Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and twenty-two I am the wife of the owner of the valley

There are many old acquaintances of Jin Si among this group of people.

However, they did not miss their old friendship, and all of them were murderous towards Jin Si.

There is no way, Jin Si has done a lot of harmful things in the past few years in Xiaoyao Valley.

In their eyes, Jin Si is the villain.

This is the time to settle things with Jinsi.

They are not enemies, they are creditors.

Jin Si spread his arms: "Brothers from Xiaoyao Valley, wouldn't it be nice if we could sit down and have a good chat, make a pot of tea, talk about romance, and talk about life ideals?"

"Jin Si, are you worthy enough to talk about romance!?"

The one who shouted was a burly man with a stubble on his face, who looked like the epitome of rudeness.

In fact, this is also true. His name is Lu Fang, a famous killer in the world, and he is wrongly called Hun Tiansha.

But in front of Jin Si, Lu Fang felt refreshed.

According to incomplete statistics, Lu Fang was humiliated by Jin Si no less than ten times in the past few years.

Lu Fang's hatred for Jin Si is unforgettable.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Jin Si, he would have broken Jin Si into thousands of pieces.

However, Lu Fang looks fierce and cruel on the outside, and he is also extremely wild when fighting.

But he is one of the few good people in Xiaoyao Valley.

At least, according to Jin Si's definition of a good person, Lu Fang can barely be considered a good person.

"Lu Fang, everyone else is qualified to criticize me, but you are not qualified. You said you didn't bring any money when you went to the brothel. Who gave you money without being moved in the face of Yingying Yanyan? It was me who was squatting in the pit. Without paper, who brought it to you without fear of the stench? It was me. You fell into the pit. Who pulled you out of the pit without fear of hardships? It was me..."

"I fuck you, uncle. You stole my money when I went to the brothel. You set fire to the manhole when I stayed in the pit. You also dug that trap, you piece of shit."

With that said, Lu Fang pulled out a handful of IOUs from his arms.

"You tricked me and asked me to write an IOU. Have I wronged you?"

"It's boring for you to do this. As the saying goes, every cause must have its effect. If you don't go to the brothel, can I steal your money? If you don't squat in the brothel, will I let you burn the hut? If you don't go that way, I Will the trap trap you?"

"Wow... I'm so angry. Either you die today or I die."

Lu Fang shouted for a long time and finally rushed up with a mace.

Jin Si avoided Lu Fang's mace, and Lu Fang whispered: "You bitch, don't run away yet..."

"Fuck you, after today, I will usurp the position of Xiaoyao Valley, and you will be the protector from now on."

"Fuck you, uncle, you have to stay here before we talk."

"I borrowed it..." Jin Si slapped Lu Fang away with one palm.

Fu Yushu waved his hand: "Kill him."

A group of Xiaoyaogu people who had a grudge against Jin Si immediately attacked Jin Si.

Jin Si slapped a Xiaoyao Valley disciple to death with one slap.

Jin Si would not be as gentle as he was with Lu Fang towards these abuses.


More than a dozen people died in Jin Si's hands.

Others were also a little intimidated.

"From today on, I want to be the owner of Xiaoyao Valley. I wonder who would object?"

"Jin Si, you are worthy enough..."

Jin Si pushed out a palm, and the opponent's tire blew out on the spot.

"Is there anyone else who objects?"

"Jin Si, do you think killing a few people can influence other people's thoughts?" Fu Yushu sneered.

"Can't a few people do it? Then kill more."

"I'll come!" Qingfeng couldn't bear it and rushed forward.

Those Xiaoyao Valley disciples were already a little scared after being killed by Jin Si.

Seeing Qingfeng take action at this moment, they felt that Qingfeng should be easier to bully than Jin Si.

Theoretically, this is true, but this is only relative.

Qingfeng hit Tu Kunlun, which directly changed the surrounding terrain, and more than ten people died suddenly.

The best way to avoid Tukunlun is to jump.

However, in this era, there is no such advanced martial arts at all.

This is because the disciples in Xiaoyao Valley are scattered.

If they had been more concentrated, there would not have been more than a dozen people killed.

This move frightened everyone in Xiaoyao Valley.

Is that human being?

Jin Si had just killed more than a dozen people, using at least a dozen more moves.

But Qingfeng killed more than a dozen people with just one move.

Even the surrounding terrain was destroyed.

A lot of trees were swaying.

The whole scene is full of visual impact.

"Come on, there are only two of them!" Fu Yushu was also frightened.

But no one listened to him at this moment.

"Is there anyone else who objects? Come forward now." Jin Si glanced at everyone present.

"Meet the Valley Master." Lu Fang was the first to stand up.

After all, he and Jin Si are close friends, if Jin Si doesn't gain power.

He held up the sky and secretly released the water.

It is definitely impossible to support Jin Si to let him die.

But it's different now, Jin Si has this strength again.

There is a more powerful woman beside him.

There is absolutely no problem in usurping the position of Xiaoyao Valley's Valley Master.

Besides, if Jin Si tried to trick the Valley Master, then he would be the protector.

Lu Fang had no reason to object.

I saw someone supporting Jin Si.

At this time, others also gave up struggling.

Besides, Xiaoyao Valley is a place where the strong are respected and the fittest survive.

In Xiaoyao Valley, the following things happen every day.

However, no one has ever tried to conquer the Valley Master.

The main reason is that the Fu family is too powerful in Xiaoyao Valley.

Furthermore, the four guardians are also loyal followers of the Fu family.

But now, the four great protectors have been killed by Jin Si Xun.

The biggest and most powerful supporter of the Fu family is gone.

"Greetings to the Valley Master." All Xiaoyao Valley disciples bowed in admiration.

Even if they have evil intentions, they will never react at this time.

After all, Jin Si and Qingfeng's martial arts were enough to intimidate everyone.

"Valley Master, then my position as protector..."

"Here you go." Jin Si said casually: "From now on, you will be the only great protector of our Xiaoyao Valley."

"Thank you, Valley Master."

"Hey, don't call me Valley Master, she is Valley Master, and I am Valley Master's wife."

Jin Si looked at Fu Yushu, who turned pale.

"My dear grandson, run away now. I'll give you a quarter of an hour. If I catch you, I'll beat you to death."

Fu Yushu turned around and fled into the mountains.

"Valley Master... Madam... I'm going to capture that person named Fu." Lu Fang said.

"No, you go back to Xiaoyao Valley and give me some rectification. We will go back in a while."

Lu Fang naturally accepted the order happily and left in a hurry with the people.

"Are you going to capture Fu Yushu?" Qingfeng asked.

With the martial arts skills of the two of them, Fu Yushu would not be able to escape even for an hour, let alone a quarter of an hour.

"What time is it? Grab whatever you want and go back to sleep."

"Don't care about Fu Yushu?"

"in spite of."

"If you leave him alone, I'm afraid he won't be honest. He will probably..."

"He can cause trouble, right? What's there to be afraid of? What if he causes trouble? In the face of absolute strength, any tricks are meaningless."

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