Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-Seven Crazy and Bad Taste

Steve was embarrassed.

Isn't this more outrageous than murder and arson?

At least, Steve would rather fight Hydra for three hundred rounds.

I don’t want to do this kind of thing to harm my comrades.

He already remembered whose room number 2005 belonged to.

It's Loki's!

Steve finally figured out the cause and effect.

No wonder Jin Si was forcing Loki to drink tonight.

Sure enough, this is Jin Si's daily life.

If you are not hurting others physically, you are hurting others psychologically.

"Don't want to? Forget it."

"Dad... how about another request?" Steve pulled Jin Si.

"It's okay if you want to marry Bucky."

"Dad, I think Thor and Loki's relationship is already very deep. I wish them the best of luck and hope that lovers will eventually get married."

Done! He didn’t know anything anyway, Steve comforted himself.

And Loki is so makes Thor cheaper.

But Loki was in the bathroom at the moment.

Because when he escaped from the bar just now, he lost a bug.

Don't ask where the bugs came from, there's a whole warehouse of them in SHIELD.

I'm afraid Jin Si himself didn't expect that his plot had been stolen by Loki.

This guy's evil was completely beyond his imagination.

When I saw Thor regain his male body before.

He had been wondering what bad idea Jin Si was planning.

Loki, who is also a bad guy, knows very well the thinking patterns of bad guys.

They don't suddenly become good people.

So Jin Si suddenly restored Thor to a man's body.

In Loki's opinion, it must be the beginning of another conspiracy.

But he didn't expect that Jin Si's conspiracy would eventually fall on him.

It was Thor who contradicted you in the first place, so if you want to do it, you have to do it to Thor alone.

Why drag me into this? I

But I have shed blood for you.

Loki quickly stopped complaining.

Now is not the time for blame.

Anyway, now that Jin Si’s purpose is known to him.

I definitely can't play with Jin Si anymore.

However, if he disobeys Jin Si in person, I'm afraid this guy will use force directly.

It is definitely impossible to defeat him, but it is absolutely impossible for him to cooperate.

Therefore... we must go through curves to save the country.

Just then, Natasha came in.

The two of them stood in front of the sink, and Barton muttered: "The lost dog."

"What did you say?" Loki suddenly shouted out of control.

"The lost dog." The grudge between Barton and Loki is not small.

Back then, he was controlled by Loki and did many outrageous things.

That also became a past event that Barton didn't want to mention.

Loki grabbed Barton's neck and pressed him against the wall.

Barton slapped Loki's chest with both palms, and Loki flew out immediately.

Barton clapped his hands, he was now a man with long-lost internal strength.

And he also has a proud career line that is not inferior to Rocky.

The foam on Loki's body was revealed, and a green light shone on Barton in his hand.

Barton rolled and flew out of the bathroom.

Barton was also angry and directly started a battle with Loki.

Soon, the two were fighting from the aisle to the party.

At first, all the superheroes and agents thought it was a performance.

But soon they discovered that Loki and Barton had turned from a battle between magic and kung fu into a real rivalry.

The two hugged each other and tore each other's hair.

He even bites people with his mouth.

Jin Si immediately stepped forward: "Place your bets, come over and place your bets. Let's guess who can win."

Nick Fury originally wanted to break up the fight, but then he bet five hundred dollars that Barton would win.

Thor was very angry, this was an offense to the honor of Asgard!

Then he asked Little Nini to borrow a hundred dollars to beat Rocky to win.

Barton was a little depressed. Originally, he thought Loki was so scheming that he would not take action against him on such an occasion.

Who would have known that Loki would go berserk with just one word from him?

Now his fight with Loki has become a monkey drama.

Damn it, don't you understand what's going on? Don’t let go of my hair yet…

Loki obviously didn't intend to let go, and he was going to decide the outcome with Barton today.

Barton obviously didn't know that he had become Loki's savior.

Originally, Loki had a headache on how to deal with Jin Si.

Unexpectedly, Button actually gave him an assist.

Although it is ugly to argue in front of more than a hundred people.

But it was better than having the New York Times front page headline the next day, the news that Thor had slept with his younger brother.

Of course, who wants to be treated like a monkey show if they can.

Jin Si found that Loki was really difficult to target.

He planned everything well.

There are always surprises as a result.

The scene of brother and sister sleeping together never appeared.

Jin Si was still a little disappointed.

And Jin Si’s work in the Marvel Universe has also been completed.

After Jin Si planted a universe in this universe, he still chose to leave temporarily.

Jin Si had previously obtained from Odin how to plant the World Tree.

However, Jin Si did not plant the World Tree, but the Cosmic Tree.

Using the energy of the scarlet universe and the dark dimension as nourishment, the seeds of the art of the universe grew rapidly after being planted.

And before Jin Si left, the power of the universe had already been generated and fed back to Jin Si.

As time goes by, the power of the universe fed back to Jin Si is gradually increasing.

Even if Jin Si returns to the world of Journey to the West, Jin Si can still gain access to the cosmic power of the Marvel Universe across the distant world.

Jin Si secretly returned to Fangcun Mountain.

I saw an eleven or twelve year old girl standing in front of the door holding a stick.

"Stop! This is Lingtai Fangcun Mountain. The rest of the people are waiting to leave quickly."

This girl also has three big fluffy tails on her back.

Jin Si stared at the girl for a long time. Is it the little white fox he picked up?

The last time I saw her, she had just transformed, and now she has actually reached the stage of transformation.

Moreover, she is growing well. The last time I saw her, she looked like three or four years old. Now she looks like she is eleven or twelve years old.

It won't take a few years to turn into a beautiful girl.

The old man also lied to himself that it would take a thousand years for her to grow into a big girl.

Sure enough, the old man was lying to himself.

Jin Si touched his cheek: "Little Junior Sister Linglong, I am your senior brother, Jin Si, have you forgotten me? Come on, let me kiss you."

"Wow..." When the little fox Linglong heard the name Jin Si, she was so frightened that she ran away: "Master, save me..."


A palm strike from the sky hit Jin Si's head directly.

In an instant, Jinsi had been smashed into dregs of flesh.

Jin Si quickly recovered as before, Madhu, his strength has improved a lot this time he went to the Marvel Universe, but he still didn't escape a single move.

How strong is this old man?

"Disciple pays homage to Master." Jin Si looked at the floating Ancestor Bodhi and bowed honestly.

Ancestor Bodhi looked Jin Si up and down: "The reincarnation seal I put on you, I expected you to understand the mystery of reincarnation, but you actually found another way to understand the way of time, which surprised me."

"Master, it's all my fault for my disciple's damn understanding. He is gifted and intelligent, has a clear mind, and can draw inferences from one instance..."

"Shut up."

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