Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Three Cousin, you died so miserably.

Li Xunhuan was desperate at this moment.

Raise the power of the Samsara Eye to the extreme.

A meteorite hundreds of meters large shrouded Shaolin's head.

Shrouded in the hearts of everyone in Shaolin.

But Li Xunhuan soon felt that his love for his cousin was dwindling.

Sure enough, this ultimate move cannot be used indiscriminately.

Xuan Zheng's heart trembled and he shouted: "Run..."

Let alone a Shaolin monk.

The little beggar and the old Tianshan monster both ran out as if running for their lives.

If this thing falls down, everyone will die.


A great collision between heaven and earth!

Amidst the violent shaking, the meteorite hit the main hall.

Then, with the Main Hall as the center, a terrifying impact swept across.

Everything was swallowed up in an instant.

Li Xunhuan fell to the ground and looked at the devastated Shaolin.

Is this what you did?

The remains of monks are everywhere.

Surprisingly, Li Xunhuan showed no mercy at all this time.

"Evil devil, take your life!" Mercy and Chongming rushed towards Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan opened the Samsara Eye again.

When he saw the Samsara Eye on Li Xunhuan's forehead.

Both of them were stunned for a moment.

This... what on earth is this?

Earth explodes and stars explode! Li Xunhuan clasped his palms together.

The entire Shaolin ruins were shaking violently.

"Old monster...I have a bad feeling."

"Me too..." The old monster from Tianshan looked horrified.

It's like something bad is about to happen.

The shaking became stronger and stronger, and the ground began to crumble.

Pieces of rubble and the remains of buildings began to escape gravity and float toward the sky.

Whether they were living people or corpses, they all took off at this time.

The old monster from Tianshan also lost control of his body.

At this moment, the little beggar caught the old monster from Tianshan.

The little beggar himself was also affected.

But the sword in his right hand had no effect.

So he held the sword with one hand and the Tianshan old monster with the other.

At this moment, a figure flew in front of the old monster from Tianshan.

The old monster from Tianshan caught it with quick eyes and quick hands.

It's Long Xiaoyun...

"Boy, don't let go."

At this moment, the three of them have become gourds.

One pulls the other.

And the cracking of the ground is getting more and more terrifying.

Not the Shaolin Temple, but the entire Shaoshi Mountain.

A sphere larger than the Tianzhu Zhenxing was formed in the sky.

In fact, even the two sky-impacting stars that fell one after another were only part of the earth-exploding star.

Although the Sword in the Stone was unaffected, the ground beneath their feet was also cracking.

"Boy... run quickly..."

But it was too late.

The little beggar's feet were empty, and when he staggered, the sword was already out of his hand.

Three of them flew into the sky together.

Suddenly a hand grabbed the little beggar's collar, pulled him off and threw him out.



Jin Si glanced at the little beggar and then at the old Tianshan monster.

When he saw the old monster from Tianshan dragging Long Xiaoyun, his eyelids twitched slightly.

At this time, only half of Shaoshi Mountain was left, and the Shaolin Temple had completely disappeared.

Only a huge stone ball remained in the sky.

The three of them all looked at the huge stone ball in shock.

That is no longer the martial arts they know.

Li Xunhuan slowly fell to the ground.

"Brother..." Li Xunhuan looked at Jin Si in a state of collapse.

There was no joy on his face, only tears and despair.

"Brother...cousin...cousin is dead."

This may be the most temperamental thing Li Xunhuan has ever seen in his life.

He wiped away his tears and snot without caring about them.

He was really sad.

"There is only one way for now." Jin Si said solemnly.

"Brother? You have a way to return to Tiansheng!" Jin Si said.

"Brother, can reincarnation save my cousin?"

"Okay." Jin Si nodded heavily.

"Then unseal the eyes."

", why did you poke me in the eye?"

"The seal is broken."

Li Xunhuan touched his forehead: "Brother, what should we do next?"

"Feel the natural art of reincarnation."

The next moment, Li Xunhuan felt that the inheritance of reincarnation suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jin Si casually showed it, and the corpses of women were placed in front of Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan took a deep breath and formed seals with his hands.

Reincarnation is born! An inexplicable anger swept away from Li Xunhuan.

The injuries on these women began to recover rapidly.

The Tianshan old monster and the little beggar both stared wide-eyed.

Can the dead really be resurrected?

One by one, the women sat up and opened their eyes.

"This...where is this?"

"What happened?"

Everyone looked incredulous.

"Shaolin committed a serious crime and was punished by God. God Erlang came down to earth to eliminate demons and protect the Tao. I thought that you and others were innocently killed, so I specially saved you and others from the hands of King Yama."

"Thank you, God Erlang."

All the girls knelt down and kowtowed to Li Erlang excitedly.

"Okay, you can go home quickly."

After the girls thanked him again, they fled from the foot of Shaoshi Mountain.

Li Xunhuan also fell to the ground weakly at this moment.

"Uncle Li." The little beggar quickly helped Li Xunhuan up: "Are you okay, Uncle Li?"

"Cousin...where is cousin? Where is cousin?"

"Xiao Lizi, I'm sorry, I didn't find my cousin's body."

Jin Si pretended to wipe his tears.

Li Xunhuan burst into tears.

"But the girls you resurrected are pretty good. Otherwise, I think they would be quite happy if you just made do with them."

"No, I want my cousin."

"You want it, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Cousin..." Li Xunhuan burst into tears.

"My condolences." Jin Si patted Li Xunhuan on the shoulder: "Actually, this is also your fault. If you had attacked Shaolin earlier and not delayed until night, your cousin would not have died."

"Ah... I was the one who killed my cousin." Li Xunhuan cried louder.

"Stop crying, you won't be able to bring your cousin back to life by crying again."


Li Xunhuan cried and beat the ground.

"Besides, if you had sent your cousin home, this wouldn't have happened."


"If you had agreed with me to destroy Shaolin before, my cousin would not be in trouble today."


"It's all because of your kindness that your cousin died."


"If you don't get engaged to your cousin, your cousin won't be targeted."


"If you had given your cousin to me, my cousin would not have died."

"Master...Uncle Li is already so miserable." The little beggar couldn't stand it.

If he continues to be stimulated like this, Li Xunhuan may really go crazy.

On the way back, Li Xunhuan completely collapsed.

Just lying in the carriage, not moving.

After five days, Li Xunhuan finally recovered a little.

As soon as he got up, he came to see Jin Si.

Li Xunhuan looked very weak at this moment.

In the past few days, I used two Heavenly Obstruction Stars, one Earthburst Heavenly Star, and one reincarnation.

At this moment, Li Xunhuan has truly entered sage mode.

"Brother, can you cure Brother Long? He was poisoned this time because of me."

"I saw it a few days ago, and there's nothing I can do about it. The poison is too vicious."

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