Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight Sword Competition

Ah Fei and all the escorts outside the door were a little confused.

What is the relationship between Jinsi and this family?

Why did the hostess act so harshly upon meeting her?

Jin Si stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Cousin, I brought you a gift."

Jin Si came in dragging a heavy box.

When Lin Shiyin saw the box, she was quite looking forward to it.

Then she saw boxes full of gold and silver jewelry.

Lin Shiyin's interest suddenly dropped by half.

Originally from a wealthy family, he had no worries about food and clothing since childhood.

The wealth at home is countless times greater than here.

When she saw the blood stains on these treasures, her interest completely disappeared.

"How many people have you killed along the way?"

Lin Shiyin was not surprised by Jin Si's behavior.

Li Xunhuan told her that when he came back from taking the exam, he came back with Jin Si.

In order to have fun on the road, Jin Si tied up each gold ingot with a thread and hung it around his neck.

It's like he's afraid that others won't know he has money.

The result was just as Jin Si thought, there was no peace along the way.

"I never count this." Jin Si shrugged, turned around and said to the people outside the door: "Move everything in, pick two boxes and it's yours."

The escorts at Sitong Escort Agency were very happy.

I didn't expect Jin Si to be so generous.

"Where is your cousin?" Jin Si asked.

"Take...Baitian to practice martial arts in the woods outside the city." Lin Shiyin said.

"That bitch just left you at home alone?"

"I'm not a weak woman without the strength to restrain a chicken." Lin Shiyin said calmly.

Jin Si had no doubts about this, but A Fei, who was following Jin Si, snorted unconsciously.

Lin Shiyin glanced at Ah Fei and then at Jin Si: "Brother, who is this little brother?"

"I have spent a lot of effort to recruit the loser, but his mentality has not been corrected yet. I plan to take the time to give him a good baptism from body to soul in a few days."

"This little brother should be a swordsman, right? If he is favored by the elder brother, he must have good swordsmanship. I have also practiced a few swordsmanships recently. How about you compete with me on a few moves?"

Ah Fei shook his head: "My sword is a killing sword."

Let him have sex with a pregnant woman.

It would be disgraceful to win.

As for losing, that is impossible.

What to lose?

If the people standing opposite are the top people in the world.

A Fei may still look forward and backward.

But just a pregnant woman like Lin Shiyin.

He couldn't think of a reason to lose.

"You used your sword to chop fish and meat, and you also skewered meat and barbecued it."

Ah Fei's face looked ugly, and that was not what he wanted.

All were forced by Jin Si.

"So there's nothing arrogant about you."

"I am a swordsman, I have my pride and dignity."

"Well, I didn't see any pride or dignity in you when you were facing me. Now when you are facing a woman with a big belly, your pride and dignity are rising?"

Ah Fei was found by Jin Si and his face turned red.

"That's all, brother, I don't have to compete with this little brother."

"That's right. His swordsmanship is not even comparable to that of a street performer. There is really no need to waste time with him. I don't think he has any murderous swordsmanship. He just doesn't dare to fight."

Ah Fei's face turned red when Jin Si said it. Wasn't it because he didn't agree to a competition with a pregnant woman?

Is there any need to humiliate me from the inside out?

"I can't compete with you." Ah Fei was so ashamed.

He felt that if he did not accept this sparring, he might not be worthy of living in the world.

"Let's go to the martial arts training ground." Lin Shiyin said.

Lin Shiyin brought Jin Si and A Fei to the martial arts training ground.

"Is this a new one? It looks quite majestic." Jin Si looked at the indoor martial arts training ground in front of him. The indoor area and space were quite large, and it looked like a lot of money had been spent.

"My cousin and I used it once, and then we never used it again." Lin Shiyin said helplessly.

"What? I see that the materials used in this facility are quite high-quality, why are you still not satisfied?"

Lin Shiyin smiled bitterly: "What you see now was re-patched later. It cannot withstand a serious fight between my cousin and me."

Ah Fei glanced at Lin Shiyin, his tone was really crazy.

I'm afraid this is the size of the Imperial City campus.

With this specification, you actually say it can’t stand up to your competition? This is going too far.

Jin Si stepped on the ground, and a spider web immediately opened on the ground.

"It's really a bit fancy but useless."

"Madam, please." A Fei really didn't want to fight Lin Shiyin.

But now I have to fight again, and now I just hope not to hurt Lin Shiyin and the child in her belly.

Lin Shiyin casually took down an iron sword from the weapons rack nearby.

"Madam, this sword of mine cannot be resisted by ordinary weapons. You must be careful."

If these words had come from Li Xunhuan or Jin Si, Lin Shiyin might have been more cautious.

But at Ah Fei's level, Lin Shiyin felt that picking up the sword was the greatest respect for him.

Lin Shiyin looked at Jin Si: "Brother, if any of us is in danger during the competition, remember to protect him."

Ah Fei laughed angrily at Lin Shiyin's words.

How much do you have to despise yourself to say such a thing.

As if to say that she can beat herself.

He even said that sparring with her might put his life in danger.

"Yes, I'm watching." Jin Si nodded: "I'm watching, so just let go and fight, no one will die."

"Little brother, please."

A Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp.

You want me to make the first move? That's fine, a quick fix.

Ah Fei took the lead in chasing the clouds and the moon, heading straight for Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin made a sideways move, blocking the tip of A Fei's sword just right.

Ah Fei immediately changed his tactics and used the ground as a prison.

Lin Shiyin made another understatement and casual move, and another just right move.

Ah Fei secretly thought, he is quite capable.

Although he has no real skills.

"Ma'am, be careful." Ah Fei shouted.

"Don't worry about making moves. Within ten moves, I can only block but not attack."

Ah Fei is furious, I want you to look good today.

At the same time, the sword edge trembled, and a wisp of sword intent emitted from his body.

An extremely sharp sword turned into a flowing cloud and struck Lin Shiyin.

But Lin Shiyin still calmly blocked A Fei's sword move.

Stop the water flow! Pierce the sky! Breaking through the air...

Ah Fei's sword moves became more and more fierce and fierce.

But no matter what, Lin Shiyin only used the simplest moves to block.

But these extremely simple sword moves are just right.

No matter how fast he is, Lin Shiyin can always be faster than him.

A Fei's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Is this woman's swordsmanship really that good?

Even though he was pregnant with Liujia, he could still handle his own martial arts so easily.

If it were under normal circumstances, I'm afraid I would really have no power to fight back.

A Fei couldn't help but become more serious.

If I continue to take it lightly, I might lose.

"Ten moves have passed, and now I have to return one move to you."

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