Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Two Hundred and Three Hate

"In no mood."

Regardless of whether Jin Si can really make himself strong.

Barton didn't want to accept Jin Si's power.

This thing is absolutely poisonous.

"I can see a hint of expectation in your eyes."

"No, not really. You saw it wrong."

"Yes, I'm pretty good at judging people."


"Here, take it."

"I do not want……"

Barton directly threw away the elixir forced by Jin Si.

“No one ever dares to throw away something I give them, never!!”

Jin Si looked at Barton with a cold face.

Barton's heart was a little trembling, but he was still determined and looked at Jin Si firmly.

"I said, don't."

"Okay, if you don't want it, don't, and I won't do anything to you."

Barton secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, this guy just likes to play pranks.

"You must have a daughter. I have decided that I will pass the punishment onto her."

Barton picked up the elixir. He could give up everything, but he couldn't give up his family. Dignity was nothing compared to his family.

"That's okay."

"That's right. If you encounter danger in the future, just eat this thing. I'm sure it will kill you ten times a night." Jin Si patted Barton on the shoulder: "Look, am I very considerate and humane?" , not forcing you at all.”

You are not humane, you are inhumane.

Barton cursed Jin Si in his heart.

"How about you try it now and see how it works. I still have a lot of them here. When the time comes, you will come as a hero and kill everyone to save those two losers."

The corner of Barton's mouth twitched, but this time he did not refuse in front of Jin Si.

"If necessary, I will consider it."

"It's so boring. I'll go find someone else to play with."

When Barton saw Jin Si leaving, he was about to pick up the intercom and report the news of Jin Si's appearance.


The next moment, Jin Si's voice appeared sadly behind Barton.

Barton was startled and quickly put away the communicator.

"Do you want to tip off someone?"

"Shouldn't I? I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do."

"I appeared in front of you because I trusted you, but you betrayed my trust and I'm very disappointed." Jin Si said angrily: "So... do you think your duty or your family is more important?"

"Don't hurt my family!" Barton became even more angry.

"It depends on your choice, Barton. We have eight years of friendship, and I don't want to hurt your family."

Barton took a deep breath: "Okay, I understand."

"That's the way, you won't blame me, right?"

You fucking threatened me with my family,

I still don’t blame you?

"No wonder..." Barton said muffledly.

"That's good. I'm really afraid that our position will affect our relationship."

At this moment, Nick Fury's voice came from Barton's communicator.

"Barton, where are you now?"

Barton glanced at Jin Si and said, "I'm on a rocky mountain three thousand meters south of the battlefield."

"You evacuate immediately."

"Sir, do you care about the fighting over there?"

"Specialized weapons will be dropped on the battlefield to prevent you from being affected, so you can evacuate."

There was a whistling sound in the distance, and a transport helicopter was flying towards the center of the battlefield, hoisting a container.

" comes another big guy." Jin Si looked in the direction of the transport helicopter.

Barton glanced at Jin Si, and then looked at the container with his binoculars.

The weapons Nick Fury was talking about should be in the container, right?

What kind of weapon is it? Is it a bomb? Or something else?

Although Nick Fury gave Barton the order to evacuate.

However, Patton did not plan to retreat immediately. He planned to observe first.

At this moment, the container suddenly deformed, and it seemed like something was beating on the inside of the container.

The transport helicopter carrying the container swayed in the air and lost its balance.

After struggling several times, it finally fell to the ground along with the container.

Just when Patton thought the weapon delivery had failed.

A little red giant suddenly rushed out of the container.

Hate! The Hulk's nemesis.

His body is taller than the Hulk.

Abomination's whole body is covered with rugged and rough skin tissue, and there are raised bone spurs on the joints.

The body is exuding hot steam, and the face is even more ferocious and terrifying.

Jin Si was surprised, hatred still appeared and became a weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It seems that SHIELD has reached out longer than he expected.

This is an absolute monster.

He is even more powerful than the Hulk.

Of course, the more powerful here refers to him in his normal state.

Abomination is made from the blood of the Hulk, so to put it bluntly, he is a defective product of the Hulk.

His identity is Emil Blonsky.

It was the one who was paralyzed by Jin Si's kick.

This one is not simple, he is already a top soldier in his own right.

Then he received an injection of super soldier serum.

This is also the reason why he did not die after receiving an injection of Hulk's blood.

Instead, the super soldier serum and the Hulk's blood were fused and mutated.

Ultimately it creates hatred.

The upper limit of hatred is not as high as that of the Hulk.

But if it is in a normal state, Abomination can beat the Hulk.

The Hulk holds it in his mouth. His strength follows his anger value.

The higher the anger value, the harder the Hulk grabs.

Although the Hulk in this world does not have BUG-level power.

But it's still very, very high.

For example, when someone wants to hurt or have sex with his wife.

He can definitely steal the air every second of the day.

As for hatred, he is less than the superior and more than the inferior.

Jin Si discovered that there was a collar around Hate's neck.


After Abomination rushed out of the container, he let out a venting roar.

Then he rushed towards the battlefield.

The Destroyer looked at Abomination, raised his fist and punched him, just like he had hit Thor before.

However, Abomination also followed up with a punch to greet him.


Amidst the loud noise, Abomination did not step back at all, but the Destroyer took a few steps back.

In strength, the Abomination surpasses the Destroyer.

Little Nini and Thor were a little surprised.

"Is this guy our comrade?" Thor asked.

He felt the evil aura in Abomination. This guy was definitely not a good person.

Xiao Nini said indifferently: "Maybe, at least it can be regarded as a helper, and it will be a very good helper."

Abomination knocked back the Destroyer with one punch, making him even more furious and a little elated.

You bastard enemies who can't handle it, I've got it.

At this moment, the Destroyer suddenly shot out a blast of destructive flames.

Boom boom boom——

The hatred was directly blasted hundreds of feet, rolling and rubbing on the ground.

"Beautiful, this move is so beautiful." Jin Si cheered.

Barton glanced at Jin Si silently and continued to curse in his heart.

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