Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and fifty-one Skull Island

"What else are you doing here? Just leave. I don't want to see you again."


"I don't listen, I don't listen..."

"Master, my leader asked me to ask you if you are willing to..."

"I don't want to."

Wu Taidou was not surprised by Jin Si's answer.

"There's no sincerity at all."

"Master, my leader is actually very sincere."

"There's no shitty sincerity. If they were sincere, they should just send me two women at this time, and then smash a bank card in my face, saying that as long as I am willing to be his dog, he will be satisfied. Everything I ask for.”


"I get angry when I see a pauper organization like you. What do you say about this?"

"No, it's okay." Wu Taidou was worried that Jin Si would find out, so he personally helped him reject the rich beauty.

Jin Si can't kill himself.

"Master, I have some martial arts questions I want to ask you."

"No, there's no way, just leave it like this."

"Master, what I want to ask is if I can teach other people martial arts."

"If you pass it on, it's up to you."

"What about the seeds of anger?"

"A few people are born with relatively obvious Qi without the need to develop it. As for the vast majority, just like you, they are born mediocre."

Wu Taidou felt that Jin Si was slandering him.

"Master, am I very talented?"

"Your current strength is a level that most geniuses cannot reach even in their lifetime."

"So I'm not ordinary?"

"No, you are powerful just because I taught you. Please clarify this cause and effect relationship."

Wu Taidou came to Jin Si this time, actually just to fulfill the request of his superiors.

Jin Si really didn’t want to have anything to do with the government, so he planned to move.

"By the way, do you know the location of Skull Island?"

"Skull Island? Where is Skull Island?"

"After all, you have been working as a mercenary in the Imperial Organization for half a year, and you haven't stolen any secrets?"

"Master, even if you want to steal secrets, you must at least have a purpose. I don't even know where Skull Island is and why you want to steal Skull Island's secrets."

"Forget it." Jin Si thought about it for a long time: "You are still in contact with the people in the Emperor Organization, right? Who else can you contact? Chen Ling? Dr. Serizawa?"

"Master...what are you doing with them?"

"Kidnap them and force them to find the location of Skull Island."

Wu Taidou felt that Jin Si's greatest advantage was that he was open and honest in his bad deeds and did not hide them at all.

"Master, do you think I can help you?"

"It's okay. I understand your attitude. I won't force you."

Wu Taidou was obviously relieved after hearing Jin Si's words.

"I'll just go and kill people. Little Round Face, do you want to go to the United States? Choose a city, Los Angeles, New York, or Washington. Which one do you like?"

"Master, you can't do this..."

"I can."

"Those people are innocent."

"Since you know they are innocent, you should help me."

"But Xiaoling and Dr. Serizawa are also innocent."

"I don't kill them. I just ask them a few questions. The ones that ask the most questions are the most. If they don't cooperate, I will harm them physically. You can rest assured about their life safety."

The more Jin Si said this, the less Wu Taidou could hand over the two of them to Jin Si.

"Let's do this, you help me find the location of Skull Island, and I won't touch them."

"Here... let me give it a try."

"I'm waiting for your good news."

After Wu Taidou left the valley, he returned to the headquarters of Organization Zero.

And reviewed the intelligence information within the organization.

Indeed, the information about Skull Island was discovered in the intelligence, and we also learned that there is also an infant Titan monster on Skull Island, and it is also an Alpha-level Titan monster, codenamed King Kong.

However, there is no record of the exact location of Skull Island.

In other words, there is no such information in Organization Zero.

After much thought, Wu Taidou decided to go to Chen Ling.

Maybe she knows the location of Skull Island, or maybe she has access to relevant information.

So Wu Taidou dialed Chen Ling's phone number.

"Xiaoling, are you still busy?"

"Haozi, why are you calling me when you have time?"

"I would like to ask about some information within your emperor's organization, which may involve confidentiality."

Chen Ling was silent for a long time after hearing Wu Taidou's words.

"You ask, I may not answer you."

"Do you know Skull Island?"


If Wu Taidou asked other questions, Chen Ling might not know.

But she happened to be exposed to Skull Island.

Because her mother had been to Skull Island many years ago.

Now that she has joined the Imperial Organization, she naturally found information about Skull Island through her mother.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't want it, it's my master who wants it."

"Your master is not dead?" Chen Ling asked in shock.

"not dead."

"How is it possible...didn't he sacrifice himself to detonate a nuclear bomb?"

"He detonated the nuclear bomb, but he didn't die." Wu Taidou didn't want to dwell on this issue. Unfortunately, Jin Si was also classified as a secret in Organization Zero. Wu Taidou

Said: "Can you tell me the information about Skull Island? For example, the location."

"I have no right to reveal secrets."

"Xiao Ling, I really need the location of Skull Island, not for myself, but for you and the emperor to organize it."

"Haozi, are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling you that my master needs to get the location of Skull Island now. If he doesn't get it, I don't know what he will do."

Wu Taidou was informing Chen Ling of the situation.

But to Chen Ling's ears, it was Wu Taidou who was threatening him.

"Wu Hao, I will not reveal secrets at will. If you are really capable, you can get it yourself."

Wu Tai is very tired of fighting, and he has no ability.

But my crazy master did.

"Xiao Ling, I'm not threatening you. I am stating this matter to you very seriously."

"No need to say anything, that's it."

After Chen Ling hung up the phone, she became increasingly angry as she thought about it.

She felt that Wu Taidou had changed.

Did he dare to speak to himself in this tone in the past?

In the past, he would only kneel and lick himself.

Now he actually dares to threaten himself.

And he said that his master is not dead?

There must be some secret here.

So she decided to report it to her superior, Dr. Serizawa.

However, Dr. Serizawa seemed to have known the news for a long time, and there was no look of surprise on his face.

"Chen, please stop interfering in this crucial matter." Dr. Serizawa said, "That man is very dangerous."

Of course Chen Ling knew that Jin Si was in danger.

Back when I was at Outpost No. 54.

In just a few minutes, he held everyone hostage.

However, she didn't say anything at the beginning. She felt that if she was fully prepared, Jin Si would not get any benefits.

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