undergo three punishments: tongue pulling, face slapping and hair shaving.

And if no evidence can be produced, especially if it involves royal secrets, then it will not be the three punishments, but the guillotine.

So they didn't bother to report it.

"That's all, this world's affairs have nothing to do with me after all." Zhang Zhengyi shook his head: "But Fellow Taoist Jin, you are taking away my secret method, but it is a bit unnecessary. My fellow Taoist cultivation is astonishing, and there is no need to learn the heresy below, and my The magic is dangerous and unpredictable, and if you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe."

"Who is cheating? Who is cheating? Who are you scolding?"

"Ah? Fellow Daoist Jin...did you hear wrongly? What I said was that I...I was a heretic."

"I don't allow you to slander yourself like this. I think your magic is very upright. I feel the righteousness in your magic."

"Open and aboveboard? Awesome and upright?"

Zhang Zhengyi couldn't help but roll his eyes. His magic was vicious and sinister. How could it be upright and upright?

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