Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand two hundred and eighty-seven You need a holiday

dark! Yes, it is this darkness.

Casillas bathes in dark glory.

Dark energy was tearing his body apart.

But he didn't care, he had already made up his mind, abandoned his body, and merged with the darkness.

The endless darkness around him was perfectly integrated with his body.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Every moment, Casillas' power grows exponentially.

This is the ultimate pursuit of his life.

The growth of Casillas' power also caused strange phenomena to appear all over the world.

Because the dark rift he entered was the same one Jin Si went to back then.

And this rift is in the earth.

This dark rift is a passage between the earth and the dark dimension.

Of course, it's a passage.

But its space is not small at all.

It is estimated that they are all pretending to be the next earth.

Such a huge space is equivalent to infinite dark energy for Casillas.

The Ancient One also discovered the aurora phenomenon over Kama Taj.

In fact, this is the magic resonance phenomenon.

In other words, this phenomenon will only occur when a certain magic power aggregate appears.

The first thing Gu Yi thought of was Jin Si.

But thinking about it again, Jin Si has already passed this stage.

So it's definitely not Jin Si.

And she also felt a hint of evil in this magical resonance phenomenon.

She couldn't help but think of Casillas, who had made a fool of himself at Kamal Taj not long ago.

Is it really Casillas?

What did Casillas do?

To be able to complete this level of transformation in such a short period of time.

Auroras have appeared in the skies above many gathering places of mages or certain forces around the world.

The same auroras were seen over New York City.

Because there is also a mage sanctuary in New York City.

And this phenomenon has attracted the attention of the government.

"Director, the United Nations has asked us to investigate the cause of the aurora as soon as possible." Nick Fury stood in front of Jin Si and said.

"Oh, you are talking about Aurora. There is no need to investigate this matter. I know it."

Nick Fury was a little surprised, but also a little worried.

Could it be that Jin Si did this?

If it was Jin Si who did it, then the trouble would be big.

"Director, the appearance of these aurora is..."

"It is the process of the birth of a powerful dark mage, which resonates with the magic from all over the world, causing us to look as gorgeous as the aurora."

"How long is this going to last?"

"Not sure, it depends on how strong he is."

"I don't understand. Isn't that mage already powerful enough to produce this phenomenon?"

"Yes, this phenomenon only occurs when his strength reaches a threshold, but this does not mean that it is his limit. The magic resonance phenomenon continues, and he continues to become stronger."

"Then our SHIELD..."

"Well, it's hard to judge his current strength. His strength probably increases by one Wanda level every hour. You can calculate how long Aurora has lasted."

Nick Fury almost lost his balance because this aurora had lasted for half a month.

The terrifying increase of twenty-four Wandas every day, isn't it equivalent to the level of three to four hundred Wandas in half a month?

"Can you invite him to join S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"If SHIELD's purpose can be unified with his, it wouldn't be impossible."

"What is his purpose?"

"Destroy the world."

Nick Fury felt his legs weaken.

"Director, are you saying that he will be our enemy?"


"Then what should we do now? President...will you take action?"

"Okay, if you choose one from the Women's Federation to sacrifice, I will take action."

Nick Fury felt that he had no objection, but those in the Women's Federation would not listen to him.

Nowadays, most of the males in the Women's Federation have been sexually transformed by Jin Si.

Who else is left? Little Nini? He is the least likely to be convinced by himself.

Then there’s Quicksilver Pietro and War Machine Rhodes.

Not to mention Pietro, among the many male members, he is considered a relatively safe one.

After all, he is related by blood to Jin Si, so Jin Si will most likely not attack him.

Rhodes is affiliated with the military, and he can be regarded as a bridge between the military and SHIELD.

So Nick Fury couldn't give him any excessive orders.

Nick Fury suddenly thought of an idea.

The old members all know what Jin Si is like.

But what if I can't find anyone new?

Yes, I should really praise my extremely smart brain.

Jin Si stretched and got up to clock out.

Don't ask why Jinsi still needs to clock out and get off work, ask just to do your duty.

"Ethan, it's time to get off work."

"Okay, boss." Ethan put away his laptop and followed Jin Si honestly.

At this time, Ethan's head was slightly dizzy and he almost lost his footing.

Jin Si supported Ethan and said with concern: "Ethan, if you feel uncomfortable, please ask for leave. Our SHIELD is a humane management and will not force employees to work."

"Boss, I'm fine."

S.H.I.E.L.D. has never been a humanely managed unit, and Jinsi has no humanity either.

So don’t even think about asking for leave or anything.

At this moment, Ethan suddenly felt nauseated.

Ethan covered his mouth, resisting the urge to vomit.

"Do I just make you sick to your stomach?"

"No...Boss, I didn't mean that."

"It seems that you are really uncomfortable. I will give you a day off. You can have a good rest."

Ethan felt that he did feel a little uncomfortable.

This time he did not refuse Jin Si's holiday.

"thank you boss."

Ethan went to SHIELD's exclusive hospital.

But the doctor's answer was a common cold.

Ethan originally wanted some cold medicine, but the doctor refused to prescribe it to him, saying that his cold symptoms were very mild and he did not need cold medicine, and he would be fine after a sleep.

Ethan returned to his residence, where Abomination and Killian were lazily lying on the sofa, catching up on the show and drinking beer.

The house was in a mess, and if it had been in the past, Ethan would have taken the initiative to clean it up.

But his condition is really not good today.

Since they were captured, they have completely given up fighting against Jin Si and have been obedient.

"Killian, Abomination, please move a little. You have gained weight in the past two months."

"Ethan, you are diligent, but aren't you also fat? Just look at your belly before telling us anything." Kiri said without raising his head.

Ethan lowered his head and found that there was indeed an extra ring on his belly.

"It seems that I really need to control my diet. I have eaten at least twice as much as before." Ethan said to himself.

"Me too, my appetite has been particularly good recently."

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