Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Beauty, do you want to have a drink?

"Punish you? Why punish you?"

"Because he always regards himself as my elder, always calls me eldest nephew, and always talks about some messy and made-up things. I warned him, and then he became unhappy."

"Take me to meet your friend."

"Mom, I told you, he is not my friend."

"Whatever it is, at least now he can solve your trouble."

"Maybe it has nothing to do with him at all."

"If you are willing to live with your current identity and gender, I have no objection. I even prefer you as you are now."

Little Nini is going crazy, mom... I shoulder the great mission of continuing the family lineage of the Stark family.

"Okay, let's go."

"Mom, you have difficulty moving, so I'll go by myself."

"Do you need me to beg you?"

"Alright alright……"

Carrying Maria into the car, little Nini also felt the difficulties of being a woman.

At least in terms of strength, women are at an absolute disadvantage.

"Nini, how about you live as a woman? You look younger now."

"Mom! I'm me Tony, don't call me Nini."

"Then you can continue to be angry. In fact, Howard and I have always wanted a daughter."

"..." Little Nini.

Maria said minding her own business.

Little Nini could only drive as fast as possible.

Outside the villa, little Nini struggled to put Maria into the wheelchair.

After much fussing, he finally pushed Maria into the villa.

Just in time to catch Dottie doing her morning workout on a blanket by the pool.

"Dotty!" Maria shouted.

Dottie raised her head in surprise: "Are you... Maria? Are you not dead?"

Dottie and Maria only met once.

They didn't even know each other.

But Maria met Dottie a few times.

But not really face to face, but from SHIELD's files.

After all, after the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were targeting us, and agents from both countries had been operating secretly.

As an elite agent in the Red Room, Doty naturally received attention from the United States.

"Mom, do you know her?"

Xiao Nini asked in surprise.

If his mother knew Dottie.

Na Dottie said yesterday that she knew her father, which seemed to be true.

But Dottie was even more surprised.

Not only did Maria survive, but she also had a daughter.

How fertile is she?

Still working so hard at such an old age.

Of course, if we just talk about age, Dottie is older than Maria.

"Where's the man who turned Tony into a woman? Call him out," Maria said.

"Tony turned into a woman?" Dotty looked up at the girl Nini: "She...she is Tony Stark?"

Xiao Nini's face was filled with anger.

A smile appeared on Dottie's face.

"Kim, come out and see who's coming."

gold? Little Nini noticed that Maria's body was shaking slightly.

Jin Si poked his head out and didn't recognize Maria when he saw her.

Looking at Xiao Nini again, her eyes lit up: "Who is it? Yo... beauty, would you like to come in for a drink?"

"F*** you bastard, you turned me into a woman."

"Are you the eldest nephew?" Jin Si looked at little Nini in surprise: "You have become so beautiful."

"Kim!?" Maria tried to identify whether the man in front of her was the person she once knew.

But judging from their appearance alone, she really couldn't tell the difference.

"Are you... Maria?" Jin Si looked down at Maria: "You're not dead? Oh my God, you're really not dead."

"Are you really Jin?"

"Of course it is me."

"You guy, why have you become younger after sixty years? You looked at least forty years old back then, and you are a hundred years old now, right? But now you look like you are twenty. Young man."

"The main thing is mentality. A young mentality means a young person. You can also give it a try." Jin Si said with a smile.

Little Nini was confused. Her mother knew this bastard.

Moreover, judging from their tone, it seemed that this guy might really be his uncle.

"Did Bucky kill Howard?"

"You know?" Maria looked at Jin Si doubtfully.

"I told Howard back then that I would kill Bucky the next time he saw him, but he still didn't listen to me."

"Did you do it when Tony turned into a woman?"

"He disrespected me as an uncle, so I decided to make him a woman for the rest of my life."

"Uncle, you can't do this to me..."

"No, I can, and I have decided so."

" me..."

Seeing that this bastard didn't give him face, Xiao Nini could only ask her mother for help.

Maria was not in a hurry at all.

"When Howard came back, it was very painful. He said you were killed by a nuclear bomb."

"No, how could a nuclear bomb kill me?" Jin Si shook his head: "By the way, do you want to call Howard out and let's talk about old times together?"

"You...can you let me see Howard again?"

"I wanted to talk to him again before, so I asked my eldest nephew Howard where his grave was, but he refused to tell me."

"Mom...are you sure this guy is not a liar?"

Maria glanced at little Nini: "I am much more awake than you are now."

Maria looked at Jin Si again: "What needs to be done?"

"You need a part of Howard's body. It could be his remains or one of his organs. After Howard's death, did you leave any of his organs as a memorial?"

Xiao Nini was furious when she heard this. Mad, are you so insulting?

"Is the hair okay?" Maria took out a small piece of hair.

Jin Si took the hair, extracted a piece of it, and then returned the other hair to Maria.

Reincarnation of dirty soil! The next moment, dust gathered in front of everyone's eyes.

Howard stood in front of everyone again.

At this moment, little Nini was stunned and her face was filled with astonishment.

"Hi, beauty, do you want to go have a drink together?" Howard saw little Nini at the first sight.

At this moment, Xiao Nini's heart collapsed.

He was actually accosted by his own father.

Moreover, his father still looks like an old gangster.


Maria blew on the muzzle.

Little Nini watched her father fall apart in front of her.

Xiao Nini's mentality exploded again.


Before he could recover, Howard reshaped himself again.

"Maria, you are still so charming." Howard looked at Maria with a flattering look.

The next moment, Howard's body collapsed again.

Jin Si smashed Howard's head with one punch.

After Howard recovered, he looked at Jin Si with a sad face.

"Kim, what are you doing?"

"You didn't miss it?" This time it was Jin Si's turn to be surprised.

"Even in hell, I can smell your stench."

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