Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand five hundred and twenty-one He looks weak

Adelith's strength was indeed a bit underwhelming among everyone present.

Especially the man holding Jin Si's head.

Fortunately, that person didn't have time to pay attention to Adelith now.

Instead, they are fully prepared to deal with crises that fall from the sky.

At the moment when his mind power turned into a huge drill bit, it shattered the ice.

Potter White and Isaac fell from the sky.

The two of them blasted downwards with all their strength.


The man was caught off guard and was knocked down.

The head also flew out.

Everyone's attention is on the head.

But at this moment, a plane passed over the island.

Something dropped from the air.

Everyone saw clearly that what was thrown down was a body.

Everyone understood what it was in an instant.

The next moment, several things suddenly shot out from the island below.

Isaac exclaimed: "Stop it quickly..."

Isaac rushed forward immediately, trying to prevent Jin Si's limbs from merging.

But those limbs instantly turned into flowing light.

Pass in front of Isaac.

Those streams of light all merged with Jin Si's head.

Isaac also lost the faith to continue fighting.

"The game is over." Jin Si resurrected.

In other words, he never died at all.

Porter Bai came to Jin Si and stared at Jin Si.

"I will fulfill my promise and grant your wish."

Isaac sighed: “You win.


"There is no such thing as winning or losing." Jin Si looked at Isaac with a smile: "I have to say that I am very satisfied with the performance of you and Porter Bai. This game is so interesting."

"What about me? Where's my share?"

Adelith's mind has been swallowed up by endless greed and ambition.

She doesn't care if this is a game or not, since she is the winner, she should give the winner preferential treatment.

"What do you want?" Jin Si looked at Adelith.

"Everything, the power to rule the world."

Jin Si shook his head: "Judging from the roles you are assigned in the game, you are not qualified to enjoy the greatest results. Only Potter is qualified, and he has already made a wish beforehand."

"Then what can I gain?" Adelith's face was gloomy.

Jin Si touched his chin and looked at Potter: "I have just been resurrected now, and I don't have enough power to fulfill the wishes of two people. How many parts are you willing to miss when I resurrect your child?"

Potter's wish was to resurrect his child who had died in infancy.

It was originally the child that he had poured his heart and soul into.

But in an accident ten years ago, the child drowned.

The condition he proposed to Jin Si was to resurrect his child.

Jin Si once asked whether to choose enough power to rule the world or resurrect his children.

Potter's attitude was resolute and he made his choice without any hesitation.

Jinsi's meaning was very simple. Giving Aedlis power would be equivalent to Potter's child lacking parts when resurrected.

"I didn't agree." Potter looked at Aidris indifferently.

They were not close comrades in the past.

To put it bluntly, they are just competitors taking advantage of each other.

Isaac watched, knowing Jin Si too well.

This was another fight started by Jin Si.

He likes to watch fights and games like this the most.

Potter White also knew that he was just cooperating with the performance.

Regardless of whether this was a war or a game, he had no intention of sharing his spoils with others.

Adris looked at Jin Si, her thoughts racing.

Just now Jin Si said that he had just been resurrected, so he did not have enough strength.

Does that mean that he is very weak now?

If I could catch him and control him at this time.

As for the other two hunters who came after them, they were not trying to maintain world peace.

Although the situation is a bit beyond their imagination.

After seeing Jin Si's resurrection.

They discovered that Jin Si was not the image of the immortal demon they imagined.

So they felt that Jin Si might not be very powerful.

Now that they received Adelith's eyes again, they immediately understood the meaning.

Since those two hunters could detect it, how could Isaac Potter not see it.

But these three guys want to tie up Jin Si, are they thinking too much?

Adris took the lead and restrained Jin Si with all her strength.

The other two hunters also cooperated at this time to attack Jin Si from both sides.

The two grabbed Jin Si's shoulders.

None of them expected that they could control Jin Si so smoothly.

But Potter White and Isaac actually had no intention of stopping it.

They even fantasize about whether they cooperated too well and acted too suddenly.

So much so that these two powerful men did not react.

However, the two hunters seemed uneasy. When one of the hunters waved his hand, hundreds of telekinesis balls fell from the sky.

These telekinesis balls fell to the ground and immediately exploded.

"Let's go! It's not advisable to stay for a long time."

Another hunter created a huge illusion, trapping Potterhead and Isaac inside it.

Although it was the first time for the three of them to join forces, they worked together perfectly, at least that's what they thought.

The three of them quickly evacuated while Isaac and Potter were still in the illusion.

The three of them are even already dreaming about a better future.

However, they did not realize that Isaac and Potter White had long since broken free from the illusion.

But they couldn't muster any interest in pursuing it.

The two were more like old friends, finding a beach to sit and chat.

As for Mena, she is just a passerby.

The three of them led Jin Si and ran wildly.

But not long after running, they found themselves running into an empty city.

what happened? Why are cities here?

They were obviously on that small island.

Where did the city come from?

"Is it an illusion?" Adris looked at the hunter who used the illusion.

"It's not an illusion..."

"Did someone use space capabilities to teleport us here?"

"have no idea……"

"This seems to be the disappeared city of Atlan." Jin Si said, "I remember it was called that."

Everyone looked at Jin Si: "How is it possible? The so-called disappeared city of Atlan is simply fabricated."

"It's not fabricated. It really existed. It just disappeared."

"How is it possible? How can such a huge city disappear?"

The disappeared city of Atlan is actually a legend that appeared after the end of the world.

It is said that only the original forest remains on the original site of Atlan City, and not even a trace of Atlan City exists.

It started as a scientific expedition to investigate the reasons for the disappearance of the city.

But gradually, it became a legend.

"It really existed, but it disappeared because of my mistake." Jin Si said.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and Adelith frowned and looked at Jin Si: "What do you mean?"

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