Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Five Reasons for Breaking Up

Maybe it’s the openness of the heart and the clothes.

The two communicated more.

There are exchanges ranging from fighting techniques to serious fighting techniques.

"I heard Steve say that you are from the same era as him, but I feel that your knowledge reserve far exceeds his and mine."

"In fact, my actual age may be more than ten million times yours, and my effective age is also more than a thousand times yours."

Carol didn't understand what Jin Si meant.

"I belong to a very ancient demon god. I guess you can find some legends about me from ancient documents."

Carol finally understood why Jin Si was so powerful.

But she has also encountered some demons.

It's just that those demon gods basically fall into the category of being slapped to death with one slap or two slaps to death.

"Are there many demon gods like you on earth?"

"There were many in the past, and there are still a few now, but they should not pose a threat to the earth. A few of them still hold the title of guardian of nature or guardian of the earth."

"I mean someone with a personality similar to yours."

"There are no more now. I ate them all." Jin Si said.


"I don't allow anyone to take the title of the world's number one villain. You said to keep them, what if someone jumps out to rule the world in the future? Resist, it's too troublesome, don't resist, I don't like others to act wildly on my head, and These ancient demons all have a shocking secret between each other."

Carol's ears immediately perked up.

Jin Si glanced at Carol, thought for a moment, and shook his head.

"Half of the words, I hate people like you the most. If you don't want to say it, don't start it."

Carol was a little depressed. Her curiosity was indeed aroused by Jin Si's words.

But Jin Si's secretive attitude made her very uncomfortable.

"Would you like to go to other planets?" Carol invited.

"You don't want to trick me into some remote planet and then lock me there to be your RBQ for the rest of your life, do you?"

"Forget it if I don't go."

"No, I don't want to travel with a woman who wants to kill me all the time. Who knows when she will push me off the cliff."

"Have some confidence in yourself, I'm not strong enough to threaten you."

"Should you explain the gap in our strength at this time? You shouldn't explain at this time, don't you have this idea? My heart hurts, and I can't breathe in pain."

"This is the universe, take a breath and show it to me."

Carol had no interest in accompanying Jin Si to perform, let alone giving false explanations in front of Jin Si.

Carol really wanted to kill Kim Si, even when they were not ashamed.

Several times, Carol considered pushing Jin Si towards the sun when they were not ashamed, wondering whether it would be effective.

Until two days ago, Jin Sizhen flew directly to the surface of the sun.

Carol asked him what he was doing.

Jin Si said that he wanted to try to see if he could extinguish the sun.

Carol's expression was strange.

Not because Jin Si moved unscathed on the surface of the sun.

It's because Jin Si's brain is abnormal.

Jin Si and Carol are considered a temporary couple, they can also be called gunyou.

The reason why they broke up was that one wanted to see the outer universe and the other wanted to return to Earth.

Jin Si returned to SHIELD headquarters and found that only his bodyguard team and a few clerks were left in the headquarters. Even the doorman was missing.

"Sharon, where have all the people gone? Could it be that they went out and established another branch in the past few days when I disappeared?"

"Boss, it's Nick Fury... The lady has found the secret base of the remaining members of Hydra, and is now leading people to attack the Hydra base there."

"Oh..." Jin Si was relieved when he heard that he was not setting up a new branch, and lost interest: "Sharon, you seem to be beautiful again, what brand of perfume are you using?"

Sharon Carter withdrew her palm with a smile. As an agent, she had learned how to smile when facing harassment in the workplace.

"Boss, Ms. Nick Fury has been contacting you these past few days, but she has been unable to contact you. Where have you gone?"

"Next time, let him use a communicator with a stronger signal." Jin Si shrugged and said, "Are there any live broadcasts of their actions?"

"Yes, there are currently images transmitted from the cameras carried by the team members in the command room."

When Jin Si came to the command room, the agents in the command room immediately became nervous.

Jin Si sat in the commander's seat and put on the headset.

Of course, the agents in the command room didn't care about Jin Si at this time.

They all need to devote themselves to their work.

After all, the agents on the front lines are risking their lives to fight Hydra.

This battle is fought by more than just Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Members of the Women's Federation are also fighting, including Banner.

Hydra's base should be located in the Seattle area.

Covered in snow in the woods.

Both sides have abundant combat power.

One side has a geographical advantage.

The other side has an advantage in combat power.

One Banner can equal the combat power of half the Hydra base.

Wanda and Pietro also participated in this battle.

They have a grudge against Hydra.

It was the missile launched by Hydra back then.

They tortured their adoptive parents to death.

Hydra also wants to put the blame on Xiao Nini.

They showed great strength in battle.

At this moment, a steel warrior rushed out of the base.

The look of that Iron Warrior is very similar to Little Nini's Iron Suit.

"Tony, are you making coats for others again?" Rhodes turned to look at little Nini beside him.

"This is plagiarism! They didn't pay the copyright fee. I want to give them a lawyer's letter, no... it's a court summons."

Xiao Nini was very angry and used his latest suit to blast the Iron Warrior in front of him to pieces.

But when they got closer and took a closer look, they discovered that this Iron Warrior was not actually a Steel Suit, and no one was controlling the Iron Suit inside.

At this moment, more Iron Warriors rushed out.

These steel warriors are obviously not very powerful.

Even Barton and Natasha can easily deal with a few.

Not to mention everyone else.

"Are these things remote-controlled?" Rhodes crushed an Iron Warrior's head and turned around to ask.

"No, it should be artificial intelligence. Their fighting methods are different from humans."

Xiao Nini is an expert in this field. He can tell whether it is remote control or artificial intelligence.

"You mean...they're robots?"

"Yeah, and they should be collecting combat data from all of us." Xiao Nini said.

"What should we do? If we continue to fight, they will become more and more powerful, right?"

"If you give them enough time, they will indeed become more and more difficult to deal with, but will you give them enough time?"

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