Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand three hundred and seventy-one gold, can't you do it?

Casey walked up to the unconscious Moyager.

I didn't know where to find an energy gun.

call out--

A bloody hole was left between Moyeg's eyebrows.

"I thought aliens wouldn't be killed by this kind of weapon." Casey said, sticking out his tongue.

Just kidding, this woman has a deep hatred for Jin Si just looking at her.

I was completely trying to eradicate Jin Si, and it was definitely not because of the pair of evil men.

The corner of Jin Si's mouth twitched, it was a pity that it was so fierce.

Parrish and Ruien helped each other return to Jinsi and Casey.

"Are you not dead?"

Parrish and Rui En felt angry for no reason.

We were almost kicked to death by your kick, do you understand?

"Fortunately, I saved the life and injured the injured leg, otherwise you would have been dead."

Parrish and Ryan said, I thank you and your family.

This life-saving treatment saved their lives.

But they were almost kicked out and their lumbar intervertebral discs were particularly herniated.

But considering that Jin Si just saved the earth.

They didn't want to argue with Jin Si, so they were so generous.

The alien mothership continues to crumble.

Except for Jin Si who is not in a hurry, everyone else here is extremely anxious.

They don't want to be part of the collapse.

"Kim, it's time for us to get out of here."

"That's right." Jin Si tore open a crack in the space.

When everyone saw Jin Si's operation, they were no longer surprised.

After all, Jin Si's ability to come here means that he has a way to get out of here.

"Jin, when you let me in here, did you put some tracker on my body?"

Jin Si thought for a while,

Then nodded.

"Why did you hesitate?"

"No, you are overthinking."

When everyone returned to Earth, they came to a seaside.

What I saw was a devastated world.

The alien mothership disintegrated, and a large number of rock masses escaped from the space cracks and fell into the earth.

An idea suddenly flashed in the minds of the three of them.

Although aliens have invaded the earth.

But they caused almost no damage to the earth.

But Jin Si, the savior who saved the earth, became the biggest destroyer.

As for the casualties, although they are not as large as those caused by aliens.

But that's because aliens have wiped out most of humanity.

Of course, no matter what, humans survived this disaster.

Casey sees Godzilla's massive form beached near the shoreline.

The wounds on its body continuously flowed out of ink-black liquid.

"Kim, will the blood on Godzilla cause contamination?"

"The world has been torn apart by aliens, who cares about pollution at this time." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

The three of them couldn't help complaining in their hearts, the world has become what it is now, it's obviously because of your doing, okay?

"Kim, where's Sam?"

"I asked Yuzhu to protect him. He should be alive." Jin Si said uncertainly.

"If Sam gets a little hurt, you'll be in good hands."

"Don't worry, if something happens to Sam, I will let Yongzhu jump on the dining table and commit suicide."

At Jin Si's call, Yong Zhu quickly found Jin Si with Sam in his mouth.

"You're procrastinating and taking so long to come back. Do you want to betray me?"

Yaozhu completed the task perfectly, but instead of receiving a commendation from Jin Si, he was beaten up by Jin Si.

The damage to the earth is far more serious than people think.

You must know that the alien mothership is actually a huge continental plate.

After being destroyed by Jinsi and falling apart, fragments of various sizes fell into the earth through many weak points in space.

Fortunately, the height at which the fragments appeared was not very high.

So there was no apocalyptic damage.

But so many rocks appear out of thin air on the earth.

It still caused a lot of terrain changes.

The population, which was originally less than 2 billion, dropped completely to less than 100 million after this battle.

Jin Si firmly refused to admit that this was his fault.

This is all an alien strategy.

After they were defeated, they chose a cruel plan to die together.

Jin Si's life has also returned to peace.

Apart from sweating every day, there is no more activity.

A small part of the mothership left by the aliens in the cracks of space is still suspended in the void.

The area is estimated to be thousands of square kilometers.

Jin Si made that place his new home.

It also serves as an activity area for several Titan monsters.

Because of Godzilla's pollution, many deformed babies have appeared all over the world.

Jin Si made another physical criticism of Godzilla.

Godzilla accepted Jin Si’s criticism humbly.

Regarding the turmoil on the earth, Jin Si just watched with cold eyes.

Even if there are only 100 million people left, human beings will still be unable to avoid involution.

Originally, Casey wanted to drag Jin Si to make some contribution to the modernization of mankind.

But within two years of discovering that humanity had just ended the alien crisis, it began to beat itself up.

She also lost hope in human beings, and finally chose to live in seclusion in the cracks of space with Jin Si.

In the past few years, she became keen on having children with Jin Si.

Giving birth is an adjective, not a verb.

Including giving Jinsi supplements.

Jin Si felt that Casey had insulted him.

When did I reach the point where I needed to take medicine?

Anyway, Cathy attributed the reason why her stomach remained silent to Jin Si.

But Jin Si couldn't help with this kind of thing.

It was just a casual thing.

Jin Si has always been fascinated by the possibility of his partner becoming pregnant.

For example, in the Marvel Universe, two women, Jin Si, were pregnant with Jin Si's children.

But no matter how hard Casey tried, it was to no avail.

And Casey was a little obsessed with it.

For pregnancy, from first science to later probability.

Now I have switched to theology.

Those are all routine operations for dancing masters.

I don’t know which sacred mountain dojo I got the talisman from last time, so Jin Si had to drink the potion soaked in the talisman residue.

Jin Si almost destroyed the dojo.

"Kathy, if it doesn't work, let's adopt one." Jin Si no longer wants to interact with Fu Shui every day.

Although Jin Si hates children, if he can have a child to free himself, Jin Si is willing to accept it.

"Jin, can't you do it?"

Jin Si had already gone from being furious at the beginning to treating Cathy's daily insults with a normal attitude.

Jin Si is also desperate. Not being able to have a child is a problem between two people. Don't blame all the problems on me, okay.


"Don't say it's a problem between two people. I've gone to the hospital for a checkup. My fertility is completely normal, so the problem must be with you."

Jin Si looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, trying not to let his tears fall down his cheeks.

Sure enough... love is no longer there?

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