Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Forty Three The Most Arrogant Provocation

Hawkeye is currently on the rooftop of a building.

In front of him is a super long-range sniper rifle.

The scope was pointed directly at Jin Si's head.

This is the third time he has found Jin Si.

After experiencing the first two failures, he learned from the pain and decided to make changes.

This time he learned his lesson, he can't fight in close combat, and he can't fight with numerical superiority.

Then try sniping from a distance.

The distance of two thousand meters was the reason why he gave up his bow and arrow.

Although he prefers to use a bow and arrow.

But any shooting weapon is not a problem for him.

As long as he can shoot, he can do it.

Well, including...

Just ten days.

Jin Si has started begging on the streets.

Jin Si's plan was perfect, perfect and impeccable.

Before you run out of money, a windfall will surely come your way.

For example, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t hide itself.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely find itself.

Then they will come and deliver benefits.

This disappointed Jin Si.

Is SHIELD so passive and slow?

Or are they all blind?

You are right here.


A hole was punched through Jin Si's rice bowl.

Jin Si stood up unhurriedly and turned his head to look at the rooftop of the building opposite.

"Haha...Have you finally noticed it?" The corners of Hawkeye's mouth were slightly raised, with a smile full of confidence.

It should have been like this a long time ago,

It's long past time to take advantage of yourself.

Instead of fighting him in close combat.

Hawkeye continued to aim at Jin Si.

But Jin Si immediately got into the passing crowd.

"You can't escape, little mouse. You will die a strange death."

No prey can escape his sight.

Except...Jin Si.

"Where are the people? Why are they gone!?" Hawkeye panicked and kept looking for Jin Si's figure through the scope.

But after searching for a long time, Jin Si could not be found.

"Damn it." Hawkeye immediately put away his sniper rifle and turned around to leave.

"Hi...Barton." Jin Si had already blocked Hawkeye's way.

Patton looked at the sniper rifle in his hand, then threw it away and assumed a fighting posture.

Jin Si took out a big stick as thick as his fist from behind.

Barton retracted his posture and took out his wallet.

For this operation, Patton was fully prepared.

Let’s say you specifically withdraw $500 from the bank.

"Do you think this time can be solved with money? You ruined my iron rice bowl! This has caused a great burden on my life and serious damage to my psychology. For a long time in the future, I will live in the shadows, wake up in countless late nights, and then become decadent, drunk, and inactive. Finally, on a stormy night, I will either find a rope to kill myself, or take revenge on society."

Barton beat his chest, his heart ached.

I felt like I was really guilty.

"One thousand dollars, that's the most. No more," Barton said with a cold face.

Jin Si took the money, threw away the big stick, and said, "Can I make a suggestion?"

"Can I say no?"

"I hope you can act quickly and nip criminals in the cradle. Look at me. I have been wandering the streets for so many days and you haven't said anything. Have you failed in your duty? What if I have committed any crime these days? If you are impulsive, kill someone and set a fire or something like that, you are letting it go. You are wasting taxpayers' money. To show your sincerity, I can give you a chance to arrest me. You can choose the time and place. You can choose as many people as you like. As long as If you think you can catch me, arrange it as you like, and prepare traps and weapons well."

"Are you serious?" Barton felt that Jin Si was too crazy.

Does he really think SHIELD is just for free?

"I only have one request. Every agent involved in rounding up me must prepare at least two hundred dollars."

Barton was even more angry, do you really think of us as a cash machine?

Okay, then I’ll make it happen for you, don’t regret it!

Barton secretly made up his mind that he will definitely give you a big surprise this time.

Jin Si spent the thousand dollars in only one day.

It doesn't matter, there will be a lot of money coming in soon.

Jin Si thought so.

However, after waiting and waiting, why hasn't SHIELD given him any news?

Have they forgotten this?

No, it’s such an important thing to catch yourself.

They certainly won't forget.

They definitely want to make sure nothing goes wrong.

So prepare yourself carefully.

But I don’t know how long they will have to prepare.

Jinsi decided to make some extra money.

Jin Si came to Stark Tower.

Just in time to see Tony come out.

"Hello, eldest nephew, do you miss me?"

When Tony saw Jin Si, his expression couldn't help but change. He pointed at Jin Si and said, "Happy, beat him to death."

Happy is the bodyguard he just hired.

Mixed martial arts champion, firearms and weapons expert.

Winner of the Most Promising Bodyguard Award.


Jin Si kicked Happy unconscious.

Jin Si came to Tony: "I'm short of money, can you lend me some money?"

Tony looked at Happy, then at Jinsi, and then took out his wallet.

Jin Si grabbed the wallet and counted the money.

"F***, why is it only three hundred dollars? You are a billionaire after all. Why don't you bring more money? Haven't you learned enough from last time?"

"Why should I bring money? I am a billionaire. In any corner of New York, my face is the currency with the most purchasing power." Tony said narcissistically.

"You are forcing me to kidnap you." Jin Si looked at Tony unhappily: "If I kidnap you, how much money would I extort? One hundred thousand dollars? Or two hundred thousand dollars."

"Are you looking down on me? At least 100 million US dollars, bastard." Tony felt that his ransom was only 100,000 or 200,000 US dollars, which was simply an insult to himself.

"When you go back, prepare ten thousand dollars for me. I will go to your house to get it later."

Are today's robbers so arrogant?

Tony clenched his fists, secretly determined to give Jin Si a grand welcome.

Tony felt extremely insulted.

Tony's dignity was as proud as his little brother's and would rather break than bend.

"I'll keep a million dollars at home if you dare to come and get it."

Tony angrily helped Happy up and turned around to get into his car.

"Happy, are you still alive?"

"Yes, boss...but not very good."

"I want to know, did you hear what that bastard just said?"

"Yes, boss."

"I want to know, if it were you, how to catch him with sufficient accuracy."

"I'm a trap expert. It's okay to leave it to me, but I need enough materials."

Happy also wanted to take revenge. The kick just now was really serious and he was still heartbroken.

"No problem, even if you want materials to make a nuclear bomb, I can satisfy you."

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