Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirteen New Game Content

At this moment, Isaac was covering his head in pain.

He didn't want to hear anything, he didn't want to say anything.

He even had thoughts of committing suicide.

Every time I face Jin Si, I'm so fucked up.

"I heard you have a plan to kill the gods."

Isaac's expression changed drastically: ""

Isaac was shocked. What happened? Only the six three-star hunters who survived knew about this.

Because this plan is too huge.

So he can't do it alone.

Even if he is the president of the Hunter Guild.

He needs someone to help him, someone to advise him.

So there must be a group to help him.

"Of course they told me, or one of them." Jin Si said.

Isaac's heart trembled, and he forced himself to look at Jin Si calmly.

"So, are you here to challenge me?"

"No, why should I raise an army to punish you? In fact, I also hope that your plan will succeed. But after I checked your plan, I found that your plan has no chance of succeeding at all."

Jin Si looked at Isaac seriously: "So, I decided to help you perfect this plan."


Let the person who is the last person to say this say it, help yourself improve your plan.

Is this nonsense or nonsense?

"In your original plan, you wanted to perfect three techniques, sealing, suppressing, and blocking, and then lead me deep underground to start taking action. I can only tell you that it is meaningless."

Isaac finally confirmed that Jin Si really knew all of his plans.

The seal is the Demon Sealing Wave, a technique left by Wu Taidou.

However, Isaac felt that this seal was not perfect enough.

The second is the suppression technique,

This is a technique found in ancient documents.

After derivation, he and his team came to a conclusion.

This suppression technique is also imperfect. By integrating telekinesis and some changes, it can produce greater effects.

The last one is a blockade, something similar to an inviolable realm.

This ability is far from rare among telekinesis masters.

Of course, it’s not everywhere.

However, it is not enough to have an inviolable domain of Angel's level.

More powerful reading abilities are also needed.

And it is necessary to cultivate a large number of blockade-related telekinesis masters.

When these conditions are met.

They will lead Jin Si to a passage they have arranged in advance leading to the underground.

They will move the battlefield deep underground.

If everything goes well then all is well.

If the plan fails, adopt the final tactic of mutual destruction.

Destroy the passage to the ground.

Let Jin Si be trapped and die deep underground.

This is what the God Killing Plan is all about.

“How do you know it’s pointless if you don’t try?”

"Because I know where my limits are."

"So you're here to talk me out of this plan?"

"I already know about it, so what's the use of your plan? And I've already said that I'm here to help you perfect your plan."

"Haha..." Isaac sneered.

Perfect the plan? Anyone in this world can say this, but Jin Si is not qualified to say this.

"Don't believe it, I'm serious this time."

"Then tell me, what is your plan?"

Jin Si's body shook, and his right arm fell to the ground.

Isaac looked at Jin Si confused.

What does this mean? Forced to touch porcelain?

This is not what I did.

"I plan to seal myself." Jin Si said.


"I can disassemble the limbs myself."

Isaac looked at Jin Si: "Do you have limbs?"

"It does not matter."

With that said, Jin Si took off his two legs.

Only the body and head are left suspended in the air.

"Help me take the head off."

"Uh...Master, what are you going to do?"

"Hide and seal every part of my body."


Are there still such high-end games now?

Please forgive my ignorance.

Anyway, Isaac didn't understand what Jin Si wanted to do.

"Didn't I tell you that among the six three-star hunters, one betrayed you and took refuge in me." Jin Si said: "And apart from knowing that I was sealed, he didn't know anything else. No information, but he will use various means to find and unseal my torsos and resurrect me again, and you are going to find this person and prevent him from resurrecting me."

Isaac's brain is going to explode. How boring do you have to be to play such an irrational game?

"Set the time limit while you are alive. If you die, the seal will be automatically released. In other words, in order for me not to reappear in the world, you need to work hard to live. The second is to keep the location of my seal strictly confidential. , if I am resurrected by my people during this period, then you lose, and then I will give him the power to rule this world."

"Then if I commit suicide after secretly sealing your limbs and head, wouldn't you lose?"

"I said that if you die, the seal will be lifted. If this is the case, the game will return to the starting point. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Then what if I attack indiscriminately and kill all six three-star hunters?"

Just kill all the three-star hunters who knew about it.

Then all the secrets will be kept, and the betrayer will inevitably die together.

Isaac doesn't have to play this boring game.

Jin Si laughed: "Then you have to kill him cleanly. After all, the traitor is not just one person, he also has subordinates, subordinates' subordinates..."

Isaac sighed, stepped forward and took off Jin Si's head.

Without this game, Isaac would have happily taken Jin Si's head off.

And even if only the head is left, Jin Si is still full of life, at least that head is still like this.

Isaac really wanted to try it and see if he could crush the head.

The result was of course negative. Isaac tried all kinds of methods but failed to cause even a little damage to the head.

Fire, ice, magma, concentrated acid, swords, guns and sticks, ultra-high pressure, ultra-low pressure... he used all the methods he could think of.

What he needs to consider now is how to place Jin Si's body, head, hands and feet.

Isaac found six people. When the six three-star hunters saw the various limbs in front of Isaac, they were a little confused. But when they saw Jin Si's head, their doubts turned into Shocked.

Did Isaac hold it in his mouth like this?

He actually suffocated Jin Si to death without making a move.

"Hello everyone, long time no see."

Everyone was shocked, even their heads were taken off, but they were still able to greet them.

Isaac has been observing the expressions of the six people, hoping to judge who is the betrayer.

It's a pity that I have no clue. The expressions of these six people are all in place, or their reactions are all in line with their personalities.

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