Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Eight Weapon Spectrum Update

Regarding Li Xunhuan’s disharmonious married life.

This is not Jin Si's original intention at all.

Jin Si wanted to help, but unfortunately Li Xunhuan was not willing.

Jin Si felt that Li Xunhuan was judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

The little beggar returned to the village after attending his Uncle Li's wedding.

After a short period of excitement, life becomes dull.

Shangguan Jinhong looked at the latest list of Bai Xiaosheng's weapon catalog in his hand.

The number one ranking is still Old Man Tianji, and Shangguan Jinhong is still ranked number two.

The third place, Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan, Li Yuan, Shanxi, has three tricks in one discipline, and every time he comes out with the flying knife, he always succeeds.

Shangguan Jinhong was no stranger to Li Xunhuan. In the past few years, he had heard of Li Xunhuan's name.

He was also from a distinguished family and was capable of both literary and military skills.

Shangguan Jinhong also sent several invitations to Li Xunhuan.

But they haven't really met each other.

Shangguan Jinhong frowned.

Although Li Xunhuan is somewhat famous, he is among the top three in the weapons spectrum.

So is Li Xunhuan worthy of this position?

However, Shangguan Jinhong didn't take Li Xunhuan too seriously.

His target has always been the number one old man Tianji.

That was the case before and it is still the case now.

He was unwilling to give in, but he was convinced by this ranking.

They had a fight twenty years ago.

At that time, Shangguan Jinhong appeared on the weapons list for the first time, and he ranked second for the first time.

So Shangguan Jinhong was a little over the top at that time.

Why do you think you are only second and not first?

So I got excited and ran to challenge Old Man Tianji.

The result, of course, was that Old Man Tianji pushed him to the ground and rubbed him.

Since then, Shangguan Jinhong has put away his arrogant temper.

And his current strength and status are inseparable from that brutal beating back then.

Of course, Shangguan Jinhong has never given up repaying old man Tianji's beatings all these years.

But in the past twenty years, he has been unable to do so.

On the one hand, he didn't have the confidence to press Old Man Tianji to the ground and rub him.

Furthermore, Old Man Tianji’s whereabouts are erratic and difficult to find.

However, the world has been turbulent recently.

The biggest thing among them is undoubtedly the destruction of Shaolin and the loss of half of Shaoshi Mountain.

According to the news from the stall, it is said that on the days when Shaolin was destroyed, a huge stone ball appeared in the sky.

Then the stone ball continued to rise into the sky over the next few days, and finally disappeared.

Regardless of whether this rumor is true or not.

It is true that Shaolin was razed to the ground.

Shangguan Jinhong suspected that Kunlun Immortal was responsible.

Most likely because Shaolin was trying to seize Fairy Jinghong's secret book.

Fairy Jinghong is also a disciple recognized by Fairy Kunlun.

Although Kunlun Immortal said that day, others were allowed to snatch it.

But Shangguan Jinhong didn't think so.

After all, Fairy Jinghong is the only one who has received the Ten Moves of Kunlun Immortal.

What's more, Shaolin has its own Taoism.

Even if they got the secret book, it would be impossible for them to become Kunlun Immortal's disciples.

There is no doubt that this time Shaolin really kicked the iron plate.

Apart from Kunlun Immortal, Shangguan Jinhong could not think of other possibilities.

This also made Shangguan Jinhong dare not covet Fairy Jinghong at all.

He was not sure if he would really attack Fairy Jinghong.

Will Kunlun Immortal kill the Money Gang?

He would not naively think that the Money Gang could withstand Kunlun Immortal's offensive.

Even Shaolin couldn't resist it, and its thousand-year-old foundation was lost in one fell swoop.

Even Shaoshi Mountain was leveled.

As long as he thinks of this kind of result, Shangguan Jinhong becomes more and more frightened.

Originally, Shangguan Jinhong had already seen the strength of Kunlun Immortal with one against a hundred.

But now it is even more exaggerated. The ability to split mountains and break mountains is already like that of a god.

Only the legendary immortals have such incredible abilities.

And the young man who appeared outside Yuehong Palace.

One man and one sword killed all the men and horses assembled by Shaolin, leaving no trace behind.

This young man is probably related to Kunlun Immortal.

At this moment, Shangguan Fei walked in.

"Dad, I got some news."

"Huh? What's the news?"

"When Kunlun Immortal appeared that day, he gave out several secret books. I found out the whereabouts of two of them."

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes flickered: "Where are you now?"

How can the martial arts given by Kunlun Immortal be any worse?

Even if it is not as good as the orthodox inheritance, at least it is not worse than ordinary martial arts.

"A secret book is in the hands of Baiyun Swordsman Qiu Tianchou, but many people know this news. It is said that Baiyun Swordsman has encountered many open and secret arrows these days, all of which were based on the secret book in Baiyun Swordsman's hand. .”

Shangguan Jinhong also heard about this matter, and he also coveted the martial arts secret book.

However, he was not in a hurry to take action. He would take a look at the situation first.

"Where is the other secret book now?"

"In the hands of the Iron-Blooded Black Eagle Li Shan, after he obtained the secret book, he killed several of his accomplices for no reason, and then went into seclusion in the mountains. It is in the Dongling area. It is said that some hunters who entered the mountains have encountered him."

"Gather the troops immediately to go into the mountains."

"Dad, why don't you grab Qiu Tianchou's secret book first?"

"The secret book is in the open. Even if Qiu Tianchou gets the secret book, it will be precarious and he will have no time to practice. No matter who gets the secret book, the result will be the same, so there is no need to worry about who gets the secret book. His martial arts will suddenly improve by leaps and bounds, but then Li Shan is different. He is a smart man. After he mastered martial arts, he hid in a deserted mountain to practice. He obviously planned to master the martial arts first. If we don't get the secret book as soon as possible and wait until he masters the martial arts, it will be difficult to deal with him."

"I understand, Dad, I'm going to gather the troops right now."

Shangguan Jinhong analyzed the situation accurately and knew who was the greater threat.

"Qiu Tianchou is also watching. There is no need to rush to seize the secret book. Let Qiu Tianchou fight with the desperadoes in the world for a few rounds first."

"Then if there is a chance...would you like to..."

"No, most people in the world now know that the secret book is in the hands of Qiu Tianchou. At this time, whoever gets the secret book into the hands will be a talisman for death."

"Dad, our money has helped our family prosper, are we still afraid of those little kids?"

"A big family and a big business?" Shangguan Jinhong sneered: "Compared with Kunlun Immortal, the Money Gang is nothing."

If it were in the past, Shangguan Jinhong would have been confident and not afraid of anyone.

But since Kunlun Immortal appeared, the world seems to have become turbulent.

Shangguan Jinhong also found that the money gang he had worked hard for decades was not worth mentioning in front of all the masters.

This also made him more eager to become stronger and become a truly strong man.

Shangguan Jinhong has a clear understanding of himself and the Money Gang.

That day, Kunlun Immortal threw out many secret books through the hands of his servants.

It seems to be intentional, after all, without the tacit consent of Kunlun Immortal.

A servant cannot make his own decisions.

Shangguan Jinhong felt that Kunlun Immortal was probably planning to reshuffle the entire world.

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