Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Seven Doomsday Disaster

"what name?"

"A theatergoer."

Casey took advantage of Jin Si's finishing work and asked: "Can humans really win?"

"Yes, don't die before then."

"If the war ends and humanity wins, will you marry me?"

Casey couldn't tell what feelings he had for Jin Si.

Maybe there is a little dependence and a little gratitude.

But she is also very clear-headed and knows that whether it is the current situation or the possible future peace, she needs a capable person to protect her.

"I thought our relationship was very simple and we each got what we needed."

Casey gave Jin Si a hard slap.

After jumping off Jin Si's body, Casey pulled off his clothes and left.

When Jin Si followed him out of the house, Casey had already walked down the mountain in anger.

"Hey, I haven't got anything yet."

Casey turned around and gave Jin Si a middle finger from a distance.

Cathy is now in a hurry to get home.

Spread the news to your own family.

Back home, Cathy called her parents.

"Dad, Mom, we have to go to an open place. There will be a big earthquake here soon." Casey said solemnly.

"Is it your mysterious boyfriend again?" Casey's father asked.

"Yes." Casey did not deny it.

Because when she got the food back, her parents had doubted the source of the food.

After all, for the current situation, these foods are more valuable than any gold treasure.

How could Cathy, a girl, get so much food?

Naturally, Kathy needs to invent a boyfriend who is working in the secret service.

"Are you sure this news is true?"

Casey hesitated for a moment.

Then nodded: "I believe what he said."

Casey's parents didn't hesitate and quickly packed their things.

However, before they could finish cleaning up, the ground began to shake violently.

"Casey, you're taken care of, run!"

The father mentioned Sam and rushed out of the room.

Casey also quickly pulled his mother out of the house.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the house collapsed before their eyes.

The ground throughout the community was also undulating violently, and houses were collapsing one after another.

Large areas of road collapsed.

The family was running away like crazy.

The few families still living in this community are also fleeing.

There was simply no way the Casey family could help.

Under the violent earthquake, they were just ants fleeing for their lives.

When they fled the town in a hurry, they saw the town behind and the empty plain in front, rising and falling like the tide.

The scene was as terrifying as the end of the world.

The family hugged each other and shivered.

What makes them most desperate is that their disaster is not over yet.

The river embankment at the other end of the plain had collapsed, and the accumulated water in the reservoir turned into a monstrous beast and invaded towards them.

At this moment, the family saw a big man rushing towards them in the distance.

The big guy was holding something, a small boat.

"???" The whole family had question marks on their faces.

what's the situation?

Then, when they saw the big guy running closer.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was indeed a big man, but it was not a human, but a burly gorilla.

Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if it was just a gorilla that was much larger than its peers.

The question is, why is this gorilla holding a boat on its head?

The gorilla came to the family and dropped the boat in front of the family.

While the family was still in a state of confusion, the gorilla ran away at a faster speed.

"What...what is going on?"

"Is it an illusion?"

"Get on the boat, don't hesitate." Casey pulled his parents and younger brother and jumped into the boat.

This is also a perfect place for huge waves to crash in and swallow up a whole family.

Fortunately, after the huge waves passed, the boat floated to the surface, and the whole family did not fall from the boat.

But at this time, they could only go with the flow.

"Casey, that gorilla was also sent by your mysterious boyfriend?"

After thinking about it, Kathy could only think so.

And Jin Si said that he has three pets.

Casey has only seen Tao Zhu, as for Jin Si’s other two pets.

Kathy has never seen it before, so now she thinks that the gorilla may be one of Jin Si's three pets.

"Is that gorilla going to be okay? It's such a huge flood. It shouldn't run away. It should get on the boat with us."

The entire town was almost destroyed, and they didn't know if there were any survivors in the town.

And this emotion also rose as the flood receded.

They should be thankful that this super earthquake swept the world.

What is really scary is the super tsunami with a height of more than 100 meters triggered after the earthquake.

Human beings who have lost their mechanical tools are helpless in the face of this disaster.

Especially in coastal cities, the high-rise buildings built by humans cannot withstand this natural disaster.

The population is shrinking at an unprecedented rate.

The tools that can do the work have been lost, and the food has been lost.

Now, they have lost the shelter of their home.

Humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Of course, even in the face of super earthquakes and super tsunamis.

There are still two billion people left in the human race.

The happy family settled down on a high ground.

But soon, they had to face survival problems again.

Cathy had no choice but to row to Jinsi's residence again.

When Casey arrived at Jinsi's residence, he found that Jinsi was burning a large number of bird carcasses.

"Kim, what are you doing? These birds are also a valuable food source now and you are being wasteful."

"This thing is the third wave of alien attacks. They carry viruses modified by aliens." Jin Si said.

Casey's face couldn't help but change. A while ago, their family was still discussing whether to find a way to catch some birds to fill their stomachs.

Fortunately, she has been bringing food back recently, otherwise, her family would have eaten birds.

"That gorilla is your pet too?"

"yes. "

Cathy thought of King Kong's infinitely powerful body, and then of Jin Si's big white dog Tao Zhu. He thought that Jin Si's third pet was definitely not a man of faith, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"If you keep such a dangerous pet, will it ever get out of control?"

"Yes, they are very dangerous beasts." Jin Si nodded seriously: "Every time I am alone with them, I am scared to death. Only when you are around can I feel a little sense of security."

Casey rolled his eyes, there was no fear in Jin Si's expression.

And based on her previous understanding of Jin Si, Jin Si was very bad to Yong Zhu.

He smashes things at every turn and kicks at every turn.

She felt aggrieved for Yaozhu.

"Do you have a pet? Where is it?" Casey asked curiously.

"Let's go inside and I'll take it out to show you my third pet."

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