Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Seventy Six The day of death is approaching

Xiang Yu observed the situation.

Very good, the advantage is on our side.

Then Xiang Yu shouted loudly and struck Ying Zheng on the altar with his sword.

Ying Zheng finally couldn't take his endorsement seriously.

Raise one hand and hold it in the air, Purple Galaxy!

A galaxy appeared in front of Xiang Yu's eyes.

Xiang Yu didn't have time to stop, and his whole body fell into the galaxy.

In an instant, the galaxy shattered.

There seemed to be overwhelming power coming from all directions.

Xiang Yu felt unprecedented pain.

But this also stimulated his potential.

Electricity surged all over his body and rushed out of the galaxy.

At the same time, the electric light on his body turned into an electric dragon.

Head straight towards Ying Zheng.

The true dragon energy in Ying Zheng also turned into a black dragon.

Collide with the electric dragon.

Ying Zheng and Xiang Yu took two steps back at the same time.

have equal shares! ?

Only those who are destined can carry the spirit of the true dragon.

And this true dragon's energy is only related to luck and has nothing to do with cultivation.

Ying Zheng's face darkened, the spirit of a true dragon!

The man in front of me actually has the spirit of a true dragon!

In an instant, Ying Zheng became murderous.

This person cannot stay!

Ying Zheng is the overlord of the Qin Dynasty, but the man in front of him has an unknown origin and is actually able to compete with his own true dragon energy.

This person will definitely be a serious problem for Da Qin in the future!

Ying Zheng felt,

His true dragon energy seemed to shrink for a moment.

And Xiang Yu's true dragon spirit even showed faint signs of restraining him.

Ying Zheng became even more angry and slapped Xiang Yu with both palms.

Huntian Baojian's two moves, Baiyunyan and Meixiadang, attack simultaneously.

Xiang Yu fights with his sword, but his skill is far inferior to Ying Zheng.

In one move, he was knocked several dozen feet away.

Ying Zheng looked at Xiang Yu condescendingly.

He was confident that with his own skills, the man would never survive.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiang Yu stood up again.

Although he was covered in blood, he had a domineering aura about him that looked down on the world.

Lightning flashed around Xiang Yu.

"The Overlord's Soul." Ying Zheng looked at Xiang Yu in surprise.

Ying Zheng's expression turned even more ugly. Damn it, why am I even worse than before I became emperor?

Ying Zheng himself is a jerk.

But today he met someone who was even more stupid than him.

Xiang Yu is like this, and Xiang Yu's accusations always seem to be aimed at him.

Like his own nemesis.

There is no way, this is destiny.

Xiang Yu is the end of the Qin Dynasty.

After Xiang Yu was seriously injured by Ying Zheng, not only did he not show weakness, but he got back on his feet again.

Strong in every sense of the word.

"Emperor Dog, today is the day you die!" Xiang Yu roared.

The electricity in his body burst out like a thunderstorm.

Xiang Yu fell to the ground with one strike, and the entire altar was cut in half by Xiang Yu's strike.

Ying Zheng secretly thought that this attack was too powerful.

It's not that he can't block it, it's that he doesn't want to block it.

Blocking this blow was not worth the gain.

At this moment, Xiang Yu is too powerful and it is not suitable for a head-on confrontation.

Ying Zheng looked around, looking for help.

Seeing Lao Cui being entangled by Wang Ben, his face was gloomy.

Damn Wang Ben, he fails more than he succeeds in accomplishing anything.

After returning, the Wang family must be wiped out.

How could Ying Zheng not see that Wang Ben was trying to trick others?

At this moment, he has lost his mind and cannot tell the difference between ourselves and the enemy.

But Lao Cui was entangled by Wang Ben and had murderous intentions.

But at this moment, Wang Ben is Xiaoqiang who cannot be beaten to death.

Looking back at Xiang Yu, he is also an invincible Xiaoqiang.

It is obvious that his cultivation level is only 30% of his own, yet he is unable to stand up again and again.

And it gets stronger every time. Is this guy a Saiyan?

Ying Zheng felt very uncomfortable. He had vaguely noticed that Xiang Yu was restraining him.

From martial arts to cheats, Xiang Yu restrained him in almost all aspects.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu's skill is not very high. He can be considered a super master, but he has not yet reached the peak.

To be honest, the Huntian Baojian is considered to be the most advanced technique in the world.

Coupled with Ying Zheng's own true dragon energy, he still has forty years of skill blessing.

Basically, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best player in the world.

But even so, he still couldn't crush Xiang Yu to death.

And the more they fight, the more Ying Zheng feels helpless.

Ying Zheng felt that his Qi didn't seem to be running smoothly.

poisoned! ? Ying Zheng was shocked.

The symptoms were not strong because they were not obvious, and Ying Zheng had not noticed them before.

If the battle wasn't in full swing right now and he was fully mobilizing his true energy, Ying Zheng would probably have been kept in the dark.

But how could he be poisoned?

All our food has gone through several food safety tests.

That procedure is much stricter than that of a certain deer milk.

Finally, it was tasted manually.

Just when Ying Zheng was in shock, Xiang Yu's offensive came again.

Ying Zheng hurriedly resisted, and in his haste, the symptoms of poisoning became more obvious.

Ying Zheng's feet were a little weak.

Xiang Yu also noticed that something was wrong with Ying Zheng's situation.

This state is very similar to my own symptoms ten times a night.

Fortunately, he didn't bring Yu Ji with him.

I am in good shape now.

Xiang Yu's offensive became more and more fierce.

It hit Ying Zheng's face like a violent storm.

Ying Zheng tried his best to resist.

"Old Cui! Come and help me!"

At this time, Ying Zheng also felt a little unable to hold on.

Lao Cui left Wang Ben behind and rushed over.

Just when Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Cui slapped Ying Zheng on the back.

The confused Ying Zheng doubts his life.

Ying Zheng looked at Lao Cui in shock: "Old dog! How dare you betray me!"

Lao Cui looked at Ying Zheng with a ferocious smile.

"Ying Zheng, you don't really think that I will be your dog for the rest of your life, do you?"

"You don't want the whereabouts of your son?"

"I already know."

Xiang Yu also didn't expect that the old eunuch would actually defect in the face of battle.

But this is a good thing, because it happens that it is difficult for him to deal with Ying Zheng alone.

Ying Zheng's injuries were even more serious after being attacked by the old eunuch.

Ying Zheng was shocked and angry. At this moment, Wang Ben also joined the battle.

And the target is directly at Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng is even more heartbroken, you are so frustrated that you are going crazy.

Why are you only hitting me?

Don't you think about these two?

Three masters besieged Ying Zheng, and they were Ying Zheng in soft-footed shrimp mode.

Ying Zheng said he couldn't bear it.

Finally, Xiang Yu stabbed Ying Zheng in the stomach.

Ying Zheng slapped Xiang Yu back, and Wang Ben and Lao Cui also slapped Ying Zheng at the same time.

Ninety-nine returns to one! Ying Zheng activated the nine-level Hun Tian Baojian.

In an instant, Ying Zheng's whole body seemed to be hung with neon lights.

The three masters all felt the danger, and even the mad Wang Ben jumped away at this time.

Ying Zheng regretted that he had used his big move too late.

If it had been earlier, it wouldn't have been so embarrassing.

The nine light balls merged into one and crashed onto the altar.


The terrifying impact directly wiped out the entire altar.

Xiang Yu, Lao Cui and Wang Ben were all swallowed up by the impact.

The thousands of soldiers fighting in the melee on the top of the mountain were also wiped out in the impact.

This is a life-saving blow from a peerless master, and its power is not even inferior to the spells of top monks.

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