Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

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Jin Si still resents Thor's hammer.

It's like having a computer in front of you.

It contains 100T Jin Si’s favorite instructional videos.

But an unlock password is required.

Jin Si can blow up this computer with one punch.

But without the password, you cannot watch the instructional videos.

However, Jin Si still has a very bottom line.

Just smashed the mouse.

But now Thor feels like he can't trigger a plot kill without Thor's hammer.

Jin Si considered whether to take action.

If the fight continues like this, 36D will become 36A sooner or later.

And there is no guarantee that he will win. Seeing that Thor is about to collapse, Jin Si feels that he really has to do something.

At this moment, Jin Si felt an unusual aura lingering in the sky.

powerful! This is Jin Si’s most intuitive feeling.

Jin Si almost thought that the God Group had come to earth again.

Jin Si was so frightened that he almost drooled.

But if you think about it more carefully, with the way the Celestial God Group behaves, there is a high probability that they will not show up secretly.

And he has the ability to overlook the world and be reserved.

Probably Odin.

Jin Si estimated that after being checked by him, Odin found that the play was a bit difficult to perform.

So I plan to kill him through the plot and give Thor a buff or something.

Odin should also know about Jin Si's existence.

It's just that there is no way to get gold.

So both parties acquiesced to the other's existence.

Now that Odin has intervened.

Jin Si was too lazy to do anything and continued watching the show.

If Odin is placed in his prime.

He probably would have fought with Jinsi regardless of the situation.

But he doesn't have a few more years to live now.

Even Jin Si himself couldn't avoid this thing, Odin, even more so.

In this world, Jin Si is immortal because he is the Lord of the Scarlet Universe and the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

But in the world of Journey to the West, Jinsi will still have to face three disasters and five disasters, as well as the five declines of heaven and man.

There is no such thing as realm in Jinsi, it is all supported by cultivation.

To use a popular saying, Jin Si holds the title of professor and does the work of a kindergarten teacher.

And it’s a damn good half stroke.

Only Jin Si sensed Odin's power.

Hammerhead, who was originally in the blocked area, was suddenly pulled by some force.

He suddenly jumped into the air and rushed towards the battlefield.

Thor also felt the call of his eldest wife and looked in the direction where the hammer flew.

Hammerhead has already flown nearby.

Just then,

The hammer head suddenly decomposed.

It turned into pieces and rushed towards Thor.

Thor seemed to understand and let the fragments rush over without any resistance.

The fragments did not harm Thor, but merged into Thor's silver scale armor.

In an instant, Thor's strength was enhanced again.

Thor appears to be fused into pieces of the hammer.

Then came the power of Odin.

This is probably the last legacy Odin can give Thor.

Before Hela comes out, give Thor another wave of strengthening.

But as far as Jin Si estimates, even with the double buffs of himself and Odin.

In addition, he himself also awakened the power of blood.

But facing Hela, he still had to kneel and sing Conquer.

The reputation of the number one female devil in the Nine Realms is not in vain.

At this moment, another blast of destructive flames shot out from the window on the Destroyer's forehead.

Thor rushed forward, his battle ax clearing the way.

Not even the flames of destruction could stop Thor's form.

Thor raised his sword and dropped it, and the Destroyer's head flew up instantly.

The huge body fell like a meteor.

Jin Si's eyes widened, what a joke, Odin wasn't playing tricks on Thor.

Also debuffed the Destroyer.

The Destroyer, who was immortal before, is now dead just because his empty head was chopped off?

Stop making trouble, okay? To put it bluntly, the Destroyer is just an armor.

There is nothing in the head part.

So having the head chopped off means nothing to it.

But this time, Thor ended it with one decapitation.

This is too childish.

no! How could the game end like this?

The red energy followed the earth's veins, seeped into the surroundings of the crater, and then seeped into the Destroyer's body.


The Destroyer's body began to make a metallic twisting sound.

The Destroyer, who was originally tall, became even more exaggerated after receiving the baptism of scarlet power.

Thor rushed forward regardless.

He has also encountered enemies with larger sizes than the Destroyer.

However, when he rushed in front of the Destroyer, he was about to strike again with his sword.

The Destroyer slapped Thor across the face.

That sexy and beautiful face transformed in an instant.

Breaking away from gravity, it rushed out and drew a beautiful arc in the sky.

"Beautiful!" Jin Si clenched his fist not far away.

Thor was severely slapped by this slap, and his head was still a little dizzy when he got up.

But he is not timid at all, after all, he has returned to 36D.

No, what is happening now is that he is 36E.

Do you think I am blind to this 36E?

Thor rushed forward again, flying over at low altitude with rolling torrents of thunder.

Behind Thor, a storm rolled up.

The Destroyer also rushed towards Thor at the same time.

The two sides faced each other head-on.

The huge impact sent both parties flying.

But the Destroyer once again stood up unscathed.

And Thor seemed to lose a little bit in this collision.

At least, he doesn't have the near-immortality of the Destroyer.

Thor's head was bleeding and he looked at the Destroyer panting.

At this moment, a figure rushed into the battlefield, with an energy cannon from a distance.

Xiao Nini joined the battlefield, and his energy cannon only shook the Destroyer slightly, but failed to cause much damage.

Of course, Xiao Nini is not as depressed as she was at this point in history.

After all, the magic weapons provided by Jin Si were researched and loaded into the steel suit, which greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the steel suit.

"Tony?" Thor looked at Little Nini's steel suit in surprise and didn't recognize it for a moment.

Little Nini kept staring at the exaggerated 36E, which was really huge.

But before Xiao Nini could do more data analysis on 36E, an iron fist hit him in the face.

Thor immediately moved and knocked the Destroyer away with a blow of his axe.

Little Nini stood up again, okay okay, if she hadn't been wearing a steel suit, with just one punch, she would have reunited her father and son.

However, his current armor is obviously not enough.

So Xiao Nini plans to add a buff.

"Jarvis, activate the anti-Jinsi armor."

"Sir, the anti-Jinsi armor is not fully mature, and the energy supply of the reactor and magic stone is still at a bottleneck."

"Start immediately." The decision made by Xiao Nini was not something Jarvis could control.

The armored device loaded on the near-Earth satellite was aimed at the location of Little Nini and ejected.

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