Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Ten The Great Hero Guo Daxia

Songyang Iron Sword Guo Songyang ranks fourth in the weapon spectrum.

In fact, he was third in the last ranking.

But after this update, he actually dropped to fourth place.

If he was replaced by a famous person in the world, he could barely accept it.

But this Li Xunhuan used to have only a thin reputation.

I can't bear it anymore, all the cats and dogs are running over me and running wild.

Guo Songyang couldn't bear it and came directly to clear his name.

He wants to prove to everyone that rankings are not absolute.

Bai Xiaosheng also made mistakes sometimes.

Of course, although Guo Songyang came to challenge.

But he is not a street kid, so all etiquette is quite in place.

Waiting honestly in the front hall of Li Garden.

At this moment, a bald man came in from outside.

There is also a door panel on the back... No, it is a large sword that is a bit exaggerated in length and width.

Guo Songyang's face showed a bit of ridicule.

This big sword is indeed quite scary.

But how to use this weapon that is more exaggerated than the sword?

No matter how deep your inner strength is, if you use your inner strength to push your strength, you will be exhausted after just a few swings.

Li Xunhuan can't come out, but he wants to scare me off by bringing out such a sample?

Guo Songyang guessed in his mind.

"Are you Guo Songyang?" Jin Si looked at Guo Songyang.

He is also a handsome guy, probably about ten years older than Li Xunhuan.

"Who are you?"

"I am a Blade Swordsman. Li Xunhuan is my brother. If you want to challenge him, you must pass me first."

Guo Songyang sneered, do you think I'm afraid of you?

At this moment, he was thinking in his mind that Li Xunhuan must be unsure of how to deal with him.

First send this bald man to consume yourself.

My inner evaluation of Li Xunhuan dropped to the lowest level.

"I'll stay with you until the end." Guo Songyang said quickly, and with a movement of his body, he flew out of the front hall.

Jin Si turned around and looked at Guo Songyang.

Let’s not talk about the technical aspect of this Qinggong, it is quite handsome anyway.

In modern times, it would definitely be an idol group.

But speaking of this weapon chart, the first and second ones feel more like representatives of the powerful faction, and the third and fourth ones are closer to the idol faction.

"Please." Guo Songyang's iron sword was unsheathed, and the energy on his body became thick and sharp.

Jin Si silently drew out the Generalissimo's sword.

Jin Si also thought about it for a long time and wanted to use a handsome posture to draw the sword.

But at this moment, Jin Si has returned to his original nature.

It doesn't matter what posture you use to draw the sword, what matters is your temperament.

Jin Si is still very confident in his temperament.

Guo Songyang narrowed his eyes. The man in front of him didn't look very good.

But the moment he held the hilt of the sword, his temperament did change.

This made him get serious.

This is an opponent worth fighting.

But at this moment, Jin Si stopped drawing his sword.

Fuck! Pulling it up, the sword is too long and the hand is not long enough.

What the hell, I only consider whether it’s handsome or not, and forget about the actual operation.

Jin Si's hand was raised to its highest level, but he didn't even pull out the sword halfway.

This is so embarrassing.

Jin Si finally gave up and put the sword down again.

Guo Songyang felt that the other party was joking.

"I'll give you time to take off the sword."

This is the first time that I have been pitied by my opponent! ?

"No need, not everyone is worthy of my sword."

Jin Si can only maintain his last stubbornness now.

I don't need anyone's sympathy.

However, these words did not sound so pleasant to Guo Songyang's ears.

I kindly give you a chance.

"In that case, let's take action."

The sword edge in Guo Songyang's hand shook, and the iron sword made a humming sound.

I learned another trick, this one feels unique.

"The visitor is a guest, please invite me." Jin Si said with an air of dignity.

Sure enough, everyone in the ancient dragon world should talk like this.

Guo Songyang stopped talking nonsense this time. He made a horizontal stroke with his sword, and struck Jin Si with a strike of stepping on the clouds and chasing the moon.

Jin Si lowered his head to dodge, then dodged to the left, dodged to the right, dodged with his waist down, jumped, dodged with a spin, turned around and dodged 360 degrees...

The more Guo Songyang fought, the more annoyed he became.

"You are worthy of being ranked fourth in the Weapon Chart as a peerless master, but you actually forced me into this situation. In the Weapon Chart, I would like to call you the strongest."

Guo Songyang became even more angry. I haven't even touched the corners of your clothes until now. What kind of situation are you in?

"Amazing. To be able to use this move to split Huashan Mountain with such smooth movement is worthy of being the best in the world."

Guo Songyang's hands are shaking, how can he chop with just one move and it becomes flowing in your mouth?

"This move to sweep through thousands of armies is even more exquisite. One sword is stronger than the other, and each move is better than the next. It's too strong... Even with my twelfth level of skill, I can barely avoid it."

Jin Si looked serious, avoiding Guo Songyang's attack while exclaiming and explaining.

Guo Songyang has already determined that the person in front of him is a master.

And he is not an ordinary expert.

He could only hide but not attack the whole time, and he was also carrying a door panel on his back.

The most important thing is that he was yelling the whole time.

This ability is no longer something that ordinary people in the world can do.

With this technique, he can already defeat 99% of the people in the world.

Guo Songyang silently improved his skills, becoming faster, stronger and more accurate!

Eight successes! The iron sword in Guo Songyang's hand made a fierce wind howl.

"So strong! So you didn't take it seriously from the beginning to the end. Even if you just attacked casually, you have already forced me into a desperate situation? I am so lucky to survive such a peerless swordsmanship."

Guo Songyang really wanted to catch Jin Si and ask him where he was stronger, but he almost believed him.

Any casual move that comes into Jin Si's mouth will be blown away.

Guo Songyang no longer held back, and began to use desperate moves.

Originally, he didn't want to fight someone to the death.

But this guy's mouth is too talkative.

It feels like unless it kills him, he will beep endlessly in his life.

But the idea is one thing, whether it can be done is another.

No matter how fast, cruel or accurate he draws his sword.

But he still couldn't even touch the corners of Jin Si's clothes.

"Is this move the legendary god descending to earth? It is indeed well-deserved..."

"Shut up, this move is to split Huashan Mountain!" Guo Songyang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Guo Songyang was convinced that he could pull off two versions of the same move.

"This is impossible. Although the previous move to split Huashan was extremely powerful, it is definitely not as domineering as this move. I will not be mistaken. This move must be your famous secret skill from the gods descending to earth!"

"Shut up! I don't have any tricks like the gods descending from the earth."

"My martial arts skills have become so powerful, and I am so humble as a person. A master is a master. Guo Daxia is worthy of being called Guo Daxia. Your words back then about the great hero serving the country and the people deeply inspired me and have always been the driving force for me to move forward."

Guo Song's Yang Qi was about to suffer a myocardial infarction.

"Can you shut up?"

"Guo Daxia's words are thought-provoking, and I am deeply shocked."


Guo Songyang, really vomiting blood!

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