Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Four Educational and Fun

In just a few seconds, Jin Si turned into a statue.

Just when everyone thought they had succeeded.

Jin Si suddenly appeared next to the captain.

"It's okay, okay, I almost died. Fortunately, I have a trick to escape from the cicada's shell."

Jin Si wiped away cold sweat, with an expression on his face that he was surviving a disaster.

The captain's expression changed and he activated the petrification skill again.

Jin Si was hit again.

"Huh... Fortunately, there is a trick for the turtle to shed its shell."

Double once...

"Huh... there is also a trick for mice to make holes..."

The captain took a few steps back. His newly acquired telekinesis ability was petrification.

This skill is not about creating a shell on the target.

Instead, it will truly turn the opponent into stone.

But this move seems to have lost its effect in front of the other party.

This is his trump card.

"By the way, have you had dinner?"

dinner? All the intruders looked confused.

What do you mean?

"In order to make you surrender, I will use a wave of illusions later, which will probably last for a long time. I am afraid that you will starve to death during the illusion, so why don't you eat dinner first, and I haven't eaten yet."

"Be bold!"


They also have some exposure to illusions.

The essence of performing illusions is to remain invisible.

I have never seen Jin Si like this. He tells you so carelessly that I want to perform an illusion.

"Do you just look down on us so much?" The captain's face was twisted.

Jin Si nodded sincerely.

The nine intruders were angry,

They vowed to let Jin Si know the price of arrogance.

Ten minutes later, the entire room was littered with limbs and limbs.

Everyone fell to the ground and howled.

"Liar...liar...where is the illusion you are talking about? This is not an illusion at all..."

"Actually, you are under an illusion right now."


"Really... look, if it wasn't for the illusion, why could your hands and feet grow again and again?"

They didn't believe it, the illusion couldn't be so painful...

An hour later, Jin Si finally stopped.

"Sure enough, you still need to have dinner first, otherwise you won't be happy."

The intruders were on the verge of tears. Did they finally stop their violence?

Then, Jin Si really asked them to prepare dinner.

At the dinner table, the captain looked at Jin Si with a bitter look on his face.

"That...sir...I, we all surrender."

"No, even though you say you surrender, you are definitely not convinced in your heart. I like to convince others with virtue."

"No, we are convinced, really convinced."

"I don't believe your mouth, I only believe in my fists."

Everyone was even more sad. After all, they poured out their heart and soul and were sincere, but others said they didn't believe it.

This guy is so crazy.

In the previous hour, they had been cutting off their hands and feet.

Then it was repaired, cut off again, repaired again.


After eating and drinking, Jin Si started a new round of wreaking havoc.

Until they lay on the ground and stopped shouting.

Only then did Jin Si stop.

They have all been ruined by Jin Si.

"Everyone, get up and follow me now."

Everyone was lying on the ground, not wanting to move.

The floor is still comfortable.

"I have a new illusion. If you want to continue lying down, just tell me."

Everyone jumped up immediately, saying they didn't want to bother Jin Si.

"Have you met the three of them?"

In the disappeared city of Atlanta, the three of them were considered old residents.

Jin Si gave this group of intruders a few days of familiarity.

They also understood why they were brought here.

That is to serve as a guinea pig for Jinsi.

They hated Potter with a passion.

The old dog didn't do anything himself, but actually sold them to Jin Si.

"Starting today, you will join them in my research project."

Jin Si opens a time wormhole.

This is something he just recently researched.

Can lead to a set timeline.

However, Jin Si is currently unable to achieve precise time positioning in this time wormhole.

"Go in, place a time meter, and then come back." Jin Si said.

A time meter is a clock, but it is different from ordinary clocks.

An ordinary clock would not be able to function in this chaotic time gap.

The time meter can work normally in the chaotic time flow.

Because this time instrument was refined by Jin Si himself.

It has no other purpose than to be immune to the chaotic flow of time.

It's basically just like an ordinary clock.

At present, Jinsi can only travel to a few days ago.

And Jin Si can't go to the future yet.

It seems that going to the future is much harder than going to the past.

Of course, it is also possible that Jin Si does not understand the power of time enough.

Jin Si regretted why he didn't learn time magic properly.

Of course, the greater possibility is that this thing cannot be learned.

Jin Sidu began to consider whether to take the path of science.

After all, I was also a security guard at Wudaokou Vocational School.

Maybe I can develop my own new character.

Adris was responsible for this task, carrying a time meter into the time wormhole, and then quickly ran back after placing the time meter.

Then came human trials.

In fact, it is what kind of effect will be produced by different time forces acting on the human body.

The newcomers, even after a few days of verbal training, roughly know that their job is to be guinea pigs.

But seeing the companions around them getting older, they were all so frightened that they broke into cold sweats.

Of course, it is not completely aging, it may also become smaller, in various ways.

For Jin Si, research is not the only thing, education and entertainment can last long.

It's like having a baby... Why do people like to have babies?

Is it to continue the family line? It's certainly not the only reason.

Because it’s fun, which is why it’s important.

Therefore, during the research process, Jin Si also tried his best to have some fun for himself.

However, in the eyes of the intruder, Jin Si is the devil and the big BOSS of this world.

However, they knew very well that facing Jin Si who controlled the power of time.

Their pitiful tricks meant nothing.

They didn't even know how to defeat Jin Si.

Even if their strength is stronger than Jin Si.

But facing a person who can constantly look back in time.

No matter how much damage is done to him, he can easily recover.

Every experiment can help Jinsi gain a little bit.

But compared to all the power of time, Thailand is still small.

Jin Si also discovered that the power of time can affect the power of blood.

For example, one of the intruders has a special bloodline.

And he can use time to accelerate and catalyze his special bloodline.

Jin Si also used the method on himself.

There is really something gained.

Although all of his bloodline has reached perfection.

However, there is still some room for improvement.

Use the power of time to make your bloodline more perfect.

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