Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirteen grab the C position

"Monkey Sun is my junior brother ()"!

"How are you doing?" Fu Yushu was furious, but at this moment he could only hold back his anger.

He was trying his best to control his emotions. After all, he had been taught since childhood that a small amount of patience would lead to a big plan.

"My requirements are not high. Just be obedient from now on."

Fu Yushu's eyes were about to burst into flames, and his fists were trembling slightly.

He didn't expect that he would be threatened by a young boy.

At this moment, Dugu Feng came nearby.

"Jinsi, the barbecue is ready."

When Fu Yushu saw Dugu Feng, he immediately wanted to flirt with her.

But when I think of Jin Si next to me, I feel bad again.

"Miss Dugu, do you need help with anything?"

"No." Jin Si directly answered for Dugu Feng: "Also, she is your grandma whom I have chosen, so put away your dirty thoughts."

"What grandma?"

"Have you forgotten that I am your grandpa in terms of seniority, so is there a problem with her blocking your grandma?"

"Who admits..."

"Huh? Yushu, you're not good."

Fu Yushu was furious.

"Aren't you his follower? How come you have become his grandfather again?" Dugu Feng knew that Fu Yushu could not take advantage of Jin Si.

However, she felt that Jin Si's ability to take advantage was largely due to the gap in force.

But something seems wrong with the current situation.

Even before Jin Si took action, Fu Yushu seemed to be in trouble.

In just a short time, Jin Si has changed from a follower to a grandfather. This identity change happened too quickly.

"Actually, saying that I am his follower is to hide my identity. In fact, I am his elder, and his father is my grandson.

But it would definitely be inconvenient if my grandson calls me when I'm out and about. Besides, my grandson also wants to save face, so in front of outsiders, I will sacrifice myself and treat myself as master and servant... Well, how about this explanation? "

"Then why do you admit it directly now?"

Dugufeng knew that Jin Si was talking nonsense, but she just wanted to know what else Jin Si could pull off.

"Xiao Feng'er, you are not an outsider."

"Don't call me Xiao Feng'er anymore, I'm older than you."

Fu Yushu watched Jin Si and Dugu Feng chatting as if no one was around.

But for such a big living person, it was as if they couldn't see him.

My heart became even more angry and a little unbearable.

He had never been ignored in his life.

Back at the temporary camp, Qingsong and Yin Tiexiong just raised their heads and glanced at Jin Si and Fu Yushu.

The two of them had no say in front of Jin Si.

Jin Si sat in front of the fire minding his own business.

Together with Dugu Feng Niwai.

Dugu Feng must have gotten used to Jin Si's shamelessness recently.

He no longer resists Jin Si so much.

"Xiao Feng'er, I'll cut the meat for you."

Fu Yushu felt even worse when he saw Jin Si and Dugu Feng fighting fiercely.

Look at Qingsong again, you said you are such a big boss, but you don’t care.

But Qingsong didn't care, and he couldn't control it.

What could he do? Jin Si even called him father-in-law, and he couldn't refute.

You can't beat it, you can't talk it out.

As for Yin Tiexiong, he is now the most honest one.

He knew that his body had been tampered with by Jin Si.

His own life and death depended on Jin Si's thoughts.

To confront Jin Sigang is to seek death.

Fu Yushu ate silently, feeling unwilling to do so.

If you are used to the C position and suddenly become a fringe person, no matter who you are, you will be mentally unbalanced.

Along the way, Fu Yushu felt even worse.

Qingsong was quite polite to him, but that politeness was a bit distant.

I am always reluctant to contact and communicate with him.

Fu Yushu could feel that Qingsong was on guard against him.

In comparison, the communication between Qingsong and Jin Si seemed to be much more casual.

Fu Yushu felt that he was completely transparent.

This also made him regret a little. His actions that day were too reckless.

Of course, forget it if you are reckless.

The key is that recklessness has not been followed by success.

This is a big problem.

Now he is defeated by Jin Si.

As a result, he is now tied up.

If Jin Si cannot be eliminated, then he will be restrained by Jin Si forever.

It’s just that there are too few opportunities on the road.

And Jin Si's martial arts is not weak.

On that day alone, he could easily dodge his own attacks.

At least his body skills are not weaker than his own.

Fu Yushu was worried that if he missed again, he would anger Jin Si.

thus exposing his true identity.

By then, let alone realizing his plan, his own life will not be saved.

So although Fu Yushu couldn't stand in the C position, he still endured it.

Waiting to arrive in Wudang and then debut in the C position.

The rest of the journey will be uneventful.

In addition to more than a dozen groups of bandits and bandits, there were also more than a dozen groups of martial arts people who harassed them.

Apart from killing more than a hundred people and grabbing some money, there were no other disturbances.

After months of hard work, everyone finally arrived at the foot of Wudang.

Jin Si stood at the foot of the mountain and opened his arms.

"Little junior sister of Wudang, I'm here..."

Qingsong's face looked ugly, and he really wanted to turn around and leave at this time.

Fu Yushu was secretly happy when he saw Qingsong's expression.

I hope Qingsong can discover Jin Si’s character at this time.

Then drive him down the mountain.

At this moment, a rustic young man ran down the mountain with a group of Taoist priests.

"Master." The young man shouted in surprise.

"Master... you... why are you back?"

"I can't come back?" Qingsong asked with a black face.

"No, no, I don't mean that. Senior Brother Baishi said that you were kidnapped by gangsters. He came back in a hurry two months ago, withdrew a large amount of debt and went out... Oh no, Senior Brother Baishi didn't mean it. Are you trying to cheat money?"

Qingsong waved his hand: "It is indeed true. I did encounter some things as a teacher in the past few days, but they are all in the past."

"Then Master, didn't you meet Senior Brother Baishi and the others on the road?"

"Most likely we took different paths, so we missed him. You should send someone to chase him back."

"Who are these?"

"I am the son-in-law of your leader and the future leader of Wudang. You can call me Young Leader. When my father-in-law dies in the future, I will be the new leader of Wudang."

"Bold! Stop talking nonsense here." A group of Taoist priests yelled.

"If you don't believe me, ask my father-in-law."

Qingsong took a deep breath: "Let's go up the mountain first and then talk."

Fu Yushu didn't understand that Jin Si was so open-minded.

Why does Qingsong still hold back, even if Yin Wei Jinsi saved him?

This bitch doesn't know how to keep such a huge favor to himself.

"Why are we all Taoist priests, but don't we have a beautiful Taoist nun?"

Qingsong didn't want to pay attention to Jin Si and walked silently on the mountain road.

Jin Si approached Qingsong reluctantly and asked in a low voice: "Who is Yun Feiyang?"

"he's not here."

"I'm here, I'm here." The earthy young man had sharp ears and eyes, and heard Jin Si's voice: "Little brother, are you looking for me?"

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