Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand six hundred and fifty-one unknown person?

"Really?" When Li Xunhuan heard Jin Si's words, he almost thought that Jin Si had really changed his past.

Until he heard the second sentence Jin Si said.

"Exchange the second child for the unborn third child."

Sure enough, one shouldn't have expectations for Jin Si.

Forget it, let’s sacrifice the boss.

After all, he is the eldest son of the Li family, so he should bear more responsibilities.

Facts have proved that Jin Si has the final say whether the world is in chaos or not.

Ever since Jin Si spread bait on the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes have never been calm again.

Of course, there has never been peace in the past.

Moreover, there have been some changes in the Immortal and Demon List.

The top ten have not changed at all, but the changes after the ten are very large.

Many people have already understood the difference between the inheritances on the Immortal and Demon List and the rankings on the weapon spectrum.

It's not about strength or weakness, it's about the inherited skills.

It's not martial arts in the ordinary sense, but a method of cultivating immortality.

The world is turbulent, but the Li family remains motionless.

After half a year of retreat, Ah Fei has mastered the three-explosion magic technique.

The improvement in skill was real, and A Fei could clearly feel the changes in himself.

So he planned to find Li Xunhuan to discuss and learn from each other.

He felt that he had a good chance of winning this time.

"Sister-in-law, where has senior brother gone?"

A Fei found Lin Shiyin, who was nine months pregnant.

It is estimated that she will give birth in less than a month.

"Went to the woods outside the city. If you want to find him, go over there." Lin Shiyin knew that A Fei was looking for her husband to compete.

Although Ah Fei really wanted to compete with Li Xunhuan.

But he had no idea about Lin Shiyin, the woman who had defeated him.

The psychological shadow that that sword brought to him was really too great.

It's so big that even if I have nightmares, I'll be scared to wake up.

Of course, the main reason is that Li Xunhuan has not shown too much strength.

It's different from Lin Shiyin's devastating one-punch superman.

Every time Li Xunhuan fought with Ah Fei, it was just right.

The win was just right, so that A Fei wouldn't feel too uncomfortable, and it wouldn't leave a psychological shadow on him.

Moreover, Li Xunhuan was very considerate and would exchange dozens of moves with Ah Fei every time.

Let's not talk about respecting others, at least A Fei will not feel despair.

"Sister-in-law, I have already mastered the "Three Explosions Magic Skill"."

"Oh, come on then." Lin Shiyin nodded slightly: "Want to spar?"

"No, no, no." A Fei waved his hand quickly.

Even after mastering the "Three Explosive Magic Skills", Ah Fei still didn't have the slightest courage to challenge Lin Shiyin.

It's impossible to win! It was absolutely impossible for Lin Shiyin to win.

"I'm going to find my senior brother first."

Ah Fei rolled and crawled away from Lin Shiyin.

He jogged all the way out of the city. As soon as he left the city gate, he felt someone following him behind him.

A Fei frowned and suddenly stopped.

"My friend from the other side is following me, come out." A Fei said calmly, his right hand was already on the hilt of the sword, ready to unsheath it at any time.

At this moment, a gust of wind and sand suddenly rolled up in the open space ahead, and a figure appeared in the wind and sand.

Ah Fei frowned, this method looked like a street artist's trick of pretending to be a ghost.

"I am number fourteen on the Immortal and Demon Ranking, Kuangsha Zuo Taisui."

Ah Fei saw clearly the appearance of the person who came. He was a middle-aged man with a skinny face.

Immortal and Demon List? I vaguely seem to have heard of this thing.

Is it a list created by those wandering warlocks in the world?

"What are you doing?" A Fei asked.

"What is your relationship with Li Xunhuan?" Zuo Taisui asked.

"Li Xunhuan is my senior brother." A Fei said.

"Oh? Are you from the Li family too?" Zuo Taisui became interested.

Originally, he thought that A Fei was at best a servant of the Li family.

Zuo Taisui has been observing the Li family these days, looking for an opportunity to challenge Li Xunhuan.

However, I haven't met Li Xunhuan in the past few days, but I found that A Fei often visits Li's house.

This time I saw Ah Fei leaving the city, so I followed him out of the city.

Originally, he wanted to catch A Fei so that Li Xun Huan would have to fight him.

Now I heard that A Fei is Li Xun Huan's junior brother.

I immediately wanted to test A Fei's skills.

Maybe we can find the flaw in Li Xunhuan's inheritance from A Fei.

"I'm not interested in competing with unknown people." A Fei said lightly.

In A Fei's view, Zuo Taisui is the kind of warlock who pretends to be a ghost in the world.

The methods look very fancy, but in fact they are just fancy but useless things.

The corners of Zuo Taisui's mouth twitched. Was it because he and Li Xunhuan were from the same school?

That's why this kid is so crazy about his words.

Although I am not as good as the Li family in Taiyuan, Shanxi.

But his reputation in the world is not small at all.

After all, he is the fourteenth on the list of immortals and demons.

"Then Zuo needs to learn from you your clever tricks."

At this moment, A Fei just wanted to fight with Li Xunhuan.

In his eyes, only Li Xunhuan was qualified to compete with him.

But since Zuo Taisui has to fight with him.

Then let's warm up before fighting Li Xunhuan.

"In that case, please enlighten me."

Ah Fei drew his sword and pointed it at Zuo Taisui.

Zuo Taisui was not careless, after all, he was Li Xunhuan's junior brother.

Although he is young, his inheritance is definitely not weak.

Zuo Taisui opened his arms, and the ground behind him began to turn into sand. The gravel blew up in the wind and began to turn into a huge tiger.

Ah Fei's eyes widened and he looked at Zuo Taisui's moves in shock.

This...what is this?

Is this martial arts? Or a deception?

A Fei took a deep breath before he could react.

The desert-shaped tiger next to Zuo Taisui had already pounced on Ah Fei.

Ah Fei hurriedly drew his sword for a while, and the tiger was hit in the neck by Ah Fei's sword, and its body collapsed in an instant.

Um? Although this strange move is shockingly powerful, its power is quite average.

A Fei thought to himself.

"That's all." A Fei said lightly.

Zuo Taisui's eyelids twitched, this kid must be too crazy.

Zuo Taisui's eyes suddenly opened, and the next moment, the ground more than ten feet around him began to turn into sand.

The gravel keeps turning into beasts of different sizes.

"Tide of beasts! Strangulation..."

A Fei was already dumbfounded. this true?

But I saw these beasts coming.

A Fei had to move.

These desert beasts are astonishingly powerful, but they don't take a beating.

It also had little defense, so it was easy for Ah Fei to pick out a few of them, and they turned into dust again in an instant.

But the number of these desert beasts is really large.


A sand beast slammed into A Fei's chest.

A Fei flew out, Zuo Taisui frowned, waved his arm, and the desert beasts suddenly disappeared.

This kid's martial arts skills are not weak, but if he wants to defeat himself based on his martial arts skills alone, he would be looking down on himself too much.

"Boy, if you don't show your true skills, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass Zuo's test. You'd better show your master's inheritance."

Ah Fei jumped up suddenly: "You didn't win! You burst into clothes..."

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