Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Eighty-Nine The Great Flirty Ancient 1

"Monkey Sun is my junior brother ()"!

"I heard that you have killed many heroes recently?"

"No, they are all traitors and traitors." Liu Bang said coldly.

"Then give me the home addresses of those rebellious officials and traitors. If you don't have a home address, give me the address of their grave."

Liu Bang lowered his head again, pondered for a while and said: "Even if they have evil intentions, after all, they have followed me and made great contributions."

"One hundred years!" Jin Si said: "After you abdicate, I will give you a hundred years of life."

Liu Bang frowned and abdicated? A hundred years of life?

He was not very satisfied with either condition.

What he wants is to continue to sit on the throne.

Even though he has been in power twice for decades.

But he still didn't get tired of it, and he never tired of it.

Furthermore, he was not satisfied with a hundred years of life.

What he wishes is to live forever.

Of course, right now, he doesn't have that much time.

He is very old now.

He had a vague premonition that his time was running out.

So he didn't have many options.

And he doesn't have much bargaining power.

After all, he doesn't have enough chips.

Therefore, Jin Si did not increase the price for him, and Liu Bang finally had to accept Jin Si's proposal.

Not long after, Liu Bang made a list.

Many of the names on the list were famous ministers and generals that Jin Si knew.

Jin Si also gave Liu Bang a hundred years of life as agreed.

However, Liu Bang must abdicate within three years.

"Mr. Jin,

I want to open a temple and establish a ancestral clan for you, so that all people can worship you, and heaven and earth will respect you. "

"Don't make trouble, what's the use of that thing? Only the dead need to be offered incense, I don't need it."

Thinking about going to the temple in the future and seeing people offering incense to their own statues, this feeling is not good at all.

Who would want others to worship themselves?

Anyway, Jin Si has no interest at all.

Liu Bang was a little disappointed. To put it bluntly, his proposal was just a test.

He wanted to know what Jin Si needed.

It's a pity that Jin Si has no interest in this.

Liu Bang stayed in the mountain for three days. During these three days, he also had a lot of contact with the descendants who lived in the Peach Blossom Spring.

However, he did not reveal his identity.

Three days later, Liu Bang went down the mountain.

Liu Bang was not very satisfied with this contact and transaction.

But at least it meets his minimum standards.

Extend your short life span.

Cui Ziwen also sat in Liu Bang's chariot.

He kept watching Liu Bang's face, guessing what Liu Bang and Jin Si said.

There is a high probability that Liu Bang wanted to ask Jin Si to extend his life, or even make him immortal.

However, Jin Si definitely did not meet Liu Bang's request.

Otherwise, Liu Bang wouldn't have the expression he has now.

At this moment, Cui Ziwen noticed that the car had stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Cui Ziwen felt a strange force filling his surroundings.

Liu Bang also felt it. Liu Bang frowned: "What happened?"

"There are monks casting spells nearby." Cui Ziwen said.

Cui Ziwen opened the curtain and found that all the cars and horses outside were frozen in place.

"Fellow Taoist please show up."

At this moment, there was a fluctuation in the space in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a bald woman stepped out of the void.

Cui Ziwen frowned, feeling that this bald woman's cultivation was unfathomable.

After several trials, what I felt was boundless energy.

The person who came was naturally the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

"How can I give you some advice on friendly means?"

Gu Yi lightly cupped his fists as a greeting.

"I'm Gu Yi." Gu Yi said: "I would like to have a chat with His Majesty the Emperor. Can it be convenient for me?"

"It's inconvenient." Cui Ziwen immediately refused.

Gu Yi was not angry at Cui Ziwen's rejection, but looked at the chariot.

Liu Bang finally came out: "You want to see me?"

"My supreme mage, Gu Yi, has met His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Dynasty."

"What are you doing?" Liu Bang asked condescendingly.

"I want to come here to seek help from His Majesty the Emperor to slay demons."

"Destroying demons? I don't know who the demon you are talking about is."

"It's Jinsi."

"You said Mr. Jin is a monster? I think you are more like a monster." Liu Bang snorted coldly.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, don't you want immortality?"

When talking about the topic of immortality, Liu Bang immediately became energetic.

"Can you give me immortality?"

"I can't give you immortality, but I can stop your time from passing."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is not big." Gu Yi said: "It just makes you unable to feel the passage of time, and time cannot leave traces on your body."

"Your Majesty, don't be deceived by her." Cui Ziwen immediately reminded: "If you can't feel the passage of time, isn't it the same as a stone?"

When Liu Bang heard this, his face immediately turned cold.

"Are you teasing me?"

"Your Majesty, no one is immortal. The reason why people are human beings is that their greatest value is to feel the true meaning of life in a limited time."

Liu Bang's face turned dark when he heard Gu Yi's words.

Are you out to cheat at this level?

If it were anyone else, he would probably have been convinced by Gu Yi.

But who is Liu Bang?

How could his personal will be changed by just a few words.

Immortality is his lifelong dream.

He has lived for a long time, but because of this, he understands the value of life.

The value of life in Liu Bang's opinion is not to feel some illusory truth.

Just living is the greatest value of life.

Gu Yi was also very tired. There was nothing he could do, and she would not live forever.

If she knew how to become immortal, she would have become immortal long ago.

She herself also wanted to live forever.

And this Liu Bang is too easy to fool.

Sure enough, he started out as a gangster.

"But some people can be immortal. That monster you are talking about, Mr. Jin, is immortal."

Gu Yi smiled softly: "Why do you think he is immortal? He just lives longer than ordinary people, which does not mean that he is immortal, and he is not as great as you think."

"He is the great god Pangu who created the world."

Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, wait...what did he miss?

What did Jin Si say to Liu Bang?

Why did Liu Bang think Jin Si was the great god Pangu?

Gu Yi was a little dizzy. She couldn't directly observe the timeline where Jin Si was.

Jin Si is too powerful. If she tries to spy on Jin Si, Jin Si will definitely discover her existence.

So now Gu Yi has learned well and doesn't appear in front of or around Jin Si at all.

But just like this, she can no longer know everything about the past and the future as she did in the past.

So she didn't know Liu Bang's true identity, nor did she know why Liu Bang thought Jin Si was the great god Pangu.

"He is not the Great God Pangu, he is just a demon god who was exiled to ancient times by me."

"I don't want to waste time with you. If you can give me immortality, I can consider cooperating with you. But if you can only fool me with lies like this, then there is no need for us to continue talking."

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