Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand six hundred and thirty-one unexpectedly serious

At this moment, one piece of information after another was continuously sent to Shangguan Jinhong's ears.

Information from Li Yuan and Chengmen continued one after another.

Shangguan Jinhong secretly admired that there was indeed a big gap between his Heavenly Demon inheritance and that of the Li family.

Especially when dragons and phoenixes appear over Taiyuan City.

Shangguan Jinhong was lost in thought. The scene was too shocking for anyone.

That is simply not a picture that can be seen in the human world.

Sure enough, it was right not to take action this time.

All signs indicate that Lin Shiyin's delivery this time was a big mistake.

Fortunately, I didn't jump.

That child is not something anyone can get their hands on.

With those visions of heaven and earth, will the child born be an ordinary child?

Although Shangguan Jinhong is also eager.

But the prerequisite for getting it is to have the life to enjoy it.

At this moment, Shangguan Jinhong didn't feel too disappointed.

Instead, he was glad that he had escaped.

The main reason is that he now carries the inheritance of the Demon.

He could feel the extraordinary nature of the Heavenly Demon's inheritance.

He is far from reaching his peak.

Even I just practiced the basics.

Li Xunhuan fired a large meteorite spell, which directly hit the alien army and doubted his life.

The deceased will save funeral expenses, and the living will not need Li Xunhuan to pay severance pay and will automatically resign and go home.

The remaining soldiers who defended the city took over.

Enjoying the admiration and awe in the eyes of those soldiers.

Li Xunhuan happily went home to hold the baby.

But just arrived at the open space at the door of my house...

I saw a golden warrior in front of me.

In front of the golden warrior was a group of palace souvenirs.

Yang Ling, the head of the local specialty products business, was speaking in a high-pitched voice.

"You bitch, why don't you get out of our way! Believe it or not, our superior, Your Majesty, will punish you all over the house!"

Li Xunhuan's good mood -50.

Li Xunhuan looked at the local specialties with a dark face.

"What are you doing here?"

"Our family is following His Majesty's order to bring your newborn child to the palace to meet the Holy Spirit." Yang Ling raised his head proudly.

When he saw the situation at the scene, he already knew that robbery was impossible.

Neither Li Xunhuan nor this golden warrior could be dealt with by him and other local specialties.

So he changed his mind and that was to directly carry out the emperor.

Since Li Xunhuan could compromise the first time, he could compromise the second time.

"Get lost." Li Xunhuan snorted with a cold face.

"You...what did you just say?"

"Get out!" Li Xunhuan repeated.

"Do you know that you are deceiving the emperor! You are treasonous. Be careful that our family will report to the Holy Emperor and punish your nine clans. Your child will not escape death."

Li Xunhuan's reincarnation eye opened again.

He can give up his reincarnation eye for the sake of his family.

But he can also give up everything for his wife and children.

But before he could take action, a golden sword fell from Yang Ling's head, and was cut in half.

The local specialties behind Yang Ling were all shocked.

"Get out!" Golden Warrior Zhou Qi said coldly.

The souvenirs ran away in disgrace.

Now they no longer dare to be arrogant and domineering here.

It was obvious that Li Xunhuan had turned against him this time.

Li Xunhuan came to Zhou Qi.

"General Zhou, what is this?"

"I am no longer a general, I am now a protector, the protector of the Holy Son. This is decreed by heaven."

"Heaven's decree?"

"That's natural. When the Holy Son was born, I heard a huge voice like a god, but only I heard that voice. That voice told me that I was born to protect the Holy Son. Now I am the protector of the Holy Son.”

Li Xunhuan clasped his forehead.

I thought with my hips out of habit.

That's right, the cliff was ordered by Jin Si blind.

Another one who was deceived and lame.

Li Xunhuan said no more and walked into the backyard delivery room.

Zhou Qi also followed.

Li Xunhuan didn't mind Zhou Qi coming.

He didn't mean any harm anyway.

But Zhou Qi was really an eyesore at this moment, and this golden light was really an eyesore.

"General Zhou, can you change this armor?"

"I want to too...but I can't find a way to take it off."

Li Xunhuan rubbed his eyebrows.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the delivery room, he saw Jin Si holding one of the baby's feet and shaking it.

"Wow..." the baby cried loudly.

When Zhou Qi saw it, he yelled: "Thief, you dare to hurt the Holy Son, you will die!"

After saying that, Zhou Qi slashed Jin Si's shoulder with his sword.

Jin Si's face was filled with astonishment, and then he slowly fell to the ground, blood flowing like a river.

Li Xunhuan stared at Jin Si's body. After three seconds of silence, he silently picked up the child on the body.

Ever since Jin Si performed a wave of flying head skills in front of their husband and wife.

The couple has basically determined that no one in the world can kill him.

What's more, what is Zhou Qi's approach?

Can he kill Jin Si with his three-legged cat skills?

Stop making trouble, okay?

Li Xunhuan entered the delivery room with the baby in his arms.

Just as Zhou Qi was about to follow him, Li Xunhuan immediately stopped and turned back to glare at Zhou Qi.

"What did you do next?"

"Uh...I'm sorry." Zhou Qi reacted immediately.

After entering the delivery room, Li Xunhuan saw Lin Shiyin sitting beside the bed.

"Cousin, thank you for your hard work."

Lin Shiyin showed a gentle smile, but there was not much fatigue on her face.

There is no way, her vitality is as strong as an elephant now.

Giving birth to a son is just like playing, not to mention giving birth to one, even if you give birth to ten sons, you won't be out of breath... well, slightly out of breath.

"Cousin, should we name our child?"

Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan helplessly: "Big brother has already picked it up for us."

"Well... don't pay attention to big brother, anyway..."

"Eldest brother said that our child has a special constitution. If we don't use his name, he won't reach one year old." Lin Shiyin was helpless.

Li Xunhuan's mood at that time was fucked.

Mud, why don't you make such a blatant threat?

"Big brother is not a mortal. Since it was his name, it should have deep meaning."

Sometimes, no matter how tough a person is, he will bow to evil forces, like now.

"What's your name, eldest brother?"

"Li Baitian."

Li Xunhuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that the name was unexpectedly serious.

Although something didn't feel right, Li Xunhuan began to think hard.

"Cousin, you must have felt it too. This name seems serious, but I feel that there is some malice in the name that my eldest brother gave me."

"Then let's decide on this name." Li Xunhuan asked tentatively.

Although Lin Shiyin felt a little regretful, after all, her first child was deprived of the right to name her.

But as long as the child is safe, it doesn't matter so much.

"By the way, cousin, I may have to go out for a few days." Li Xunhuan said.

"How many days will you be away? Now?" Lin Shiyin felt that something was wrong with Li Xunhuan's tone.

He just gave birth to a child, and Li Xunhuan was about to go out, or it would be something serious that couldn't be more serious.

Or it's something inappropriate.

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