Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Ten Big Belly

"Monkey Sun is my junior brother ()"!

Yin Tiexiong didn't want to drive, he was the leader of the gang, the Emperor of Mobei.

He actually let himself be the driver.

If Qingsong asked him to kill people and buy goods, etc.

Yin Tiexiong will never refuse.

But if you let yourself drive, that would be a loss of face.

"Qingsong... let's discuss it. Let Yin owe you a favor. You let me go. From now on, I, the Eagle Society, will only obey you as Wudang."

At this moment, Jin Si came out of the carriage.

"Father-in-law, since he doesn't want to drive, don't force him. I don't like forcing people the most."

Yin Tiexiong looked at Jin Si, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Devil boy! The kid in front of me must be the famous Demon Boy.

He does look young.

I heard that his martial arts skills are unparalleled, stronger than Qingsong.

However, at such a young age, no matter how powerful one's martial arts skills are, there is no limit to how powerful he can be.

Hearing him call Qingsong father-in-law, most likely his martial arts were taught by Qingsong.

Qingsong looked at Jin Si and then at Yin Tiexiong: "Leader Yin, since you don't want to, then so be it."

Qingsong raised the edge of his sword, and Yin Tiexiong's expression changed greatly.

"Wait a minute...Qingsong, why are you so vicious? You are also the head of Wudang after all, but you don't even give Yin a chance?"

"If you offend me, I'll kill you. What's so evil about that?"

"If you insist on me driving the car, just Yin will do it."

Yin Tiexiong thought that he might be able to steal the Huntian Treasure Book if he found an opportunity, whether he was driving a car or not.

Even if he couldn't steal the Huntian Treasure Mirror, it would still be a good choice to kidnap this boy and wait for an opportunity to threaten Qingsong.

Qingsong glanced at Yin Tiexiong's twinkling eyes and knew what was going on in his mind.

But he didn't care. If Yin Tiexiong could really defeat Jin Si, he would be happy to see the result.

I just hope that he can stay in Jin Si's hands for a few more days before he finds the next driver.

What Qingsong didn't expect was that Yin Tiexiong could indeed drive a car.

And his driving skills are not bad.

Yin Tiexiong and Qingsong are different.

Qingsong is the chosen one, and he got the European Emperor card at birth.

Before practicing Taoism, my family background was very good, and my talents and talents were the best choices.

God didn't just reward him with rice, but directly let him soak in the rice vat.

But Yin Tiexiong is different, he started from a small person.

Step by step, he became the leader of the Eagle Club.

Basically, this kind of person has all the life skills.

"Your name is Yin Tiexiong, right?"

"Boy, did you call me by my name at will?"

Yin Tiexiong was defeated by Qingsong, and he didn't feel any shame.

Who is Qingsong? The first person on the right path.

At his peak, he was in the second echelon.

So losing to Qingsong was a matter of course.

But who is this kid? He dares to call him by his first name.

Do you really think that just because people in the world gave you the nickname "Devil Boy", you really think of yourself as the number one person?

Qingsong in the carriage covered his face.

I hope I won't lead the carriage.

"I just appreciate how crazy you are." Jin Si looked at Yin Tiexiong with a smile: "Look, eat this."

Yin Tiexiong looked at the black pill in Jin Si's hand: "What is this?"

"Poison." Jin Si said bluntly.

"Why do you want to eat?"

Jin Si suddenly slapped Yin Tiexiong on the face, and then stepped on his face on the car floor.

Just as Yin Tiexiong was about to resist, Jin Si reached out and grabbed Yin Tiexiong's outstretched arm.


"Ah... little bastard, I'm going to kill you..."

Jin Si didn't care how Yin Tiexiong cursed and dragged Yin Tiexiong out of the carriage.

Then he pushed his head into the mud puddle.

"You don't want to take poison, do you? Then take this and be satisfied."

Gulu gulu——

"Don't kill him. We don't have a driver now. At least don't let him die until we get to the next town."

Qingsong still stepped forward to stop Jin Si.

"All right."

Jin Si pulled Yin Tiexiong's head: "Are you willing to eat it now?"

Yin Tiexiong, whose face was full of mud and water, nodded weakly: "I wish... I wish..."

"Be good." Jin Si patted Yin Tiexiong's face and wiped it on his body: "Eat, Erdan."

"I won't scream..."

"No, just call me Erdan."

After being repaired by Jin Si, Yin Tiexiong became honest.

Although he was thinking that when Qingsong came out of sight, Jin Si would die.

But from morning to night, the green pine trees were not out of sight.

Of course Qingsong knew his plan.

That's why he stayed nearby.

It's not to protect Jin Si, it's to protect Yin Tiexiong... Erdan.

After all, it was still a few days away to the next town.

He didn't want to lead the horse for several days.

Hard work pays off.

Yin Tiexiong finally found the opportunity.

Qingsong went out hunting to find food.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yin Tiexiong came to Jin Si.

"Boy, where is the Huntian Treasure Mirror?"

"In your belly."


Yin Tiexiong didn't understand what it meant.

Jin Si raised his finger, and Yin Tiexiong suddenly felt something moving in his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Tiexiong's stomach swelled.

" stomach...feels so uncomfortable...boy, stop...stop..."

Yin Tiexiong's belly had burst through his clothes, bulging as if he was pregnant for ten months.

I was wailing on the ground, feeling like I was going to give birth at any moment.

"Guess the effect of the poison I gave you that day? There will be a reward for guessing correctly."

Yin Tiexiong was in so much pain that he wanted to scrape his belly open.

How can I have the energy to guess what effect Jin Si's poison has.

"That thing is called Pregnancy Pill. Do you want to give birth to a baby? It's very enjoyable."

Why don't you try it yourself if you enjoy it?

Yin Tiexiong thought to himself.

At this moment, Qingsong came back with two rabbits.

" me..."

Qingsong looked at the situation and was immediately stunned.

What's going on? In just a short time, Jin Si made Yin Tiexiong's belly bigger?

Dugu Feng kept watching silently.

Anyway, she was already used to Jin Si's various unbelievable methods.

Of course, it's a bit sensational to enlarge the belly of a grown old man.

"Okay, I had a good time today. I don't want to change the three eggs just yet." Jin Si put away his fingers, and Yin Tiexiong's belly also moved away.

However, Yin Tiexiong was still lying on the ground panting.

That feeling is really not ordinary pain.

It felt more painful than having my balls kicked.

"Refining the energy in your stomach will help you gain several years of skill," Jin Si said.

Yin Tiexiong reluctantly stood up and glanced at Jin Si suspiciously, not daring to refine the energy in his body, as he was sure to find another big hole.

"Don't worry, it's a trap, but you are already in the trap now. Is there anything more miserable than what you are now?"

At this moment, Jin Si's eyes drifted into the distance.

Someone came again, not many of them, but they were all masters.

"Erdan, it's your turn to pick up the guests this time."

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