Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Nine Werewolf

The agreed place where Emma, ​​Verus and Lintel went together.

Originally Emma planned to be alone.

But Verus refused, and Emma was already pregnant. He would be shameless if he asked her to face a group of kidnappers alone.

Of course Lintel has to follow, she has no shirk in this matter.

Not long after, the butcher also came with people.

The butcher carried Lily.

Emma walked to the butcher alone.

She recognized the butcher.

There is no one in the Tykel shelter who does not know the butcher.

The former Tohru was the butcher's biological brother.

"I didn't expect Ms. Emma to be so courageous." The butcher looked at Emma with admiration.

Emma looked calmly and threw a document bag at the butcher's feet.

"Everything is here, return Lily to me."

"How do I know if something is real?"

"When you come this time, you must have brought professionals with you. Let them confirm the truth and tell the truth."

The butcher put Lily down, and Lily immediately ran to Emma.

Lily has also been quite frightened these days.

It wasn't until this moment that I felt a little more at ease.

"Lily, go to the car." Emma patted Lily on the back.

The butcher's people were checking the authenticity of the documents and USB flash drives.

The butcher glanced at Emma. He was surprised that the plan went so smoothly this time.

At the same time, I was also surprised by Emma's boldness.

This time he brought dozens of people.

Just in case.

But I didn't expect that,

Emma actually only brought her husband and an old man.

"The stuff is real."

The butcher got an answer that satisfied him.

"Ms. Emma, ​​aren't you afraid at all?"

The butcher looked calm.

"Do you know how cumbersome equity transactions are? Do you know how long a normal handover takes? If something goes wrong with me before that, then all you have gained now will be in vain."

"Is it really that complicated?"

"Actually, it's not very complicated. First of all, before the procedure is completed, I want to live, but you can't die."

"Haha... I appreciate you more and more." The Butcher laughed: "But since you agreed to this deal, you have lost everything. Can you still threaten me?"

"Then let's wait and see."

Emma was about to turn around and leave, but the butcher stopped Emma: "Did I let you go?"

Emma stopped and turned to look at the butcher.

"Do you have any other advice?"

"You killed my brother."

Emma opened her handbag, took out a wad of money, then took out one of the bills and threw it on the ground.

"Is it enough?"

The butcher's face turned dark.

Of course, he didn't pay much attention to Tohru's life and death.

But Emma's behavior made him feel embarrassed.

"The person who left you, or the child in your belly, this matter will be wiped out."

Emma took out a mini pistol from her handbag and pointed it at the butcher: "I refuse."

It was then that the Butcher's body began to change.

The butcher's body began to grow mane, his body became taller, and soon he had turned into a werewolf.

"Are you sure this toy will work for me?"

The young men brought by the butcher were very excited about the changes in the butcher.

"Appeared! The boss's sure kill."

"Is the boss a demi-human?"

"I haven't heard of any demi-humans who can change."

The reason why demi-humans are demi-humans is that they already have physical characteristics when they are born.

It was obviously not the first time for these boys to see The Butcher transform into a werewolf form.

Why can the butcher be called the butcher, but even his original name has been forgotten.

It's because he has slaughtered enemies in this form more than once.

Emma pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang bang bang——

Three shots were fired, but all were in vain.

After transforming into werewolf form, Butcher's speed has reached unprecedented levels.

He easily avoided the bullet and was already behind Emma in the next moment.

Emma's vigilant nerves tightened instantly, and she shot backwards by accident.


The butcher took a few steps back and was shot.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect the butcher to be hit.

Even the butcher himself didn't think of it.

The butcher's men immediately wanted to surround him, and the butcher waved his hand.

He glanced at the shoulder where he had been shot.

The sharp claws dug directly in, and soon a bullet was pulled out.

After transforming into a werewolf, his pain nerves were suppressed.

This is also the difference between humans and beasts. Most beasts have strong pain suppression capabilities.

It’s not that it doesn’t hurt, it’s that humans are more direct to pain.

"I appreciate you more and more, how about you become my woman." The butcher licked the blood on his sharp claws.

"Are you worthy?" Emma sneered.

"I'll kill the little bastard in your belly first, and then you can see if I'm worthy."

The Butcher accelerated again, and this time Emma could not catch the Butcher's figure no matter how alert she was.

Butcher is just too fast.


A bloody mark was scratched on Emma's back.

Even though Emma was injured, she remained calm and collected.

But Lintel and Verus couldn't calm down.

The two men immediately picked up the guns prepared in advance and prepared to help Emma.

But the butcher's body speed was like a ghost.

It also made it difficult for them to catch the butcher's figure.

The butcher fell in love with Emma and did not kill her.

But he will not show mercy to Verus and Lintel.

Directly changed the target to Verus and Lintel.

Bang bang bang——

Verus fired several shots but failed.

But the butcher had already avoided the bullet and came to him.

Verus was shocked and raised his gun to fight again.

But the butcher's claws were already clawing at Verus's face.


Although Lintel is not young, she does not suffer from stage fright.

And this time Emma and Verus were in danger because they were trying to save Lily.

There was nothing he could say to make Verus encounter something unexpected in front of him.

So Lintel has been tense.

She guessed that the Butcher would attack Verus immediately and ignore herself.

So she seized this opportunity and shot the butcher in the head.

Not to mention, after this shot, the butcher's head was bleeding and his tall body rolled out.

However, before they could be happy, the butcher stood up again.

There was blood on his head, but he looked even more ferocious.

"You have angered me!" The butcher's wolf-like head looked at Lintel ferociously.

His limbs became thicker, his fangs and claws became more terrifying and thick, the meridians under his skin appeared, and his eyes were red, like a demon in hell.

Suddenly, the butcher felt a breath approaching very quickly.

But it's far in the sky.

And the sound of shouting was heard in the distance.


The Butcher has very good eyesight in his werewolf form.

He vaguely saw something like a boat drawing an arc in the sky.

There were several people on that boat, and the shouting was made by them.

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