Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand six hundred and twenty-six: Have you ever asked me if you robbed my things?

After a few days of cultivation, Li Xunhuan's complexion completely recovered.

In fact, he had no damage at all.

The samsara eye was originally something external to the body.

And it also requires huge vitality.

Losing the reincarnation eye was actually good for Li Xunhuan's body.

What really hurt him was his heart.

"Brother, please teach me some other things." Li Xunhuan said.

Jin Si opened his hand, and a scarlet crystal appeared in his palm.

"This thing is a martial art created by one of my former disciples." Jin Si tossed it casually, and the crystal shot towards Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan wanted to grab the red crystal, but the power of the red crystal was far beyond his imagination.

In an instant, it pierced through his palm and pointed directly at Li Xun Huan's forehead.

Li Xunhuan almost thought Jin Si was going to kill him.

But the red crystal disappeared into his mind in the next moment.

The next moment, Li Xunhuan had a lot of inexplicable knowledge in his mind.

Huntian Baojian! Li Xunhuan instantly felt the magic of the Huntian Treasure Mirror.

This is martial arts that surpasses Li Xunhuan's knowledge.

It's a bit unbelievably powerful.

Even the basic mental method is already astonishing.

It can be said that the most powerful martial arts nowadays is the great compassion of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth Conquers Yin and Yang contains the seven most powerful martial arts, among which the two internal skills of Ming Yu Gong and Wedding Clothes Divine Gong are the most powerful.

The sum of these two internal skills and mental methods can barely be compared with the basic mental methods of Huntian Baojian.

Not to mention the ten levels of peerless magic that followed.

"Brother, thank you..."

Li Xunhuan was sincerely grateful to Jin Si.

It seems that every time he makes a request, Jin Si always responds.

"Well, practice hard so that you can withstand playing better."


Well, Li Xunhuan was already used to this way of communication.

Every time I was touched, there was a wave of nausea.

"Brother, will you let that Samsara Eye fall into the emperor's hands?"

"I'm really looking forward to the emperor replacing those eyeballs."

Li Xunhuan vaguely realized that Jin Si's things were not that easy to get.

"I have set up some tricks for that eye. If someone else uses the samsara eye, they will die after using it once."

"Brother, if the emperor dies, I'm afraid the world will..."

"Stop talking nonsense. There have been so many emperors in this dynasty, and there has been no great chaos in the world. It's all nonsense like you scholars. It's really nothing big to kill a few emperors." Jin Si waved his hand: "I'll see you another day. Put a curse on the emperor of this dynasty, and the next seven emperors will not be able to serve for three days to avenge you."

"Brother, please don't. I don't want revenge. This is the end of the matter."

"That's not okay. You dare to steal my things without even asking for my opinion. Just wait. After three or five emperors are replaced, ask him to come over and apologize to you personally. This matter will be over."

Li Xunhuan sighed. Originally, he still hated the emperor who snatched the Samsara Eye.

Now I feel sympathy and pity for him.

Li Xunhuan changed the topic.

"Brother, can this Huntian Baojian be passed on to my cousin?"

"In addition to the basic skills of the Huntian Baojian, you need to have Tianjing to practice. Without Tianjing, you will only go crazy. Moreover, my cousin has not learned everything now. Don't try to learn a little from the east or a little from the west. "

Li Xunhuan thought about it and didn't force it.

The two of them now, not to mention fighting for world supremacy, are more than enough to protect themselves.

What's more, they have the world's greatest villain beside them.

"Seriously, if you don't practice the Huntian Baojian to the Great Perfection, I guess you can't beat your cousin who has perfected the practice. Her practice is much simpler than yours, so if you only want one posture in the future, then Practice slowly."

Li Xunhuan shuddered. He realized how terrifying Lin Shiyin was now. It was really profound!

In recent times, the world has been turbulent.

Of course, everyone's focus is on the list of immortals and demons.

And one after another people have obtained ancient inheritance.

The most famous among them are Bai Baiyu and Shangguan Jinhong.

They obtained the Martial Saint Dao Lineage and the Heavenly Demon Lineage respectively.

These two inheritances rank sixteenth and eighth respectively on the list of immortals and demons.

Both times caused quite a stir.

Among them, there are also inheritances ranked outside the 20th place.

"Brother, was it you who destroyed the Changxiao Sect?"

"What? Do you want to talk to me about big things again?"

"No, I know the virtues of the Changxiao Sect." Li Xunhuan is no longer as pedantic as before.

Ever since Lin Shiyin was kidnapped by Shaolin, he had completely recognized these so-called decent people.

The behavior of the Changxiao Sect is no less generous than that of Shaolin.

That's why Li Xunhuan reasoned with Jin Si when he was crazy.

"Brother, if you take action next time, can you take me with you?"

"What's going on? Did you suddenly figure it out, or suddenly couldn't figure it out?"

"I have reached the third level of practicing Huntian Baojian. I want to test the power of martial arts, but there is no place to practice. It is not suitable for ordinary martial arts people. It is better to practice with those so-called famous and decent sects."

"Okay, I'll take you with me next time I get the chance."

"Brother, don't go out recently."

"What happened again?"

"My cousin is about to give birth."

"So fast? Are you sure..."

"you shut up!"

There is no need to raise your butt.

Even Li Xunhuan knew what he was about to fart.

"Now that your reincarnation eye is back and your martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds, are you still scared?"

"There have been many strangers in Taiyuan City recently, including people from the imperial court. I'm afraid they will be harmful to my cousin."

Li Yuan is in a very special situation today.

Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin are both on the list of immortals and demons, and they are ranked very high.

There are rumors in the world that the offspring born from the immortal eyes and the blood of the gods will be extraordinary.

People in the world are convinced of this.

Everyone felt that the union between the two was nothing like childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts.

It's basically the interests of the two families.

I want to give birth to the strongest bloodline.

This also attracted attention from the Jianghu, the imperial court, and even the royal family.

At the same time, it also caused a lot of trouble to Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin.

As for where this rumor came from.

Li Xunhuan glanced at Jin Si.

There is no doubt that this kind of rumor was made by Jin Si at a glance.

In the past, no one would believe it.

But since the Immortal Demon List appeared.

The more bizarre and incredible the rumors are, the easier it is to be taken seriously.

Li Xunhuan's bad taste towards Jin Si has long been known.

Jin Si likes to make trouble, and even the couple cannot escape Jin Si's clutches.

But Jin Si still enjoys it.

Recently, I have been sharing his results with him.

"Xiao Lizi, when my little nephew is born, I will give my little nephew a big gift."

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