Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand six hundred and twenty-nine: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

When everyone saw Li Xunhuan flying, they instinctively felt that something was wrong.

The next moment, the surrounding ground began to be filled with fog.

These fogs do not spread wantonly, but sink to the ground.

At this moment, everyone had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

The next moment, the mist suddenly turned into a solid arrow and shot upward.


" feet!"

The mist had penetrated the soles of more than a dozen intruders in an instant.

"Hurry and jump to the roof!"

Everyone jumped to the roof.

Sure enough, those sinking fog can only directly kill people on the ground.

"I thought he was really capable, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

"But this move is unusual. If we take him down, we might be able to find out the origin of this move."

Li Xunhuan's eyes were cold, unmoved by the comments of the intruders around him.

This is just the first form of the Huntian Baojian, Baiyunyan.

Moreover, although Baiyunyan is the first style.

But it's not as simple as these intruders thought.

The next moment, the mist immersed in the ground suddenly condensed into human bodies, more than ten in number.

The expressions of the intruders changed dramatically again.

These human beings turned into mist rushed in different directions.

An intruder immediately drew his sword and slashed, but in an instant the mist's body was cut open.

Just when he thought it was nothing more than that.

The mist body seemed not to have been harmed at all, and the intruder was knocked away with a backhand palm.

"Damn, these things can't be killed!"

"It can be killed...with internal force attached to fists, feet or weapons."

Li Xunhuan was a little surprised. Although these people were all from the green forest, there were still many who were very good.

The weaknesses of these mist bodies were discovered so quickly.

Of course, there are as many mist bodies as you want.

Very good for dealing with trash fish.

The consumption is also very low, and Li Xunhuan's own internal energy can be restored faster than the consumption.

However, it is not enough to deal with opponents who are slightly better.

"It seems he has run out of tricks."

"Without the immortal eyes, he is just an ordinary person."

Li Xunhuan fell back to the ground, and the intruders jumped off the roof and attacked Li Xunhuan.

There were also many intruders who simply abandoned Li Xunhuan and rushed toward the backyard.

Li Xunhuan's face darkened. Even if he knew that Jin Si was guarding the back, even thousands of troops would not be able to rush in.

But this behavior still completely angered Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan instantly opened the Samsara Eye.

All things are attracted by heaven!

In an instant, half of Li Garden was torn apart by Li Xunhuan's All-Seeing Heavenly Yin.

The intruders also lost their center of gravity in an instant and flew towards Li Xunhuan.

Shinra Tianzheng! Li Xunhuan made a combo.

The intruders and debris flying towards Li Xunhuan were shattered by Shenluo Tianzheng in the next moment.

Li Xun Huan panted slightly, the burden of using the Samsara Eye was much less than before.

It seems that my kidneys have strengthened a lot.

Thanks to the Huntian Treasure Mirror, this technique is truly amazing.

However, this blow also completely opened Li Yuan.

With Li Xunhuan as the center, everything within a hundred feet was turned into powder.

There is no one alive in this area.

At this moment, in the eyes of people outside, Li Xunhuan was the only god.

The people and forces from all walks of life who were dormant in nearby houses were all shocked.

"Is this the Eye of the Immortal?"

"He didn't lose his immortal eyes?"

Li Xunhuan has already scared many people.

Many people began to retreat.

At this moment, a man dressed as a general ran over in a hurry.

"Don't do it, it's's me, Mr. Li, I'm Zhou Qi."

"General Zhou! What are you doing here?" Li Xunhuan frowned and looked at Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi was the adjutant of the general who defended Taiyuan City. Li Xunhuan was not familiar with him. Even though they had met him a few times, they had never exchanged a few words with him.

"Master Li,

Please save Taiyuan City and the people in the city. "

"What happened?"

"A foreign army suddenly appeared outside the city, numbering more than 10,000 people. They launched an attack on Taiyuan City without any warning."

"There are 20,000 defenders in Taiyuan City. What do you do for food? 20,000 people defend the city. They are just waiting for work. You can't stop 10,000 foreign troops?"

"Master Li, it wouldn't be a big deal if it was just the 10,000 foreign troops attacking the city, but there are still thousands of people sneaking into the city. The city gate has been opened by spies. Although we try our best to resist, if the foreign army is allowed to enter the inner city, The people in the city will certainly not be spared."

Li Xunhuan's face was ashen, and he secretly hated these people who were eating military rations.

"I can't get away now." Li Xunhuan said.

This is clearly to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"Master Li..." Zhou Qi knelt directly in front of Li Xunhuan: "Please, please save the people in the city."

Li Xunhuan's face turned even darker, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You soldiers who are guarding the city can't stop the foreigners? Why do you have to find my head?"

"Young Master Li is of immortal blood and was born with different traits. Please show mercy..."

"The emperor has taken away one of my eyes. Let the emperor come and save you."

Li Xunhuan gritted his teeth and said.

There was still a bit of complaint in his tone.

If it hadn't been for the dog emperor taking away the Samsara Eye.

At least he can intimidate those little ones.

So in the final's all Jin Si's fault.

Zhou Qi's face looked ugly. Li Xunhuan's words were completely treasonous.

But he didn't dare to offend Li Xunhuan now.

Regardless of Li Xunhuan's current strength or his importance.

Although Zhou Qi is not competent, he can at least understand the overall situation.

Nothing is more important now than stopping the aliens.

As for Li Xunhuan's rebellious words just now, he didn't hear anything.

"Now that my wife is in labor, and there are young people coveting my child, you want me to abandon them and defend the city for you?"

Facing Li Xunhuan's questioning, Zhou Qi was speechless.

He didn't care about his identity and kowtowed directly: "Master Li, please save the people in the city..."

Still saying the same thing, Li Xunhuan felt extremely tormented inside.

On one side are the people in the city, and on the other side is his wife.

How does this make him decide?

"If you want to go, hurry up and defend the city. Why are you chirping?" Jin Si's voice came. To Li Xunhuan, it was undoubtedly the sound of nature.

Li Xunhuan suddenly stood up from the ground and flew towards the city gate.

Zhou Qi looked at the direction in which Li Xun Huan disappeared and kowtowed three times.

But at this time, those people who coveted it around appeared one after another.

Obviously, Li Xunhuan's presence brought too much pressure to them.

But when Li Xunhuan left, they no longer had the slightest fear.

When Zhou Qi saw those people, his body trembled slightly.

But he didn't run, but took out his saber.

Li Xunhuan fulfilled his duties loyally for him.

Then he would guard the mansion for Li Xunhuan.

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