Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand two hundred and twenty-nine There is something fun again

Steve was desperate, unable to do anything in the face of a dangerous person.

Not only was he powerless, but he couldn't muster the courage to fight.

You must know that even with Hydra, he never flinched.

Seventy years ago, he had been involved with Hydra dozens and hundreds of times, almost killing people many times, but he never had the thought of backing down.

But facing Jin Si, it's not as simple as killing someone.

Steve wouldn't be afraid at all if it was just about killing people.

There are various ways to do it in Jinsi.

It can make you feel like dying.

Nick Fury was dissatisfied with Steve's answers and attitude.

He made up his mind to find a way to deal with Jin Si, or at least restrain him.

Of course, if you can use him for your own use, that would be the best.

Another point is that the reason why Nick Fury still thinks this way is because he has a trump card.

No one knows this trump card, and that is Captain Marvel, the big pie-faced aunt.

In Nick Fury's opinion, as long as he brings back his big face, there is nothing he can't solve.

In Nick Fury's evaluation, Big Pie Face is also level 10.

Of course, unlike Jin Si, Big Pie Face has justice in his heart.

Nick Fury drummed his fingers on the table.

Turning to look at Steve: "What if that guy must be eliminated? Will you help me?"

Steve was silent for a while, then nodded: "I will."

Nick Fury is finally satisfied.

"Then do you think, among the Avengers, who can be convinced?"

Steve shook his head: "I'm not good at persuading others, especially since this idea is so dangerous. I think it's very irrational to ask others to take risks."

"I know, but don't you think that allowing such a dangerous person to act recklessly is irresponsible to all mankind in the world?"

Steve thought to himself,

Your kind of thinking is the real danger.

Steve knew he couldn't convince Nick Fury.

And he also felt that Nick Fury was joking with his life.

So Steve felt that he needed to let him understand how terrifying Jin Si was.

By the way, let him give up some ridiculous extravagant hopes.

"Director, you may not be able to understand the terror of that man. He has a way to make you want to die, and he also has a way to make it impossible for you to die."

Of course, Steve missed the point.

That bastard is more than just outrageously powerful.

The most critical problem is that he can disgust people.

"Captain, I also have an ace in my hand."

Nick Fury has not truly experienced Jin Si's terror and his bad taste.

Although there was a brief contact ten years ago.

But too much time has passed, and Nick Fury feels that he is good again.

In addition, he has never used his trump card all this time.

He felt that although Jin Si was very harmful, he did not go so far as to use his trump card.

But this time it was different. Steve personally explained the danger of that guy.

So Nick Fury finally made up his mind to kill that guy once and for all.

Of course, the main reason that made Nick Fury make up his mind was that the guy actually asked him to write a letter of apology.

Can I, the king of agents, accept this humiliating threat?

cannot! I, the king of agents, also want to save face.

Steve took a deep breath. If he had known better, he wouldn't have said it so seriously.

It seemed that his explanation aroused Nick Fury's interest.

And he didn't say it more clearly, so that it gave Nick Fury unrealistic hopes.

But as an old comrade who has known Jin Si for decades.

Steve knows better than anyone that Nick Fury's hopes are as bare as the top of his head.

After much thought, Steve decided to be a traitor.

Nick Fury hesitated for a long time after Steve left, and finally pressed the button.

As for whether Big Pie Face's sleep time can return, it depends on how far away from the earth she is.

After pressing the call for help button on the sex machine, Nick Fury took a long breath and his mood relaxed a lot.

Go out for a wave and relax with a little leprechaun.

There are quite a lot of cars on the street today.

A police car stopped nearby, and the policeman in the car looked at Nick Fury through the car window, showing a bit of disgust.

"Do you want to check my ID?" Nick Fury frowned. Has his bald head affected his temperament so much?

Then the sudden impact made him understand that the problem was not his own temperament.

Then there were three impacts in succession.

Four police cars squeezed Nick Fury's car from four directions.

Then a large number of people in police uniforms got out of the car, armed with various weapons, and fired at Nick Fury's car.

Nick Fury gave them the middle finger.

The bulletproof quality of my car is amazing.

But when those people took out the wall-rammer, Nick Fury silently retracted his middle finger.

This thing can smash an eighty centimeter strong concrete wall into rubbish.

Fortunately, Nick Fury's car is also equipped with a vehicle-mounted Vulcan cannon.

Nick Fury quickly counterattacked and broke through the encirclement at the same time.

The attackers gave chase quickly in police cars.

Nick Fury could only call for help.

But he could not wait for rescue.

What was waiting was a girl from Iron Five.

A man in black walked towards him in front of his iron car and fired a bottom-out cannon at his head.

Nick Fury's car immediately turned 180°.

Fortunately, he used a melter to create a hole in the roof and ground of the car and was able to escape.

"Boss, this is the result of our research over the past two years."

Killian handed Jin Si a bottle of potion.

When Jin Si was there, they were passive and slow in their work.

But when Jin Si was away, they worked hard on experiments.

It’s not like they suddenly transitioned.

In fact, they knew that they could not resist Jin Si.

If Jin Si comes back next time, they don't research anything.

Maybe Jinsi will need to replace a batch of equipment and researchers.

They don't want to be replaced, so they have to at least produce some results.

Jin Si looked at the potion: "What is this?"

"Elixir of God."

"The name is so catchy, how is the effect?"

"It's also very delicious. This is the result of extracting the essence of Thor's blood and conducting some experimental improvements after we mentioned it. Animal experiments have been conducted, but no human experiments have been conducted yet. Based on the information fed back by the animal experiments, On mice, it can enhance the physical strength of mice by hundreds of times. If used on sheep, it can increase strength by about ten times and improve overall physical fitness. If you need it, boss, we can do it within three months. Human clinical trials.”

"No need." Jin Si directly threw the potion bottle into his mouth: "The effect is there, can it be produced in large quantities?"

"The materials needed to make the potion of God are available on the earth, but some raw materials are difficult to obtain and require you to collect them from the boss."

"Make me a list..."

At this time, Ethan came in from the outside: "Boss, I just saw the news. The news said that Captain America Steve Rogers was convicted of treason, and now both SHIELD and the government are hunting him... or in other words, hunting him down. .”

"Oh...prepare a portion of the divine potion for me. It's going to be fun."


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