Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand two hundred and ninety-eight The fate of ancient 1

Strange's heart was heavy.

He was about to face Jin Si.

Although he is now the Supreme Mage.

Even in name only, he is already the greatest mage in the world and the leader of all mages on earth.

But facing Jin Si, he was still a little timid.

No, to be precise, I'm very cowardly.

Very timid, he thought it would be more confident if he had a bunch of Casillas.

Compared with Jin Si, Casillas looks so kind-hearted.

"Wang, you stay with me." Strange pulled Fatty Wang.

"Let go, men and women cannot be intimate," said Fatty Wang.

After all, she is a big girl now, so please don’t be too pushy. It will have a bad influence.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jin Si is coming soon.

Fatty Wang didn't want to face Jin Si.

Let the Supreme Mage face it.

Anyway, I... No, I don't want to serve you.

Strange felt even more irritable after Fatty Wang left.

Jin Si is here anyway, in a very ordinary way.

At this moment, the Hong Kong Temple is still very chaotic, and the magic network has not been reopened yet.

There are ruins everywhere.

"Boss," Strange called.

Jin Si took out a small bottle.

Strange saw a little person inside the small bottle.

A small ancient mage sitting in a bottle.

Strange's pupils suddenly contracted.

To Strange, the Ancient One was his mentor.

Strange's expression changed instantly: "Boss... what are you..."

"Bring out the Eye of Agamotto."

Strange looked at Jin Si in horror: "Boss, do you want the Eye of Agamotto?"

He thought Jin Si wanted to exchange Gu Yi's soul for the Eye of Agamotto.

Jin Si shook his head: "No, I just need you to travel through time."

"do what?"

"Send her to reincarnation."

Jin Si's goal is very clear, that is to send Gu Yi to the past.

Let her be my daughter in the truest sense.

Strange's face looked confused.

Jin Si patted Strange on the shoulder: "You will help me, right?"

"Boss, you should understand that the soul's re-entering reincarnation is a very complicated process. It's not like I just put my soul into a pregnant mother's body and completed the reincarnation." Strange said patiently.

"Nonsense, I know better than you, I don't need your nonsense." Jin Si rolled his eyes at Strange: "I have cleared her memory and consciousness, and then erased everything about her present, past, and future. Cause and effect, even the source of her magic has been cleaned up, and she is no longer anyone."

Strange opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Whose belly do you want me to reincarnate Master Ancient One into?" Strange asked.

"My wife." Jin Si said: "And I want you to give my wife a message. I will go find her. One day, I will travel through time and return to her."

Strange's eyes flickered: "If I didn't follow your instructions, you wouldn't be able to find out, right?"

"Then you have to pray. I can't really travel through time. Maybe when you go back to the past, I will be looking at you in the future. If Gu Yi doesn't follow my request and become my daughter, then I will It will destroy her."

"Boss, I'm just joking, you don't need to take it too seriously."

"I'm joking too, don't take it too seriously."

Jin Si smiled and patted Strange on the shoulder: "Furthermore, as long as you help me finish this matter, I guarantee the safety of Kama Taj and the Three Holy Temples. At least, I will protect any extraterrestrial demons and the like." And help you get rid of it, if you don’t help me get this done, then you’d better be prepared to deal with me.”

Strange thought for a while, Master Ancient One, I'm sorry. For Kama Taj and for all mankind, I will always remember your sacrifice.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with being Jin Si's daughter.

If possible, Strange would like to change his household registration.

However, Jin Si despises him, and those who control the power of time cannot change their past.

It took Scott a long time to finally understand what Nick Fury meant by those words.

Sacrifice! From beginning to end, he was the one being sacrificed.

What are the side effects? There are no side effects at all.

What that pill really does is sexual transformation.

It's up to you to save the world.

In a sense, he did save the world.

But the process is not the kind of process I want.

What I want is to fight the enemy for three hundred rounds, and then push the enemy to the ground and rub him for three hundred rounds.

In the end, the enemy said that I was convinced of my defeat, and finally closed my eyes with a smile.

It is definitely not the result of relying on one's own sexual transformation to please some people in exchange for world peace.

Patton expressed sympathy for Scott's plight.

Then there is no more.

Sure enough, pain needs to be shared.

But Patton still plans to impart some practical experience to Scott.

Like, when do you need a dog?

"Close your beak, lower your head, and let your breath disappear."

Barton warned in a low voice, and Scott glanced at Jin Si walking up the aisle.

"I want to find the director, I want him to turn me back into a man..."

Scott walked towards Jin Si regardless.

"Director, I am..."

Before Scott could express his request, he was pushed away by Killian next to Jin Si.

Killian glared at Scott coldly: "You're blocking the way."

Scott looked at Killian, who had at least three times his own pecs, feeling a sense of inferiority and awe for no reason.

Killian is currently breastfeeding.

After being alone all his life, he became a mother inexplicably.

Now he just wants to raise the unexpected child.

If you want your child to grow up healthily, you must first eliminate the biggest threat to your child.

This threat is naturally Jin Si. As long as Jin Si does not harm the child, then the child will have room for healthy growth.

So now Killian doesn't think about how to resist Jin Si.

Now Killian, Ethan, and Hatred take turns taking care of the three children every day.

One person stayed at home to take care of the children, while the other two followed Jin Si and listened to Jin Si's orders.

"Boss, someone has been contacting me recently."

Jin Si stopped and looked at Killian with some confusion: "Who is it?"

"have no idea."

"What does it mean not to know?"

"He appeared in front of me three times, and three times he said he wanted to talk to me. He said he could help me... betray you."

"I trust you, you definitely didn't agree, right?"

"I told him that I wanted to see his ability..." Killian said cautiously.

"Are you planning to go deep into the enemy camp to find out information?"

"Yes, that's what I planned."

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