Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Eight How can people be so bad?

"just kill me."

Jin Si raised his sword and slashed A Fei's wrists directly.

"Ah..." Ah Fei screamed and looked at Jin Si with hatred on his face: "One day, when I recover, it will be your death!"

"You can only be so helpless and furious in front of me now, how can you fight with me in the future? Haha..."

A Fei fell silent and stopped explaining.

Anyway, if he is not convinced, he is just not convinced.

This guy is simply taking advantage of others' danger.

I have already fought with others before.

He was injured and had not eaten for a long time.

In addition, this guy's attack was too sudden.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way he would lose to this guy.

"Are you not convinced?"

"If I were in normal condition, you would never be able to take my sword." A Fei said coldly.

"Since you are so unconvinced, tell me who in this world can cure you, and I will take you to him."

"The miracle doctor Zhang Baichuan, the ghost doctor Ling Hu, the medical skills at that time were extremely advanced, and there was no one like them... You really want to take me to find them."

"Yes." Jin Si nodded and replied.

"You know, even if you want to make up for it, when I recover, it will be your death."

"Wait a minute...I don't have a clear idea. Why do you think you can recover?"

"These two have incredible medical skills. My injury is nothing in their eyes."

"Then why did they treat you?"

"Of course I have my own way." A Fei said confidently.

"No, you didn't understand what I meant. I took you to find them to eliminate the root cause and prevent them from treating you in the future. That's why I planned to fundamentally cut off the possibility of you seeking revenge from me. I killed them instead of taking you to They treat.”

A Fei's eyes widened,

He looked at Jin Si in astonishment.

How can people be so bad?

"You thief, if you want to eradicate this, just kill me now, why bother others."

"This won't work. I always keep my word and will never change my decision at will. I not only want to kill this miracle doctor and ghost doctor, but also their whole family. This is all because of you. It was you who harmed them and Their whole family.”

"You devil!"

Ah Fei struggled to get up and rushed towards Jin Si with all his strength.

Unfortunately, Jin Si kicked him to the ground.

"I won't take revenge on you. How about you let the miracle doctor go?"

"you swear?"

"I swear, if I break my promise, there will be thunder and lightning."

"No, you swear on your mother, if you break your promise, your mother will be mine."

" devil..."

Ah Fei's outlook on life was refreshed again and again today.

"Don't agree? Let's set off now."

"I...I swear on my mother..." A Fei cried very sadly, crying like a child.

Jin Si took out the list: "The miracle doctor Zhang Baichuan...Zhang Baichuan...yes, I found it."

"What else do you want to do with Miracle Doctor Zhang?"

"Look for him to treat you. Since you are my slave and you have sworn to never leave me and fulfill your duties for the rest of your life, then I will definitely ask him to treat you. I don't keep idle people around me."

"Doctor Zhang will not treat me easily."

"Don't worry, if I threaten him with his wife and children, he will definitely give in."

A Fei's cheek twitched: "If this is the case, I would rather not treat him."

"If you don't treat me, then it's useless to me. Then your promise is meaningless. Then I don't need to keep my promise. Then I'll kill that miracle doctor."

Ah Fei has become deeply disgusted with this guy who kills people and sells goods with open mouth.

"Don't bother me. My father is kind to him and he will treat me." A Fei sighed and said.

He really didn't want to bring trouble to Divine Doctor Zhang and his family, so he could only tell the truth.

"You told me earlier." Jin Si smiled and patted A Fei on the shoulder: "Then you also know where Divine Doctor Zhang lives. Please lead the way."

"I don't know." A Fei subconsciously avoided Jin Si's eyes.

"really do not know?"


"Think carefully before answering."

"I know." A Fei said honestly.

A Fei was really afraid that Jin Si would make all kinds of crazy threats to him again.

This guy can do anything and say anything.

"You saved the people in the nearby village." Jin Si said with satisfaction.

"The doctor Zhang Baichuan was on the small island in the middle of Taihu Lake."

"Specific directions."

"Over there, I guess... I've never been here before." A Fei said uncertainly.

"Why is there no ferry near here?"

Jin Si looked around several times, but he didn't see any fishermen or ferries.

A Fei felt happy and hoped that Jin Si would never find the ferry.

Although he also knew that this was impossible.

"It's okay, we can go there without the ferry."

"How to get there? Swim across? Or do you have peerless lightness skills and can fly across the sky?"

"No need to bother, I have a unique skill." Jin Si said confidently.

"What secret skill?"

Jin Si suddenly kicked A Fei in the stomach.

Ah Fei screamed and flew into the water.

Jin Si jumped on A Fei's belly.

Ah Fei lay flat on his back and soaked in the water, while Jin Si stood on Ah Fei's belly.

"Have you ever heard of Ta Lang Wuhen?" Jin Si lowered his head and looked at A Fei.

A Fei gritted his teeth and looked at Jin Si: "You are not Talang Wuhen at all."

"This is the replica of Ta Lang Wuhen's collection, Tao Corpse Wuhen."

Ah Fei originally hoped that he could sink when he was deep in Taihu Lake, and then let the scourge Jin Si sink with him.

Unfortunately his hopes were dashed.

He couldn't understand why he could float with a person standing on top of him.

Moreover, this direction is still under Jin Si's control.

Is there really any light skill in this world that can leave no trace on corpses?

Just as A Fei was thinking wildly, the sky was gradually getting dark.

Ah Fei has been soaking in the water for a long time.

He felt like his whole body was numb.

"A Fei, do you feel a little cold?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm a little cold too."

Jin Si took out a few wooden sticks, and A Fei watched Jin Si build a pile of wood on top of him.

"What are you going to do?" Ah Fei was a little panicked. He didn't even think about where Jin Si pulled out so many sticks.

"You are cold and so am I, so I want to light a fire."

"But the place where you started the fire is on my chest."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You soak in the water and I light a fire on you. This is neutralizing it. It won't be too cold or too hot. Do you understand?"

Ah Fei stared at Jin Si with wide eyes, you are such a clever little kid.

"I can already feel your adoration for me."

A Fei began to reflect on himself, and his eyes actually caused him to misunderstand.

Forget it, just do whatever you want.

Ah Fei has completely given up struggling now.

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